Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2016-07-02T01:08:47+02:00 /feed.php?f=67&t=12571 2016-07-02T01:08:47+02:00 2016-07-02T01:08:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=129778#p129778 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]> Statistics: Posted by Nepty — 02 Jul 2016, 01:08

2016-06-13T22:57:51+02:00 2016-06-13T22:57:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128652#p128652 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]> Statistics: Posted by Blodir — 13 Jun 2016, 22:57

2016-06-13T22:54:23+02:00 2016-06-13T22:54:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128651#p128651 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]> Statistics: Posted by NapSpan — 13 Jun 2016, 22:54

2016-06-13T20:58:50+02:00 2016-06-13T20:58:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128647#p128647 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]> rushing T2 is often a really bad idea in a 5x5.
you can still do T1 push with gun, or T2 push with gun on 10x10. And it's pretty effective.
ofc if you take maps like vya, you gonna see much more T3 spam, even though T1/T2 can be dawn effective when not expected.

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 13 Jun 2016, 20:58

2016-06-13T19:11:24+02:00 2016-06-13T19:11:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128642#p128642 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>
Perhaps the best course of action would be to heavily decrease the cost of t2/t3 HQs, BUT, the time to upgrade is much lengthier; this way it will allow for teching to take place while you can afford to amass large armies. Part of the reason people just rush t3 is because once you get a t2 or tons of t1 power you can run harbs/loyas off t1 mexes alone and just spit from one factory - not ideal.

Watching Vya-3 gameplay these days does make me kind of ill... I hate seeing t3 land at less than 20-25 minutes.

Statistics: Posted by Morax — 13 Jun 2016, 19:11

2016-06-13T18:55:36+02:00 2016-06-13T18:55:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128641#p128641 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>
As far as my opinion goes all the recent patching/fixing in the last year, kinda shifted the game towards t3 stage.
T1 spam isnt worth it anymore, as T2 rush is so much more efficient. T2 spam isnt worth it anymore, as super fast loays now dominate.

Overall while before we had intese T1 fights with upgraded acus on most 5x5 maps, now everyone goes crazy fast t2 rushes, hardly ever see anyone going t1 spam anymore.

So the problem is the timing. Before you had a map like twin river, or theta, and spammed t1 than you got a ACU upgrade, and tryed to grab some map/reclaim. Than there was you choice to go t2 or not. and for that you had a very small window. to late or to early, and t1 spam would crush you. Now its like you build 10-15t1 tanks. throw them around for rading, and rush t2. its like the t1 stage got totaly removed, and the t2 stage is just a small transition phase to t3.

Statistics: Posted by Mr-Smith — 13 Jun 2016, 18:55

2016-06-13T18:15:57+02:00 2016-06-13T18:15:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128640#p128640 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>
TheKoopa wrote:
When were you forced to go harby? People do harby rush because it is more effecient than opsidian spam (which IS a good option, just not as good as harby)

You seem to have answered your own question there. Granted, obsidian spam is probably better when it comes to tight, choke point maps.. but even then I would rather go harbies for the drops. Particularly when you can get harbs at 11:30 mins when most t2 spams take another few mins to get going. Which is currently one of the problems for dealing with the t3 rush.

Statistics: Posted by Kalvirox — 13 Jun 2016, 18:15

2016-06-13T16:44:43+02:00 2016-06-13T16:44:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128636#p128636 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>
Kalvirox wrote:
Hawkei wrote:Feel free to backup your claims at any time. Why shouldn't Cybran be nerfed? It is all this talk of maintaining obvious imbalance, in the name of faction diversity, which gets things into this state. Why are you so afraid of the nerf bat? Didn't you see this coming?

You make it sound like faction diversity is a bad thing. Cybran shouldn't be nerfed because you tunnelvision the strategies that are open too them. Which makes the game less fun, just look at aeon where you are pretty much forced into harb rushing on most maps or uef and phim where there are very few options available too you. Cybran doesn't need the nerf, the other factions need a buff to make them more fun to play. Otherwise there are going to be stuck on limited strategy options for each of the factions and it will get boring.

Its not just faction diversity, its strategy diversity. Cybran are the most played because they are the strongest all round and so you can do many different strategies with them compared to the other factions (hence why they are considered OP).

There are many things than can be changed to make this game more fun. Nerfing things into oblivion is not one of them.

When were you forced to go harby? People do harby rush because it is more effecient than opsidian spam (which IS a good option, just not as good as harby)

Statistics: Posted by TheKoopa — 13 Jun 2016, 16:44

2016-06-12T19:40:16+02:00 2016-06-12T19:40:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128598#p128598 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>
Hawkei wrote:
Feel free to backup your claims at any time. Why shouldn't Cybran be nerfed? It is all this talk of maintaining obvious imbalance, in the name of faction diversity, which gets things into this state. Why are you so afraid of the nerf bat? Didn't you see this coming?

You make it sound like faction diversity is a bad thing. Cybran shouldn't be nerfed because you tunnelvision the strategies that are open too them. Which makes the game less fun, just look at aeon where you are pretty much forced into harb rushing on most maps or uef and phim where there are very few options available too you. Cybran doesn't need the nerf, the other factions need a buff to make them more fun to play. Otherwise there are going to be stuck on limited strategy options for each of the factions and it will get boring.

Its not just faction diversity, its strategy diversity. Cybran are the most played because they are the strongest all round and so you can do many different strategies with them compared to the other factions (hence why they are considered OP).

There are many things than can be changed to make this game more fun. Nerfing things into oblivion is not one of them.

Statistics: Posted by Kalvirox — 12 Jun 2016, 19:40

2016-06-12T17:10:30+02:00 2016-06-12T17:10:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128592#p128592 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>
Kalvirox wrote:
Hawkei wrote:That's how we got this problem in the first place

Not really, no.

Feel free to backup your claims at any time. Why shouldn't Cybran be nerfed? It is all this talk of maintaining obvious imbalance, in the name of faction diversity, which gets things into this state. Why are you so afraid of the nerf bat? Didn't you see this coming?

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 12 Jun 2016, 17:10

2016-06-12T12:26:42+02:00 2016-06-12T12:26:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128576#p128576 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>
Hawkei wrote:
That's how we got this problem in the first place

Not really, no.

Statistics: Posted by Kalvirox — 12 Jun 2016, 12:26

2016-06-12T05:02:34+02:00 2016-06-12T05:02:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128563#p128563 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]>

Fix the other factions and not Cybran!

That's how we got this problem in the first place

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 12 Jun 2016, 05:02

2016-06-11T16:56:23+02:00 2016-06-11T16:56:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128528#p128528 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]> Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 11 Jun 2016, 16:56

2016-06-11T14:29:14+02:00 2016-06-11T14:29:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128514#p128514 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]> Statistics: Posted by Um ZiniZini — 11 Jun 2016, 14:29

2016-06-10T23:22:35+02:00 2016-06-10T23:22:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12571&p=128492#p128492 <![CDATA[Re: Fix the other factions and not Cybran!]]> No clue if its healthy to make the aurora, t2 chicken and percival stronger so that each dominates cybran in each of those phases or removing t3 siege tanks, striker and obsidian range, speed or whatever shortcommings?

Could ofc try to implement a rock paper sizzor setup but balance is already horrid to figure out.

Difficult and I doubt there will ever be a solution that will satisfy everyone.

Statistics: Posted by Mot — 10 Jun 2016, 23:22
