Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2016-09-02T22:06:44+02:00 /feed.php?f=67&t=13061 2016-09-02T22:06:44+02:00 2016-09-02T22:06:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13061&p=134451#p134451 <![CDATA[Re: Some concerns regarding Aeon T1]]>

Am I just being paranoid? Or is everyone frightened?


Not at all. This are very legitimate concerns. We are watching if the changes will make auroras too strong, and will adjust something if it turns out to be true.

One that that'll already be adjusted next beta (and patch, if it looks good) is what jagged already mentioned, aeon aa will die to one bomb again.

Another thing to notice here:

Aeon is basically forced to make aa now, or keep aircontrol , a single bomber could devastate a whole army. This means a) they need to invest more mass and b) should the aa die, be out of position etc. Itll hurt them much more than other factions. That's a definite disadvantage, hard to say how big it is though. (since other factions kinda need aa more too now)

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 02 Sep 2016, 22:06

2016-09-02T21:43:26+02:00 2016-09-02T21:43:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13061&p=134450#p134450 <![CDATA[Re: Some concerns regarding Aeon T1]]>
Then you have the Gun ACU, and T2. You do need to last longer in the T1 stage - but to be fair, I have had not problem getting to T2.

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 02 Sep 2016, 21:43

2016-09-02T21:25:30+02:00 2016-09-02T21:25:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13061&p=134447#p134447 <![CDATA[Re: Some concerns regarding Aeon T1]]> I agree with you 100% but the HQ changes also effect aeon since you cannot harb rush as easily anymore and so aeon starts to fall off more towards the later stages of the game as your harbs struggle against bricks and percies. I did try obsidian spam as well and it didn't work too well although you could argue I needed to tech slightly faster.
Not saying this is definitive because I did try doing this after a 2 week faf break due to holiday and anime. But still, results are results and more testing is required!

So its balanced, but yes.. be frightened a bit. I think.

Statistics: Posted by Kalvirox — 02 Sep 2016, 21:25

2016-09-02T21:22:07+02:00 2016-09-02T21:22:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13061&p=134446#p134446 <![CDATA[Re: Some concerns regarding Aeon T1]]> Statistics: Posted by JaggedAppliance — 02 Sep 2016, 21:22

2016-09-02T21:14:25+02:00 2016-09-02T21:14:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13061&p=134445#p134445 <![CDATA[Some concerns regarding Aeon T1]]>
However the nerf to bomber build times + cost, slight buff to T1 MAA and the presumably longer transition to T2 with the increase in cost is a bit alarming. I have enough trouble handling the Aurora spam as it is.

The bomber's tighter turning circle and the ability of the MAA to withstand a bomb would mean that the bomber/bombers will take a high sustained amount of damage while flying over Aeon armies. Bombers also are a bigger investment while still performing possibly the same. Maybe they'll be able to get off a second bomb I don't know. But usually T2 land was my more consistent answer to Auroras (if my com couldn't use gun to blast them all to kingdom come). But if I can't switch to T2 more readily and bomber spam is less viable (Especially if the kiting buggers are also big into fighters).

Am I just being paranoid? Or is everyone frightened?

(Sorry if this has been brought up before didn't find a matching title in the balance forum)

Statistics: Posted by Comrade_Shamrock — 02 Sep 2016, 21:14
