ajkayforty7 wrote:
Yesterday i played a game where my teammate (both cybran) got pushed out of the sea. I started building torp bombers to attack, but then i remembed damn sera got flak cruisers and they died horribly. Now that i think of it i could have asked a non cybran teammate for an engie and hoverspam. But now i wonder what can you do against it? I know losing the water is horrible but i always thought torps or hover could let you recover
in early game you can use t2 torp bombers, ACU torpedo upgraide... for torp bombers, you need some micro to come in certain formation so enemy cruiser can't kill them all at once, also make sure to target most vunerable cruiser that stays on front and not protected by other cruisers...
opponent can try to retreat with cruisers so maybe it can be good idea to come from side... or even from back xD
in mid game enemy will sure have cruisers AND t2 hover flack and useing corsairs against this will be very hard, so i woud say there is almost no way...
in late game you can use regen or build power upgraide support commanders to make harms/sams....but megalith sounds like a best idea
there is also a way... you can use t3 gunships, but you need alot of them and you need to micro them very hard to avoid splash damage.... they can be surprisingly effective (better than a soul ripper)
Thought in team games that will most likely not work unless you totally dominate air
and later you can also use scatis to scare away cruiser/battleship
not exactly sure how you would deal with hover early on, i am not very experienced with this, but i can only think that nothing with less range than a destro will work... unless destro can't fire due the terrain... support commanders can be a good bet but they arrive way to late (and they are expencive), so there will be way to many stuff in enemy sea...
also if you have air, but near your base is unbeatble navy of cruisers and t2 flack you can fly past it and intercept reinfocing ships, that may also cause your opponent to split his forses or even retreat a bit.... (this tactic probably requires radar coverage of area that you gonna fight on)
you can also use nukes but that is not super effective ofc...
it is just to hard to counter navy, i would just give up Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 07 Sep 2015, 17:00