Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-04-04T08:59:07+02:00 /feed.php?f=62&t=12909 2017-04-04T08:59:07+02:00 2017-04-04T08:59:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=146367#p146367 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
Lich King wrote:
Psst... looking for a counter to all those mean snipes? Shhh, they may hear me name it... (looks around) It's called... SCOUTING! (slaps the noob on the head)

That would be too easy. Anyway this thread is very old and how should I say"not productive".


Statistics: Posted by Voodoo — 04 Apr 2017, 08:59

2017-04-04T03:45:04+02:00 2017-04-04T03:45:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=146363#p146363 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]> Statistics: Posted by Lieutenant Lich — 04 Apr 2017, 03:45

2016-08-18T21:31:33+02:00 2016-08-18T21:31:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=133055#p133055 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
Instruction on how to flame correctly:

Morax wrote:
1) Start New Thread
2) Write a post in whatever fashion you believe is appropriate
3) Read what you wrote and realize you failed
4) Place large nail on desk with the tip facing upward
5) Raise hand .25 meters above nail, with the center of palm in line with the point of the nail
6) With a quick motion, press hand down on nail, ensuring that full penetration is made, else repeat
7) Let pain and suffering be a reminder to not make stupid posts again

Statistics: Posted by Mephi — 18 Aug 2016, 21:31

2016-08-18T20:46:59+02:00 2016-08-18T20:46:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=133048#p133048 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
Instruction on how to save game:

1) Start New Thread
2) Write a post in whatever fashion you believe is appropriate
3) Read what you wrote and realize you failed
4) Place large nail on desk with the tip facing upward
5) Raise hand .25 meters above nail, with the center of palm in line with the point of the nail
6) With a quick motion, press hand down on nail, ensuring that full penetration is made, else repeat
7) Let pain and suffering be a reminder to not make stupid posts again

Statistics: Posted by Morax — 18 Aug 2016, 20:46

2016-08-12T15:57:55+02:00 2016-08-12T15:57:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132710#p132710 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]> Best place to hide is in water, near cost, with shield and stealth. Try make it that way so you are under shield and in the water at the same time AND under stealth as well.

Don't forget about telemazer snipe, and even nuke snipe.
Against telemazer you need water or ~50t1 pd (or 30 pds and some shields, more shields you get more time you have to kill enemy acu before he kills you with mazer)

Against nuke nice to have t2 trans near acu
Also nice to remember that submarine nuke deals less damage so some acus with shield or double nano can survive that and no need to risk flying away on t2 trans

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 12 Aug 2016, 15:57

2016-08-12T14:29:37+02:00 2016-08-12T14:29:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132706#p132706 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
Masyaka wrote:
They have scrolled into their com looking how its building another thing. This is epic to look at. And then a nuclear explosion.

this has became a warthread. stop.

No more;
To Seek and Strive once more.
Yet hark;
All is lost and been in vane

Doth do thine jestee moan and groan;
before the sight of such burlesque.
Ye shame laid bare for all to see;
In divine detonation!

See how the noob doth sully thine name;
Venomous accusations do he doth send;
of aid not sent.
Caution did he not heed.

For the sake of one candle.
The manifestations of one solitary labourer;
and the holy pgen doth is demanded to maintain it.
Might wisdom have increased;
and the noob's ass endured but a little more.

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 12 Aug 2016, 14:29

2016-08-12T08:30:52+02:00 2016-08-12T08:30:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132683#p132683 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
biass wrote:
then make radar and nothing will be unexpected (much)

They have scrolled into their com looking how its building another thing. This is epic to look at. And then a nuclear explosion.

this has became a warthread. stop.

Statistics: Posted by Masyaka — 12 Aug 2016, 08:30

2016-08-12T08:29:14+02:00 2016-08-12T08:29:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132682#p132682 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]> Statistics: Posted by biass — 12 Aug 2016, 08:29

2016-08-12T08:27:32+02:00 2016-08-12T08:27:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132681#p132681 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
biass wrote:
being in water is a good way to stop snip yes

shields wont save you forever

they will save you from unexcepted snipes, as people usually dying -_-

Statistics: Posted by Masyaka — 12 Aug 2016, 08:27

2016-08-12T08:25:19+02:00 2016-08-12T08:25:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132680#p132680 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
shields wont save you forever

Statistics: Posted by biass — 12 Aug 2016, 08:25

2016-08-12T08:17:11+02:00 2016-08-12T08:17:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132678#p132678 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]> Statistics: Posted by Masyaka — 12 Aug 2016, 08:17

2016-08-12T06:39:15+02:00 2016-08-12T06:39:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132676#p132676 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]> Statistics: Posted by biass — 12 Aug 2016, 06:39

2016-08-11T19:33:13+02:00 2016-08-11T19:33:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132644#p132644 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
Also, your advice is far from perfect and there are many possible counters to each of these threats. Which one you take depends on what direction you have decided to go for tech.

For instance. TML snipes can be countered by TMD. But they can also be countered by not standing still. If you are using your ACU aggressively, or at least have it on a reclaim patrol, it is no longer a viable target for TML snipe. You can also protect yourself by destroying the damned launcher.

For Jesters any AA will do. It doesn't need to be static. It can be mobile or airborne. T2 gunships you definitely want flak, and T3 you should be looking at some SAM's or T3 MAA as well. Walking underwater works, and if you're near water, you may as well have cruisers.

As for the T2 bomber, and corsair snipes, these can be countered by shields and flak. But they can also be countered by walking under water. Even without water to walk into, it is quite possible to survive a Corsair snipe without flak or shields. All you need to do is have air superiority with interceptors. If you walk your ACU in a tight circle, while sending all your air on an attack move order to your ACU's position. You can completely mitigate any damage from the Corsairs and have them shot down shortly afterward. (same goes for any bomber snipe).


So you see. Many options. Don't Pidgeon hole yourself into only using one type of counter, you need to be more flexible and more resourceful.

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 11 Aug 2016, 19:33

2016-08-11T17:52:40+02:00 2016-08-11T17:52:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132632#p132632 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
biass wrote:
all these things u can beat

but if t1 bomber comes, ur done for, gg

you cant snipe with a single T1 bomber, only if someone is AFK and his teammates got sniped few mins ago.

Statistics: Posted by Masyaka — 11 Aug 2016, 17:52

2016-08-11T17:49:45+02:00 2016-08-11T17:49:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12909&p=132630#p132630 <![CDATA[Re: How to not get sniped 101,all-things edition]]>
but if t1 bomber comes, ur done for, gg

Statistics: Posted by biass — 11 Aug 2016, 17:49
