Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-03-17T22:00:01+02:00 /feed.php?f=67&t=14202 2017-03-17T22:00:01+02:00 2017-03-17T22:00:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145416#p145416 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
The defendant, Nepty, has been found guilty of the following crimes:
1- proposing a cybran nerf, thus violating the Stop Synth Discrimination Act of 2010
2- weeb avatar, thus violating the Bill Against Violations of Civil Decency

By the Biass Vs FaF case it was ruled that committing even one of these two is enough to warrant a complete disregard for the perpetrator's posts, plural.
It is then ruled that the defendant is to be put in permanent probation and barred from holding positions in the public boards.
Case closed, the court is adjourned

Spoiler: show
Serious mode now, just make the Scorcher/Janus burn for much (Much, MUCH) longer, with slightly more fire damage (same DPS of a T1 tank) and kill it's instant damage so it can only destroy T1 Radar and make buildings immune to fire, there, you have a UEF Lore Compliant solution against Mantises (ie: grind them against our defences, easy to do when enemies going both in and out your territory have to deal with long lasting walls of fire from a bomber. Yes, walls, plural.)

Statistics: Posted by zeroAPM — 17 Mar 2017, 22:00

2017-03-17T20:56:58+02:00 2017-03-17T20:56:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145400#p145400 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
Farmsletje wrote:
Pillars are a nice unit right.

Perfect for killing mantis. FAF made the pillar the excellent. Perfect heavy tank.
Rush for it if possible.

Back on the mantis; speed is a very important factor. The Mantis a can reach a location faster than any other tech one tank. Big advantage. Mantis can retreat from an ambush. Let's say strikers are chasing your mantis, you can escape! Strikers can't escape from mantis at all, too slow. 0.1 speed difference.

Cybran needs speed, so we can't​ nerf that. A lower HP mantis may have to be faster. (If it were up to me. I'll even make Cybran engineers 0.1 faster. They look like Indy 500 type racing cars. Not a good idea, but it seems like something Cybran would do.)

Statistics: Posted by Nepty — 17 Mar 2017, 20:56

2017-03-17T17:09:21+02:00 2017-03-17T17:09:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145369#p145369 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
IceDreamer wrote:
OT - Well... He's not wrong. Nerfing Mantis HP to 250 is logical, would have the desired effect on Cybran's overall game strength, and honestly may have been deserved from the get-go. Mantis are the best T1 tank, and they always have been.

But BC decided to go with HP nerfs instead.

Ice, pls no.

Mantis aren't a problem.

Everyone else: Stop giving him attention :'(

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 17 Mar 2017, 17:09

2017-03-17T16:09:36+02:00 2017-03-17T16:09:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145363#p145363 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
IceDreamer wrote:
Nerfing Mantis HP to 250 is logical
But BC decided to go with HP nerfs instead.

if you play like you're playing "against mantis" instead of "against t1 tanks" then they're not so good imo
(similar to playing "against aeon")
you're all just suggesting hp changes "because of bombers" but forgetting the extreme impact on it's performance vs like every single unit in the game

good! nepty cries, his goal of nerfing the faction he holds an irrational grudge against finally achieved

Statistics: Posted by biass — 17 Mar 2017, 16:09

2017-03-17T15:50:10+02:00 2017-03-17T15:50:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145362#p145362 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]> Statistics: Posted by Farmsletje — 17 Mar 2017, 15:50

2017-03-17T15:35:49+02:00 2017-03-17T15:35:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145360#p145360 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
IceDreamer wrote:
OT - Well... He's not wrong. Nerfing Mantis HP to 250 is logical, would have the desired effect on Cybran's overall game strength, and honestly may have been deserved from the get-go. Mantis are the best T1 tank, and they always have been.

But BC decided to go with HP nerfs instead.

Pretty sure aurora is seen as the best t1 tank considering it's the only one that can win fights reliably when outnumbered.

Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 17 Mar 2017, 15:35

2017-03-17T15:26:59+02:00 2017-03-17T15:26:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145359#p145359 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]> wrong. Nerfing Mantis HP to 250 is logical, would have the desired effect on Cybran's overall game strength, and honestly may have been deserved from the get-go. Mantis are the best T1 tank, and they always have been.

But BC decided to go with HP nerfs instead.

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 17 Mar 2017, 15:26

2017-03-17T10:32:25+02:00 2017-03-17T10:32:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145332#p145332 <![CDATA[Re: sage]]>
biass wrote:
i heard you hosted custom games with "no cybran" and wouldn't play if someone selected them.

Yeah. I had too. Every game went like this:

Cybran use Mantis spam. Forces me to walled up and use pd. I lose map control. Cybran plays continues to spam mantis. Fails. Cybran donates mass to me by trying to overrun me with mantis. I tech up. Tech 1 gunships attemps to kill my ACU. Fails. Cybran techs up. Attemps to kill my ACU with Corsairs. Fails. I go tech 3. I Spam percies. Cybran player loses with full map control.

Imagine going through that everyday, all day. I wanted play FAF not some lame azz tower defense game. It's a shame I was forced to use Aeon just to be able to compete at tech 1 versus Cybran.

Still now, UEF and Seraphim tech 1 are so inferior they must go tech 2 to compete with mantis. Sure bombers could help, but UEF bombers aren't so great versus fast units.

Aeon bombers can time freeze Mantis and have large AOE. Aeon is great at killing Cybran. I'm currently an aeon player. I have no choice, especially in ranked 1v1.

Statistics: Posted by Nepty — 17 Mar 2017, 10:32

2017-03-17T09:27:56+02:00 2017-03-17T09:27:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145329#p145329 <![CDATA[Re: sage]]>
these threads keep appearing because someone new gives you too much attention
some ideas are better then others


Statistics: Posted by biass — 17 Mar 2017, 09:27

2017-03-17T07:44:53+02:00 2017-03-17T07:44:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145325#p145325 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]> ... Mt4Gd8pBoM

No one is lying. You just lack the ability to to find my name. It's irrelevant anyway. Don't worry, someone will recognize those names. Just not you...

Feel free to talk about Cybran. I wanna hear about them.

Statistics: Posted by Nepty — 17 Mar 2017, 07:44

2017-03-17T07:13:19+02:00 2017-03-17T07:13:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145322#p145322 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
Nepty wrote:
I go by many names:

Hypernova ( got a nuke on theta passage versus Anaryl it's on YouTube )
Neutron-flux ( original GPG name )
Sapphire ( current name I use )
Cybrankiller ( account deactivated because of some egotistical idiot )

I currently play on someone else's PC and account name toguro. My own PC is broken, but I can play FAF on weekends.

So many names yet absolutely none of them are on the global leaderboards. Why lie about your rating?

Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 17 Mar 2017, 07:13

2017-03-17T07:07:58+02:00 2017-03-17T07:07:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145321#p145321 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
Hypernova ( got a nuke on theta passage versus Anaryl it's on YouTube )
Neutron-flux ( original GPG name )
Sapphire ( current name I use )
Cybrankiller ( account deactivated because of some egotistical idiot )

I currently play on someone else's PC and account name toguro. My own PC is broken, but I can play FAF on weekends.

Statistics: Posted by Nepty — 17 Mar 2017, 07:07

2017-03-17T06:07:04+02:00 2017-03-17T06:07:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145319#p145319 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
Nepty wrote:
Yeah well I've been here well over 8 eight years. Nothing I posted was a lie.

This is true. Why was this quoted? 1500-1600 is my global rating.

FAF name pls. Never heard of you.

Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 17 Mar 2017, 06:07

2017-03-17T02:18:13+02:00 2017-03-17T02:18:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145306#p145306 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
Wesmania wrote:
Some thoughts:
  • I don't really see how nerfing mantis health to 250 makes it any weaker if you make it cheaper to compensate (since otherwise it becomes the worst t1 tanks for actual engagements by far). Being one-shottable by Sera bombers doesn't feel like a big deal, and sera bombers can be easily microed around anyway.
  • The cybran weakness at t2 is having no mid-game commander upgrades and no shields -> paper ACU that is incapable of stopping another faction's midgame commander push. Debatable how much it matters in 1v1s, but I don't care about anything 1v1 related.
  • Percivals counter T3 and land T4s, they're maybe even with GCs and Megas. Fatty only compliments that by hiding behind Percival spam. That makes UEF really strong both at T3 and T4 land.

Okay. Great response. Did you know Fatboy is easily countered by a few tech 2 artillery?

I'll answer my own quotes:

Although I know none of this will never happen.

It won't happen. How you guys losing your cool over simple HP changes. A unit change of that magnitude will cause massive backlash and constant whining. Quote is true. The Mantis is he most untouchable unit in this game. It just won't be altered.

Who's laughing now?

It was me by the way. Why, because for 6 years straight Cybran received small buffs every patch. I advised against it. From a slight Medusa buff to the underwater scathis. Remember when the scathis was cheaper than a Disruptor? Only Cybran was allowed to get away with stupid stuff like that. Remember when the Cerberus lasers were altered heavily and even completely changed to correct its dps? That long journey of blind stupid buffing ended up giving us 'Super Cybran.' "OMG what happened? Why is everyone just playing Cybran?" It was like a train wreck that took 6 years for people to notice.
Gotta point it out. Don't care who gets mad. You guys were warned constantly, and ignored me. Now Cybran has glass buildings and it's justified.

He's very open minded, logical, and understands the game better than me obviously.

This is true. Why was this quoted? 1500-1600 is my global rating. I'm no professional, but I understand simple game design. Jagged Appliance is doing an excellent job. I actually get excited now when new patch notes are posted. I haven't been this excited for FAF since 2012.

Statistics: Posted by Nepty — 17 Mar 2017, 02:18

2017-03-17T02:07:10+02:00 2017-03-17T02:07:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14202&p=145305#p145305 <![CDATA[Re: How to nerf Cybran]]>
Gorton wrote:
Wes, just ignore him (actually that goes for everyone, please just don't reply :D )
It's like bait, but he actually believes it

yeah LIKE bait post :D

Statistics: Posted by speed2 — 17 Mar 2017, 02:07
