1. At a given point in the game, did I have more income or did they?
--> If one of us had less income, is that because we had more units? If so, did we use them effectively or did they just sit around and be a wasted investment?
--> Did one person use their income more effectively? (eg spamming aa when there are no air units, having massive air control but not using bombers, making one tml that killed everything)
2. What led to me/them getting more mexes?
--> Which raids worked/didn't work? Were any a waste of mass (cost of tanks/planes lost vs. cost of mexes destroyed minus reclaim given)? Were any super efficient? Did killing xyz building actually have an effect (ex power raiding - did they actually stall)?
--> Which raids did I miss out on? Did I have well positioned units I didn't use?
3. Was I ever floating mass? Were they? What could I have done differently to keep from doing that (ex anticipate needing more build power)?
4. Was I ever floating too much power or stalling power? Were they? How did this affect the build rate of units/upgrades (sometimes it's OK to stall power for a bit)? What would I do differently next time?
5. Did I get map control? Did it matter?
6. Who got more reclaim, and why?
It varies from game to game obviously but those seem to be the kickers and/or good starting places.Statistics: Posted by codepants — 21 Dec 2016, 18:19