Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2018-01-01T04:37:55+02:00 /feed.php?f=67&t=15616 2018-01-01T04:37:55+02:00 2018-01-01T04:37:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158943#p158943 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>

Statistics: Posted by TheKoopa — 01 Jan 2018, 04:37

2018-01-01T04:06:31+02:00 2018-01-01T04:06:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158942#p158942 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]> expecting to 1v1 in a teamgame and not be attacked by another player from the enemy team is what is keeping u down

Statistics: Posted by biass — 01 Jan 2018, 04:06

2017-12-31T22:03:12+02:00 2017-12-31T22:03:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158928#p158928 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>
CavemanHost wrote:
But why am I even talking to you. You are one of those shit talking, pretentious idiots that are pretty much always online in that circle jerking irc chat, acting like their opinions matters more than anyone elses. Just get lost, faggot. "Dedicated ras-guy" just give away all ur stupidty in one phrase.

Breath in slowly through your nose for a count of 4.
Hold your breath for a count of 4.
Breath out through your mouth for a count of 4.
Hold for a count of 4.

And repeat few times. You ok now? Ok so let's talk.

In an ideal situation maybe, but in actual game the first shots of the flak don't hit, but the broadsword shots don't miss.

Ok, add 2 more sec to the first dead broadsword. Doesn't change the fact they are still dead.

20 inties dont do shits against t3 gunships and team mates that are supporting thos gunships with their own air and parallel pushes.

So are you actually playing a 1v4 and you are the pro in this setup or you were so cancerous to your team they just ignored you? Cuz' I'm more than sure someone should have some kind of air on your sides to actually support. If not, well deal with the fact that you have shit team instead of blaming the balance.

This happend multiple times, very early in a game, I'm talking about early t2 land stage.

So you playing a 1v4 or your team is simply bad? I mean if your enemy have tanks to push everywhere on other positions, they have air to support the gunship push and what's more they even have the gunships... then something went wrong not with balance but with the way the game got stacked multiple times.

Tell me how u insta-spam 12 t2 mobile flaks while still playing against ur opponent.

Oh so you actually have a team? Well better reclaim their mexes asap for mass needed for flak all over the map. kappa.
But well scout and adapt. Ping the hell out of your team if you see something that will lose the game for you if you don't react as a whole team.
Or maybe just make sure you are dictating the flow of the game not your enemies.

The enemy air player can get those t3 gunshipts on t2 power while getting pumped e from the team

Oh my is that a teamplay? Is that truly the mythical creature that you only see in the enemy team but never in yours?
Well maybe for starters try communicating with your own team and try to achieve synergy with teammates so you actually be the ones in possession of that mythical creature known as teamplay? And then use it to utterly wreck you own enemies?

The whole point of this strategy is to get them early and unnoticed.

Well seems like it depends either on being real good at catching all the scouts over the map or simply the enemy being dumb enough not to scout.
Feel free to pick the scenario that happened in your games.

I still couldn't protect myself with enough t2 flak despite reacting instantly, when I scouted the air players base and saw that he already had 2 of those 3 gunships.

That's kinda late don't you think? Kinda like scouting a ML being built on 90% just in the front of your acu and then deciding that GC is the proper way to counter it. Shame that the ML was finished when GC was at 5%... But hey I reacted! This should counter the ML push! Shouldn't it? I mean I scouted it and started making a GC as counter?!

Statistics: Posted by Endranii — 31 Dec 2017, 22:03

2017-12-31T21:41:37+02:00 2017-12-31T21:41:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158926#p158926 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]> Statistics: Posted by Lieutenant Lich — 31 Dec 2017, 21:41

2017-12-31T19:59:40+02:00 2017-12-31T19:59:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158925#p158925 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]> Statistics: Posted by JaggedAppliance — 31 Dec 2017, 19:59

2017-12-31T19:08:17+02:00 2017-12-31T19:08:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158922#p158922 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>
CavemanHost wrote:
In an ideal situation maybe, but in actual game the first shots of the flak don't hit, but the broadsword shots don't miss.

Doesn't matter. 3 Flak and a shield means that ints will be able to come and save you from a snipe easily.

CavemanHost wrote:
20 inties dont do shits against t3 gunships and team mates that are supporting thos gunships with their own air and parallel pushes. This happend multiple times, very early in a game, I'm talking about early t2 land stage.

Damn. So are you complaining about gunships being OP or teammates being OP? Because it sounds like the enemy team took the major weakness of t3 gunships (t1 ints/swift winds) and countered it via working together. Maybe if your team decided to make air this wouldn't happen.

CavemanHost wrote:
Tell me how u insta-spam 12 t2 mobile flaks while still playing against ur opponent. The enemy air player can get those t3 gunshipts on t2 power while getting pumped e from the team. The whole point of this strategy is to get them early and unnoticed. But yeah, that's obv the fault of what ever air player we have. I still couldn't protect myself with enough t2 flak despite reacting instantly, when I scouted the air players base and saw that he already had 2 of those 3 gunships.

Yeah it is your fault. Learn how to scout and adequately predict the win condition of the enemy team by the setup of their base. A t3 gunship rush relies on Cybran/UEF air player that is doing zero early air with 3 t2 pgens adjacent to their air factory. If you notice a lot of air spam from players that are not the typical air player, then it's safe to assume they are covering for a strat or a gunship rush.

Reacting instantly != reacting when the gunship is out. It's reacting 4 minutes ago when there were adequate signs of what the enemy team were planning.

Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 31 Dec 2017, 19:08

2017-12-31T18:46:33+02:00 2017-12-31T18:46:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158920#p158920 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>

But why am I even talking to you. You are one of those shit talking, pretentious idiots that are pretty much always online in that circle jerking irc chat, acting like their opinions matters more than anyone elses. Just get lost, faggot. "Dedicated ras-guy" just give away all ur stupidty in one phrase.

Statistics: Posted by CavemanHost — 31 Dec 2017, 18:46

2017-12-31T18:07:03+02:00 2017-12-31T18:07:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158918#p158918 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]> Statistics: Posted by Endranii — 31 Dec 2017, 18:07

2017-12-31T17:14:59+02:00 2017-12-31T17:14:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158911#p158911 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]> RUSH from the opponents team air player. This obv the solution, since having 13 t2 flaks doesnt't help, and can't save a full hp com from 3 t3 gunships.

Statistics: Posted by CavemanHost — 31 Dec 2017, 17:14

2017-12-31T17:06:22+02:00 2017-12-31T17:06:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158909#p158909 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>
CavemanHost wrote:
Flaks are so inaccurate. You can avoid almost all damage from flaks firing at gunships or t1 bombers if u move them fast enough away. If they fire at a target far away, they don't really hit it when the target moves slightly. And since t3 gunships rushs became a thing, they've proven even more useless. But hey - we buffed them to hit t3 stuff. Great!!!!11!

You're right, they should add a static AA that does significant single target damage and has perfect accuracy at the T3 stage.


Statistics: Posted by Deribus — 31 Dec 2017, 17:06

2017-12-31T16:45:04+02:00 2017-12-31T16:45:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158905#p158905 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]> Statistics: Posted by CavemanHost — 31 Dec 2017, 16:45

2017-12-21T19:38:55+02:00 2017-12-21T19:38:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158415#p158415 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>
Muzzle Velocity: 30 → 35

Muzzle Velocity: 25 → 35

Muzzle Velocity: 25 → 35
FiringRandomness: 2.5 → 2
AoE: 3 → 4

Muzzle Velocity: 20 → 30

There ya go.

Statistics: Posted by Endranii — 21 Dec 2017, 19:38

2017-12-21T18:17:55+02:00 2017-12-21T18:17:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158409#p158409 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>
moonbearonmeth wrote:
Words have never been my strong suit so here's a picture.


didn't flak also get a buff in some recent patch?

Statistics: Posted by Cuddles — 21 Dec 2017, 18:17

2017-12-21T15:53:30+02:00 2017-12-21T15:53:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158402#p158402 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>

Statistics: Posted by moonbearonmeth — 21 Dec 2017, 15:53

2017-12-21T15:35:57+02:00 2017-12-21T15:35:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15616&p=158400#p158400 <![CDATA[Re: PD/SAM Overkill issues.]]>

Significant'y less than the cost of 150 asf

How so? Flak overkills the same way as SAM does, as it follows the same AI. Except flak is easily avoided by ASF - gunships are another issue, obviously. It takes 12 seconds for a single flak to shoot down an ASF if all shots hit. Realistically, unassisted factory will produce a new ASF faster then flak can kill it.

Statistics: Posted by uzurpator — 21 Dec 2017, 15:35
