Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-09-30T19:12:39+02:00 /feed.php?f=67&t=15261 2017-09-30T19:12:39+02:00 2017-09-30T19:12:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15261&p=154780#p154780 <![CDATA[Re: Balance patch patch notes (3688)]]>
otherwise i wouldn't be able to make the page either :>

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 30 Sep 2017, 19:12

2017-09-30T19:04:00+02:00 2017-09-30T19:04:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15261&p=154777#p154777 <![CDATA[Re: Balance patch patch notes (3688)]]>
So the more HP the more insta heal the unit gets on vet, so we now have somewhere in between the old old vet health gain system and the newer old vet health gain system, interesting.
Looking forward to seeing how this impacts the battlefield :)

I would do it but I don't know all the values nor do i know how to make the fancy webpage that you guys use. Keep it up!!

Statistics: Posted by Freedomfighter — 30 Sep 2017, 19:04

2017-09-30T12:53:27+02:00 2017-09-30T12:53:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15261&p=154753#p154753 <![CDATA[Re: Balance patch patch notes (3688)]]>
i forgot to add the changed regen values to the changelog
the reasoning behind them was to make them easier to predict
as you can see the t4 units get 25 regen/sec each vet level instead of different numbers all over the place
so high hp units get more instant healing compared to regen in comparison to the max hp (eg a T3 sub will get decent regen while a t3 BShip gains more from the insta heal)
the reason why the number is lower overall is because we found 200+ regen to be way too good (eg a t4 chicken with 200 regen heals 60k hp in 5 mins which means that you get a mass equivalent of 80 mass/sec for free)

i'll add the new vet regen changes to the changelog when we roll out the hotfix i guess
Spoiler: show
or you can do it for me if you feel like doing it :)

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 30 Sep 2017, 12:53

2017-09-30T12:51:17+02:00 2017-09-30T12:51:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15261&p=154752#p154752 <![CDATA[Re: Balance patch patch notes (3688)]]>
twentyseven wrote:
Because what's the point of explaining things to the community if you don't care what they think.

inb4: "You're just complaining because you dislike change. Not because I'm wrong."

Well with this attitude no one will care what YOU think...

Statistics: Posted by speed2 — 30 Sep 2017, 12:51

2017-09-30T12:04:33+02:00 2017-09-30T12:04:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15261&p=154749#p154749 <![CDATA[Re: Balance patch patch notes (3688)]]>
inb4: "You're just complaining because you dislike change. Not because I'm wrong."

Statistics: Posted by twentyseven — 30 Sep 2017, 12:04

2017-09-30T11:25:02+02:00 2017-09-30T11:25:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15261&p=154747#p154747 <![CDATA[Balance patch patch notes (3688)]]> A change is a change why is this not in the patch notes?

I want an answer!!! The lack of transparency should be enough grounds to question the balance councillor and there teams motives.

I will run though the changes that I have noticed, and IMO none of them are for the better.

UEF, Aeon and Seraphin
hp/s gain on vet, 3 -> 6
regen at max vet 25 -> 40

hp/s gain on vet, 4 -> 6
regen at max vet 35 -> 45

This reduces the gap in Cybran and other factions regen at max vet.

patch notes where they changed the regen values and reduced the instant heals.

Test game for the new values.

IMO the regen was not enough, you if you had a 3 or 4 vet ythota and it had very low HP but it survived it would take way too long to regen back to full HP I'm talking like 15 minutes, which is just ridiculous.

but now we see a reduction in this regen.

here is a couple that I tested.
5 vet regen 235 -> 125

5 vet regen 125 -> 135

5 vet regen 215 -> 135

5 vet regen 185 -> 145

These values have been changed and not even consistently, the monkey's regen has been buffed and all the others nerfed, why is this?? Explanation please?

Statistics: Posted by Freedomfighter — 30 Sep 2017, 11:25
