ZLO_RD wrote:
t3 engies:
sera - very short range teleportation... instant or almost instant consuming little E (wonder what would be other uses other than to get unstuck)
UEF - just faster (maybe some combat buffs)
aeon - don't collide with other land units and get smaller speed buff (probably collide with each other)
cybran - more build range (2x or so idk)
changes like that would be sure fun... but i might have gone to far...
Nice ideas, but don't make it to complicatet. A small speed and buildrange buff for all factions would be enough for now, i think.
The only thing that would be to consider is to turn collisions with the ACU off. This could save many lives! Statistics: Posted by PsychoBoB — 02 Jul 2018, 17:20