you absolutly misunderstand me...
Statistics: Posted by Apofenas — 04 Jul 2015, 16:44
Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 04 Jul 2015, 15:43
500 hp buff for t2 transport will not make a lot of difference for ASFs, but will make reasonable difference for t1 inties and t1-t2 ground AA.
I mentioned about cybran shields before. It may probably need whole rework because you simply need more and more mass to get additional HP: ed2->ed3 800 mass for 3k more HP, ed3->ed4 1200 mass for 3k more HP and ed4->ed5 1800 mass for 2k more HP. Eventually you invest ~1200 mass more for same shield as UEF T3 can build straight.
There is one problem: upgrade costs same as building unit from nothing, so if you make for example ED5 buildable, it will cost 1800 mass, which is extremely cheap for t3 shield, but if you make it cost 3k as t3 shield, than you will over pay ~2400 mass for ED5 by upgrading it from ED1 compare to 600 and 700 for UEF and sera. Did you solve this problem in your mod?
I suggest next:
-ED3 cost 400(from 800) mass for upgrade - 860 mass from total from ed1. So this stage would be more competitive to other factions' t2 shields.
-ED4 buildable on t3, cost 2800-3000(from 1200) mass, 15000(from 13000) hp. So this shield would be very close to UEF t3 for both being built from nothing and being upgraded from t2, have same hp, but have significant disadvantage: shield size of ed4 is 34 compare to 44 for UEF)
-ED5 cost 1000+ mass for upgrade, have 18000-21000(from 15000) hp. So this shield would be close to aeon and seraphim t3 shields but have ineffective hp/mass compare to all other t3 shields including ED4
Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 04 Jul 2015, 15:36
Statistics: Posted by Apofenas — 04 Jul 2015, 13:04
Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 04 Jul 2015, 10:58