Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-10-23T15:34:42+02:00 /feed.php?f=67&t=10950 2015-10-23T15:34:42+02:00 2015-10-23T15:34:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112806#p112806 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
Ithilis_Quo wrote:
when you area talking about ghetto jast tips. change target priority on labs for
radar -> acu -> mobile t1 ->t2...

so then gheto will aim acu over army, and deny so many frustration.

better just to implement domino's target selection mod. So that you can choose either you want to snipe ACU? either you want 1 GG to focus down T1 aa being build and other to focus ACU, or if you want to focus tank, so that you can get the upper hand in a fight.

removing the possibility of having the GG landing (but not droping) can be good idea, already lost game because couldn't babysit the GG not to land. Not sure if patrol order last forever with GG too.

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 23 Oct 2015, 15:34

2015-10-23T15:09:20+02:00 2015-10-23T15:09:20+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112804#p112804 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
KrogothFTW wrote:
yeager wrote:Well, in an army of only tanks it's would completey shred, having a higher dps and range... .

It doesn't really have a higher DPS; even the cybran gg has higher, but is slightly more expensive. range would be 16 instead of 14, still dwarfed by 22 for proper T2 gunships, who can fire on transports and gunships, while ghettos can't

Well for uef vs sera ghetto you are down 30dps, but save a crap load of mass, get radar, and a little extra range, but fall to as even faster, however at t2 you start dealing some 200 dps per ghetto as well as being much cheaper. So it would be factionaly diverse, but not OP at all

Statistics: Posted by yeager — 23 Oct 2015, 15:09

2015-10-23T02:52:24+02:00 2015-10-23T02:52:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112765#p112765 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]> radar -> acu -> mobile t1 ->t2...

so then gheto will aim acu over army, and deny so many frustration.

Statistics: Posted by Ithilis_Quo — 23 Oct 2015, 02:52

2015-10-23T02:49:03+02:00 2015-10-23T02:49:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112763#p112763 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
yeager wrote:
Well, in an army of only tanks it's would completey shred, having a higher dps and range... .

It doesn't really have a higher DPS; even the cybran gg has higher, but is slightly more expensive. range would be 16 instead of 14, still dwarfed by 22 for proper T2 gunships, who can fire on transports and gunships, while ghettos can't

Statistics: Posted by KrogothFTW — 23 Oct 2015, 02:49

2015-10-23T02:29:36+02:00 2015-10-23T02:29:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112762#p112762 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
yeager wrote:
I'd disable radar while on trans if it turns out to be OP.

Can't any other race use a scout too, sending one less LAB?

Statistics: Posted by KrogothFTW — 23 Oct 2015, 02:29

2015-10-23T01:46:35+02:00 2015-10-23T01:46:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112759#p112759 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]> Statistics: Posted by yeager — 23 Oct 2015, 01:46

2015-10-23T01:27:26+02:00 2015-10-23T01:27:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112757#p112757 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
KrogothFTW wrote:
KrogothFTW wrote:
yeager wrote::D

a sera ghetto would be reall interesting, it would be the best of them, but even the weakest aa could reduce its dps..

Even with their scout bot's reduced dps compared to LAB's? How much is their clamp advantage?

At T1, a Sera ghetto gunship with 8 selens would have 106dps at .381 DPS/mass and cybran or aeon ghetto gunship gets 126 DPS at .382 /mass with 6 LAB's.

A sera t2 ghetto gunship would get 220 anti ground DPS at 0.355 / mass.
Cybran gets 223.33 at 0.344 /mass with emp effect
Uef gets 343.82 at 0.435 /mass
Aeon gets 252 at 0.355 / mass

Sera ghetto gunships wouldn't be superior, besides a slight improvement in range, but having the option wouldn't hurt them

Statistics: Posted by KrogothFTW — 23 Oct 2015, 01:27

2015-10-22T23:51:08+02:00 2015-10-22T23:51:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112753#p112753 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
KrogothFTW wrote:
yeager wrote::D

a sera ghetto would be reall interesting, it would be the best of them, but even the weakest aa could reduce its dps..

Even with their scout bot's reduced dps compared to LAB's? How much is their clamp advantage?

At T1, a Sera ghetto gunship with 8 selens would have 106dps at .381 DPS/mass and cybran or aeon ghetto gunship gets 126 DPS at .382 /mass with 6 LAB's.

A sera t2 ghetto gunship would get 220 anti ground DPS at 0.355 / mass.
Cybran gets 223.33 at 0.344 /mass with emp effect
Uef gets 343.82 at 0.435 /mass
Aeon gets 252 at 0.355 / mass

Statistics: Posted by KrogothFTW — 22 Oct 2015, 23:51

2015-10-22T19:02:48+02:00 2015-10-22T19:02:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112736#p112736 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
Btw what exactly was the point of this thread except my invention of the uef flying fortress? :lol:

Statistics: Posted by Iszh — 22 Oct 2015, 19:02

2015-10-22T21:12:35+02:00 2015-10-22T18:46:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112735#p112735 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
RoLa wrote:
It's a game! You can think of anything to make it consistent. Lets say it works only in combination with a continental and S/ACUs. Explanation: The bubble shield system of a S/ACU can connect to the continental shield system and create an additionally shield. It's a UEF units only feature for late game.

Thanks, now my Supcom installation is screaming in rage, how am i supposed to listen to music now?

Statistics: Posted by zeroAPM — 22 Oct 2015, 18:46

2015-10-22T18:33:41+02:00 2015-10-22T18:33:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112734#p112734 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
Iszh wrote:
3 spread ASF will still kill this planes in 5 secs which is a joke. Bubble of acu scu thats inconsistent! All shields or no shields.

3 ASF have 1300 dps
the shield has 150 regen/s
if the asf could continously fire they would take one minute to crack 52.000 hp shield.
But they need to turn around so it would take several minutes.

It's a game! You can think of anything to make it consistent. Lets say it works only in combination with a continental and S/ACUs. Explanation: The bubble shield system of a S/ACU can connect to the continental shield system and create an additionally shield. It's a UEF units only feature for late game.

Oh, i think 6 asf will kill normal Continental in 5 seconds.

Statistics: Posted by RoLa — 22 Oct 2015, 18:33

2015-10-22T17:49:35+02:00 2015-10-22T17:49:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112729#p112729 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
Bubble of acu scu thats inconsistent! All shields or no shields.

Statistics: Posted by Iszh — 22 Oct 2015, 17:49

2015-10-22T17:14:34+02:00 2015-10-22T17:14:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112721#p112721 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]> --edit
Nevermind, RoLa already answered

Statistics: Posted by zeroAPM — 22 Oct 2015, 17:14

2015-10-22T16:05:23+02:00 2015-10-22T16:05:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112718#p112718 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]>
Iszh wrote:
To activate the shields while in transport would be to strong. Aeon and uef could load at t2 stage mobile shields and with several transports create a nearly undestructable t2 drop.
You didn't read my post. I meant only activate shields in transports for ACUs and SACUs. So basically UEF would be the only one having a bubble arround transport. Well in team games they could give bubble SACUs to teammates.

It also means that the personal shields of other factions ACUs/SACUs are immediatly active directly after landing. So dropping ACU with personal shield into enemy base would be an option. Now getting shields up after landing takes 2-3 minutes.

cost of a UEF bubble SACU:
7.600 mass (2100+2000+3500)
518.950 energy (25200+93750+400000)

50 ASF would kill the shielded transport in one pass.

Statistics: Posted by RoLa — 22 Oct 2015, 16:05

2015-10-22T15:40:39+02:00 2015-10-22T15:40:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10950&p=112716#p112716 <![CDATA[Re: Factional air balance]]> I have to take care to increase the built time a lot to remove to strong adjacency bonus.

My changelog so far:
-T3 FLying fortress transport
-t2 trasnports stealth for 500e
-t2 F/bomber more like swift wind with very low bombing abilities - For cybran only aa damage increase not physics
-t2 stat aa improvement i still think thiss is needed

And yes sorry for my english i am writing fast thinking slow and since i am not talking this language daily it might be very bad and sometimes very very bad (ithilis like :lol: ).

Statistics: Posted by Iszh — 22 Oct 2015, 15:40
