la0michael wrote:
You guys rock,.. its more so of a time invested with practice thing to get the hang of it im starting to see,.. and reclaim is the biggest thing,.. i rely too much on mexes and trying to upgrade my eco fast,.. I used to believe that you needed at least one t2 mex in order to span hard or at least 7 mexes, but im seeing from you all its the production radar and time management that makes one successful at spamming,.. i also often overbuild power
T1 Spamming is about balancing mass income and factory production. It is no use having 6 or 8 factories if you haven't got the mass to support it. Short term this can come from reclaim, longer term you will need mex's. 2 t1 mexs will support 1 factory on loop production, if you are relying on reclaim, you may be better not looping the production of some of your factories, so they stop producing when your reclaim runs out.
t2 mexes take 2.5 mins to repay themselves, so keep that in mind when upgrading. When you do upgrade, make sure you have an advantage that will last 2.5 mins, or that it will take your opponent 2.5 mins to gain an advantage. For the former and easy example is a decisive battle that leaves you with a wreck field and still numerically superior, use the wreck field to fuel your mex upgrade. For the latter, make sure you have enough space on the map for a fighting withdraw.
As for overbuilding power, I found that building power storage helped me get over this. It is not optimal, but it gives you a bit more time to react to power fluctuations and as you get better at predicting power fluctuation (rather than reacting) you can cut back on storage.Statistics: Posted by tallian2 — 15 Jun 2017, 12:16