Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2016-02-14T22:22:53+02:00 /feed.php?f=62&t=11710 2016-02-14T22:22:53+02:00 2016-02-14T22:22:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11710&p=120257#p120257 <![CDATA[Re: Fighting on Rohans]]> Statistics: Posted by Lieutenant Lich — 14 Feb 2016, 22:22

2016-02-09T20:48:54+02:00 2016-02-09T20:48:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11710&p=119800#p119800 <![CDATA[Re: Fighting on Rohans]]> time to do, they will always have time to react, so you will always lose.

Which is why I don't really play turtle maps... it's an ecofest. Some people enjoy that. I enjoy a game where you can send a tank round the back and they get there in less than 5 10 minutes.

Basically, don't take the initiative unless it's something you know your opponent can't/won't react to. That's why tactics like all four people spamming work great -- the other team is probably ecoing, and can't react to four players' worth of spam. But one player spamming will always lose because it's easy for four people to defend against one. So if you can't think of something crazy to do... just eco harder than your opponent, play defensively, and when you're far enough ahead, build something they can't react to.

Statistics: Posted by codepants — 09 Feb 2016, 20:48

2016-02-09T14:02:44+02:00 2016-02-09T14:02:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11710&p=119770#p119770 <![CDATA[Re: Fighting on Rohans]]>
otherwise, i would be looking to win the game with fatboys or t3 air

in the early game, think about putting up some walls around your end to stop your air player complaining if a t1 tank gets through, and keep your eco going up until you can reliably make something that can really destroy things, get your fab template if you dont have one (ringed around mass storage)

be sure to scout often and look at what your enemy is doing, look in factories to see the units they're building and look at mexes to see if they're upgrading

my 2 cents xD i dont even play gap anymore xD

Statistics: Posted by biass — 09 Feb 2016, 14:02

2016-02-09T13:07:11+02:00 2016-02-09T13:07:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11710&p=119768#p119768 <![CDATA[Re: Fighting on Rohans]]>

So Scout your enemys properly and see whether or not they are building defense.
- If they do so -> eco hard! -> Build all T1 Mexes, one by one upgrade them to T2, after Air spots got RAS and you have ~6-7 T2 Mexes get RAS on your own, finish T2 Upgrades on Mexes and start surrounding them with M-Storages then upgrade them one by one to T3 .. dont Forget to reclaim as much as you can!
- if they do anything else -> counter it.

Are they rushing a ML? -> Get T3 com, build 5-6 Shielded Ravanger and Scout the ML.
Are they turtling? Eco up and build some Fatties to break the turtle or go straight for Nuke/ T3 Arty.
Are they planning Beetle Drops or T2 corsair snipes? Prepare OCs / AA to defend.

As UEF you can try to harras with Billy Nukes as well if you Opponent doesnt build TMDs.
Go air on your own, win Air Supiority with your mates and go Full Strat Bomber.
Help your mate in mid to rush ML/ GC and run over mid.
Do a T2/ T3 PD Creep.
Eco up and spam Percis/ Rambo Coms.
Try Rambo Drops with Continentals.
Try Sparky drop and build up Proxy fire bases to stop at least one Opponent Air Player from teching up to T3 Air early and help your Wing men to get Air supiority.
You could try to make a T3 ACU Drop and build up a PD Creep.

Those are only a few tatics you can try but the first you have to do is scouting! If you see what your Enemy is planning you will be able to react decently. Otherwise you will find yourself spamming 20 T2 Tanks while your Enemy rushes a T4 or goes ful Turtle and you wasted a lot of ressources.

Just my 2 cents

Statistics: Posted by JenZor — 09 Feb 2016, 13:07

2016-02-09T03:57:49+02:00 2016-02-09T03:57:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=11710&p=119752#p119752 <![CDATA[Fighting on Rohans]]>
This is to be an open conversation on Rohan strategy and tactics.

Statistics: Posted by Lieutenant Lich — 09 Feb 2016, 03:57
