Statistics: Posted by Azraeel — 08 Feb 2020, 02:50
Fire Beetles got nerfed out of the game and I'm sure stuff in there will be out of date but pretty funny how little things have changed overall.
Cybran is the most common faction among the top 100 1v1 ladder players due to it being strong in most situations, particularly inside the first 30 minutes when the vast majority of high level 1v1s are decided. There are very few stages of the game where Cybran is uncounterably strong, but aside from certain amphibious maps you should be very competitive in nearly all situations. As a general rule, you have more options available to you as Cybran, due to having unique units, such as the Jester and the Fire Beetle, and units with special abilities, such as stealth and splitting tactical missiles.
Statistics: Posted by Sir Prize — 07 Feb 2020, 12:32
Statistics: Posted by Steel_Panther — 06 Feb 2020, 19:39
Statistics: Posted by TheKoopa — 06 Feb 2020, 19:21
UnitBlueprint {
Merge = true,
Physics = {
MaxBrake = 15, --- was 4.3, aurora is 15
MaxSpeedReverse = 4.3, --- was 0, aurora is 2.9, same as forward speed
MaxSteerForce = 20, --- was 20, aurora is 2.9
TurnRadius = 1.2, --- was 0, aurora is 1.2
TurnRate = 310, ---was 90, aurora is 310
Statistics: Posted by armacham01 — 06 Feb 2020, 00:59
- Aurora are insane weak on certain maps where you have to defend raids on multiple fronts
- Aurora cant raid
- Aurora vs bombers
- Aurora vs mongoose/hoplites
- Aeon has no way to kill t1 units efficiently in t2
- Aeon has no fighterbomber so no real way to use air control if u get it (gunship are comparatively garbage since they get countered hard by ground to air unlike corsair)
- I absolutely love restorer but sadly they kinda suck so no decent t3 gunship also no strat aoe so t3 air is worthless against land
- Frigates are bad
- Tmd is ultra garbage on some maps and god tier on others. Its super annoying to use
- GC vs Mega
Statistics: Posted by Ithilis_Quo — 06 Feb 2020, 00:16
Blodir wrote:
since Aeon doesn't have bombers their air is useless once flak is out.
ThomasHiatt wrote:
Flak will still counter gunships, especially flak with shields. Attacking flak is absolutely not the purpose of gunships and trying to balance gunships to be good vs flak is absurd. I don't really care about the range but it must matter otherwise it would not have been changed.
Statistics: Posted by Farmsletje — 05 Feb 2020, 16:58
- No t1 naval anti air so instaraped by torps
- t3 land is very strong in some situations and very weak in others
- Yotha is useless to begin with and then u add the fact that cybran has Mega and u never want to go late game
- no t3 gunship so air is pretty useless
Statistics: Posted by Blodir — 05 Feb 2020, 14:15
Statistics: Posted by Blodir — 05 Feb 2020, 13:31
- Aurora are insane weak on certain maps where you have to defend raids on multiple fronts
- Aurora cant raid
- Aurora vs bombers
- Aurora vs mongoose/hoplites
- Aeon has no way to kill t1 units efficiently in t2
- Aeon has no fighterbomber so no real way to use air control if u get it (gunship are comparatively garbage since they get countered hard by ground to air unlike corsair)
- I absolutely love restorer but sadly they kinda suck so no decent t3 gunship also no strat aoe so t3 air is worthless against land
- Frigates are bad
- Tmd is ultra garbage on some maps and god tier on others. Its super annoying to use
- GC vs Mega
Statistics: Posted by Blodir — 05 Feb 2020, 13:18
Statistics: Posted by Blodir — 05 Feb 2020, 12:31