Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-01-28T00:16:30+02:00 /feed.php?f=58&t=5681 2014-01-28T00:16:30+02:00 2014-01-28T00:16:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=63457#p63457 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 3629.25 (Release candidate!?):

Various Bomber tweaks:
- UEF bomber total damage = 350 instead of 340 (will never deal 350 to t1 units, most = 262.5). Small changes to reduce its drop failures : break off distance increased to 26 (from 18), turn speed and combat turn speed slightly increased to 0.8 (from 0.7).
- Other t1 bombers small tweaks to increase drop chances: turn speed and combat turn speed = 0.75 (from 0.7), lift factor = 10 (from 7)
- fixed bug where bombers targetting a wreck wouldn't be able to drop anymore (by Brute51)
- Corsair : anti-ground weapon range reduced to 40 (from 45) so that it doesn't completely outrange mobile flaks and is able to kill them without suffering any damage (Zlo will know what I mean).
- Janus won't scorch the earth anymore when bombing a shield.

Other tweaks:
- Sparky properly added to Air and naval factories (without bug).
- additional tweaks for ASF lag reduction with small balance adjustments : Aeon and Sera ASF firing tolerance = 2 (from 0), UEF ASF HP = 1800 (from 1850), Cybran ASF fires 2 missiles instead of 4, has 1725 hp instead of 1700 ; Sera ASF hp = 1775 (from 1800) ; target check interval adjusted to 0.5 (default = 0.3)
- New great looking fx for teleport abilities, custom for each faction, also with a specific sound (by Brute 51) ;
- Fix for teleport time of SCU being twice faster than ACU teleport due to their energy cost reduction being twice less than before.
- Teleportation now deals only 100 damages to nearby units and structures in a small radius (don't kill t1 engineers anymore)
- UEF SCU buble shields now considered a mobile shield (like shield boat) and will suffer from overlapping
- Transfer of a part of the damages to nearby shield refactored (by Brute51) to prevent resonance effect (first shields hit don't take more damages than the damages dealt by the weapon) ; overlapping damages dealt reverted to 15%.
- Fix Zlo Cybran build drone bug / exploit (by Brute51)
- Other invisible fixes by Brute51

We wanted to also include Xinnony new lobby, but technical difficulties prevented this.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 28 Jan 2014, 00:16

2014-01-17T22:32:48+02:00 2014-01-17T22:32:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=62452#p62452 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Changelog for version 3629.21:

Some of the changes are based on recent competitive 1v1 players feedback and replays (Medusas too good, Ilshavoh too strong, UEF and Aeon have no chance against Medusas spam, etc).

- Medusa: stun duration for t2 units reduced to 2 seconds (from 3), reload time increased to 6 seconds (from 5), damages increased to 230 (from 195), roughly same DPS (38.33 instead of 39).
- Lobo : damages reduced to 400 (from 480), rate of fire reduced to 8.33 seconds (from 10) for same DPS (48)
- T1 mobile AA vision radius increased to 20 (from 18)
- Ilshavoh Veterancy threshold = 10 (from 9)

- reduced speed at which Sera engineers go out of air factory (still faster than original but not crazy fast anymore, speed similar to Aeon). They already have the best bomber and have fobo on water maps, they don't need to have better air factory too
- Jester: reverted to default stats, except veterancy (5 instead of 3) and range : 20 instead of 16 for better patrol behaviour.
- T1 UEF bomber : adjusted to be better against fobos instead of against auroras : 4 bombs with 3 AOE (instead of 5 with 2.5 AOE), more spread out bombs, each deals 40 damages frontloaded + 15*3 = 45 damages over 1.5 seconds = 340 (it will never deal 340 damages except on factories, max amount on units and small structures is 255)
- UEF T2 bomber : deals half its damages on impact and the other half over time instead of everything over time

- Teleport SCU presets removed to prevent huge energy cost reduction with adjacency (same reason why RAS presets are not present in Quantum Gateways).

Statistics: Posted by pip — 17 Jan 2014, 22:32

2014-01-12T18:01:28+02:00 2014-01-12T18:01:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=61695#p61695 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Changelog version 3629.20:

- Seraphim Destroyer : rear laser deals 260 damages instead of 300 ; total DPS of both lasers and torpedo is 350 (from 382). Even with slower weapons, it was still too strong.

- SCU presets integrated (courtesy of Brute51): Quantum Gateways allow to produce already upgraded SCU with various combinations. Nothing is changed concerning balance, all costs for the additional upgrades are directly added into the price of the unit.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 12 Jan 2014, 18:01

2014-01-11T11:40:10+02:00 2014-01-11T11:40:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=61636#p61636 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 3629.19 :

- Restoration field level 1 : keeps 1000 HP buff to ACU and regen mult to 0.02; ceiling adjusted to 15 instead of 20 = the cheap upgrade efficient for t1 and t2 units as an alternative to gun upgrade, not efficient for advanced units.
- Restoration field level 2 : keeps 1500 HP buff to ACU but otherwise reverted to default costs and behaviour (1500 mass, 0.011 regen, 200 HP cap, + 10% HP to nearby units, don't affect structures) = the advanced powerful support upgrade for naval, t3 and t4 units.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 11 Jan 2014, 11:40

2014-01-10T15:27:24+02:00 2014-01-10T15:27:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=61570#p61570 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 3629.18:

Small tweaks:
- sparky removed from air and naval factories to prevent a nasty bug (hotfix)
- Mongoose movement adjusted to be more natural but not too strong : turn rate = 90 (from 150) ; turrret turn rate = 80 (from 50)
- UEF and Cybran frigates damages adjusted to be more efficient against Zhtuee : UEF = 85 damages (from 140) with 0.588 rate of fire (from 0.35) ; Cybran = 45 damages (from 40), rate of fire = 1.36 (from 1.53) ; DPS is unchanged.
- T2 and t3 engineers price reduction : t2 = 140 mass, 700 energy, 700 buildtime (from 160, 840, 800) ; t3 = 440 mass, 2200 energy, 2200 buildtime (from 490, 3150, 2100)

Statistics: Posted by pip — 10 Jan 2014, 15:27

2014-01-10T01:22:36+02:00 2014-01-10T01:22:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=61524#p61524 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Changelog version 3629.16:

Small adjustments:
- Mongoose various buffs for better microability: both weapons : turret yaw speed = 120 (from 50), firingTolerance = 1 (from 0.1) ; grenade launcher pitch range = 55 (from 45), firing randomness = 2.5 (from 2)
- UEF t1 bomber : damage duration = 1 (from 2) = buff
- T1 bombers liftfactor = 10 (from 7). Hopefully it has an impact for better drops when elevation changes
- Seraphim ACU Restoration field 1 : 2% hp regen (from 0.5), but capped at 20 (from 75) ; Restoration field level 2 : 4% HP regen (from 1%), but capped at 40 (from 200). It will be much better for lower hp unit, and worse for high hp unit, thus filling its role of t1 and t2 support ability better, while still remaining useful at t3.
- Cybran Jester : rate of fire reverted to 3, damage decreased to 14 (from 16), DPS = 46 (from 53)
- UEF sparky added to naval yards and air factories buildmenu.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 10 Jan 2014, 01:22

2014-01-03T17:52:18+02:00 2014-01-03T17:52:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=60858#p60858 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Changelog version 3629.15 (for the first set of changes):

- T3 heavy land units stats reverted
- T4 Land and Air costs reverted
- ASF, strat bombers and SAM reverted (except Aeon and Sera ASF : still shoot 1 projectile instead of 3)
- Naval veterancy changes reverted
- UEF ACU nano reverted

Statistics: Posted by pip — 03 Jan 2014, 17:52

2014-01-02T11:58:59+02:00 2014-01-02T11:58:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=60707#p60707 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Changelog version 3629.14:

DISCLAIMER: these changes are meant for testing, and not to be considered final.

Air changes:
- UEF t1 bomber fire duration = 2 (from 2.5)

- T3 bombers : buildtime reduced to 7200 (1 minute) ; they now deal a frontloaded damage before dealing damages over time:
Cybran : 1400 damages + (175 * 8 over 4 seconds) = 2800 total
Seraphim : 1600 damages + (175 * 8 over 4 seconds) = 3000 total
UEF : 1800 damages + (175 * 8 over 4 seconds) = 3250 total
Aeon : 2050 damages + (175 * 8 over 4 seconds) = 3450 total
Ahwassa : 8000 damages + (375*8 over 4 seconds) = 11000 total

- Sera T3 bomber : speed = 18 (the others have 16 speed), to make up for the lack of t3 gunships and / or t3 torp bomber. They are bombers specialists.

- Air Experimentals : buildtime adjusted to same value as mass cost to be more in line with land exp builtimes.

Land changes:
- range of Sera t3 tank main guns adjusted to 24 (instead of 23)
- Sera SCU range upgrade gives a small range bonus to overcharge (+5 = 30, while main gun recieves + 10 = 35).

Naval changes:
- Veterancy fine tuning: T1 naval units are worth 2 xp (instead of 1) ; t2 naval units are worth 4 xp (instead of 3), Destroyers = 5 xp (instead of 3) ; t3 naval units are worth 8 xp (instead of 6), Battleships = 10 xp (instead of 6).
- Frigate veterancy : 6 instead of 8.
- Sera t3 subs veterancy = 16 (from 12)
- Tempest veterancy = 32 (from 30)
- Megalith naval role slightly enhanced due to higher cost (it costs 45000 mass) : water speed modifier = 1.4 (from 1.25) ; torpedo damage = 25 (from 20) for 375 DPS (instead of 300), torpedo range = 64 (from 45) so that it will fire them when torpedo focus fire is used on naval targets instead of staying at land weapon range and not shoot

Small tweaks:
- SCU and ACU kills give 8 xp (from 6)
- fix bp for cybran t2 air support factory so that they don't have weird colour when zoomed out
- Aeon Battleship muzzle salvo delay of 2nd gun adjusted to the same value as the main guns (0.1)

Attempt at changing a balanced but useless upgrade:
- UEF ACU : nano upgrade replaced by something similar to the UEF SCU area damage upgrade with moderate costs: 720 mass ; 900 buildtime 22500 energy , 1.5 AOE (no range change).

Statistics: Posted by pip — 02 Jan 2014, 11:58

2013-12-19T21:21:36+02:00 2013-12-19T21:21:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=59739#p59739 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Changelog version 3629.13:

Strat bombers :
- the way they drop is reverted to default ; speed = 16 (default = 17) and range = 80 (default = 90), reload time = 8 seconds (from 5).
- 20% less HP (from 2960 to 3200) and 20% mass cost reduction (1680 mass), 10% energy cost reduction (94500) = cheaper but more vulnerable to flaks.
- they deal now their damages (default values, except Cybran = 2800) over 5 seconds instead of instantly. This will allow moving units to not take full damages if they are microed out of the way ; thus nerfing a bit sniping ability while keeping full damages against static targets like t2 mexes.
- Aeon and Seraphim T3 bomber explosion fx has been lentghened to reflect this (can be improved later if concept is deemed good)

- Ahwassa: Damage Over Time added too ; it should help to reduce its ability to down stacked shields too easily

Additional tweaks:
- ASF unable to shoot at Rovers
- tweaked values for new animations on Mongoose, Titan and Bricks

Statistics: Posted by pip — 19 Dec 2013, 21:21

2013-12-18T21:48:16+02:00 2013-12-18T21:48:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=59709#p59709 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 12 changelog:
- Strat Bombers : improved behaviour for dropping on top of target ; costs adjusted to : 1680 mass, 94500 energy ; elevation reverted to 20 and bombs drop slower to still allow them to be avoided by moving away the ACU
- Seraphim and UEF strat Bombers damage and AOE switched to reflect the size of the FX and the faction trend for AOE weapons (normally, Sera has more AOE than UEF and less damage)

- SAMs : HP reduced to 5600 HP (from 7000), rate of fire increased to 0.4 (from 0.28), damages reduced to 800 per salvo (from 1200), DPS = 320 (from 333), muzzle velocity reverted to 3628 (still double cost compared to 3628)

- ASF : back to previous version (22 speed, fuel reduced to 5 minutes, one shot for Sera and Aeon instead of 3); turn value decreased to 1.6 (from 1.9). Please test to see if it makes ASF fights less one sided when well microed / not so well microed.

- T3 land heavy units : veterancy slightly readjusted to go along their lower health : Harbingers and Othuum : 12 kills required (from 15), Brick = 15 kills (from 20), Percival = 18 kills (from 20).

These are not definitive changes, please test them especially the new strat bomber behaviour :
1) easier to dodge by moving away, but not so easy to dodge when several strat bombers attack from different sides. It's meant to nerf their use as super snipers but they still can snipe if used properly.
2) Their absence of range makes it easier to counter them before they drop.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 18 Dec 2013, 21:48

2013-12-18T11:58:00+02:00 2013-12-18T11:58:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=59694#p59694 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> **DISCLAIMER:**
As usual, these changes are meant to be tested, they are not definitive. If you don't want them to remain after testing them, post your feedback (and a replay if possible).

Version 3629.10 changelog:
Strat Bombers:
- damages, HP and price reverted to default
- They drop more like in Vanilla Supcom (above target), it's possible to avoid bombs coming your way by walking away, but not possible to avoid all bombs from different directions (= carpet bombing)
- elevation upped to 25 (from 20)
- Cybran Strat Bomber: 2800 damages (from 2750) so that three passes can take out a t3 mexes instead of 4 ; its AOE is reduced to 6.5 (from 7) to prevent unescapability for ACU.

ASF (BrinkofInsanity changes) : now they turn like a strat bomber (0.8 from 1.9) ; they have fronloaded damages (900 for Aeon and Sera, 450 *2 for UEF, 225 * 4 for Cybran), but lower rate of fire (0.3 from 1) for 270 DPS. They can be countered by inties mass for mass, but not so easily by swiftwinds because they one shot them.
- Range increased to 40 (from 30)
- HP slightly adjusted : Cybran : 1725 HP (from 1700), UEF 1800 (from 1850) and Seraphim 1775 (from 1800).

Restorers : AA DPS slightly adjusted to 150 (from 141)

SAM: range reverted to 60 (from 70)

Other fixes / improvements:
- Out of fuel speed penalty reduced to 65% from 75% to ease the possibility to go back to a air staging when far away (and t1 bombers won't drop two times on the same target due to too low speed)
- Czar Beam does only 25% of its damage to ASF to prevent insta kill / suicidal ASF when attacking a Czar. They will still be damaged when flying through it, but moderately.
- Seraphim Flak damages adjusted to 50, rate of fire = 1.5 for 150 DPS
- Damages transferred to overlapping Structure shields reduced to 10% (from 15%). Please test if it's enough to make Ahwassa / strat bombers not so godlike against static shields.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 18 Dec 2013, 11:58

2013-12-15T17:09:33+02:00 2013-12-15T17:09:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=59543#p59543 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 3629.9 changelog (several versions were for hotfixes):
- Mobile T3 AA removed
- Jester adjustments standardized : -20% cost : 160 mass, 4000 energy, 4000 buildtime (from 200/5000/5000), - 20% HP : 420 (from 525) ; veterancy adjusted to 4 (from 3), DPS remain at 40 (from 53) and range buff to 20 (from 16) remains.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 15 Dec 2013, 17:09

2013-12-15T12:56:18+02:00 2013-12-15T12:56:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=59530#p59530 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 7 changelog (version 6 was a hotfix) :

- t2 UEF and Seraphim fighter / bombers further adjustments to improve their drop success rate: klift = 10 (from 7), range = 60 (from 45)
- Mongoose : faster turret turn speed to 80 (from 50)
- Better animations of walking bots : Mongoose, Titan, Brick, Aeon Sniper

Changes related to land gameplay:
Slight range reduction for t3 assault units:
- Percival and Brick range = 32 (from 35)
- Harbinger range = 26 (from 28); shield HP = 1200 (from 1000), health = 3600 (from 3700)
- Othuum long range weapon = 30 (from 32), close range = 23 (from 25)

Other small adjustments:
- Titan speed = 4.3 (from 4)
- Aeon sniper : Damage adjusted to 950 (instead of 900), rate of fire adjusted to 0.142 (instead of 0.15), same DPS.
- Seraphim sniper : default weapon damage adjusted to 580 (instead of 575)

Changes related to air gameplay:
- ASF fuel time adjusted to same as interceptor (5 minutes)
- Cybran and Seraphim aircraft carriers can now build gunships and regular bombers.

T3 bombers:
- 1680 mass ; 94500 energy, 16 speed, 80 range, elevation reverted to 20, klift = 10 (from 7)
- health = -10 % from default value : 3330 HP / 3420 HP / 3510 HP / 3600 HP
- damages = - 20% from default value = 2200/2400/2560/2760
- reload time increased to 8 seconds (from 5 seconds)

SAMS : still double cost compared to 3628 (1600 mass etc) ; rate of fire = 0.3 (from 0.28) for 360 DPS (from 333) ; range = 70 (from 60)
- Cybran SCU SAM upgrade 350 damages (from 300) = 315 DPS (from 272), projectile lifetime = 5 (from 3), AOE = 1.5 (from 0)

Mobile SAMs added:
Around same cost as previous static SAM : 800 mass, 10000 energy, 4000 buildtime.
Aeon Redeemer : 2000 HP, 50 range, 204 DPS, AOE = 1.4, frontloaded (1200 damages), and slightly longer reload than others (5.8 seconds) ; 2.8 speed
Cybran Bouncer : 1900 HP, 45 range ; 214 DPS ; not frontloaded ; AOE = 1.4 ;ground weapon similar to t1 mobile AA with 60 DPS (also inaccurate) ; 2.9 speed
UEF Cougar : 2200 HP, 45 range, 12 very fast projectiles * 100 damages for 1.2 seconds, every 4.1 seconds = 5.3 seconds reload time for 226 DPS, very slight firing randomness, 0.7 AOE, 2.6 speed.
Seraphim Uyanah (Lightning Tank): More expensive : 960 mass, 12800 energy, 4800 buildtime ; 2100 HP, 45 range, 230 DPS, 1 AOE ; It has a ground weapon with 28 range, 75 DPS and 1 AOE; 2.7 speed

Statistics: Posted by pip — 15 Dec 2013, 12:56

2013-12-01T17:29:38+02:00 2013-12-01T17:29:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=58825#p58825 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 3629.5 changelog:

Bugfixes :
- fix for sera t2 artillery : pitch range = 90 (from 80)
- fix for cybran strat sub stealth

T3 bombers adjustments because they had problem dropping and were too easy to kill by t1 AA:
- General changes : range = 70 (from 60 in last version), speed = 16 (from 15 in last version) ; they are now immune to their own damages so that they don't kill themselves against t3 shields (due to lower elevation)
- Health ranging from 2650 HP (Cybran) to 2800 HP (UEF) (from 2220 to 2400).
Let us know if they still have dropping issues or still too weak to t1 AA.

SAM adjustments :
- more damages (1400 from 1200) so that they can kill a t3 bomber in two salvos, slightly slower rate of fire : 0.25 (from 0.28), DPS = 350 (from 333).
- costs adjustments = 1600 mass, 16000 energy, 2390 buildtime. (= double cost of 3628 values)

- T4 land experimentals: buildtime doubled from 3628 instead of tripled : it took way too long to build a land experimental. Let us know if this value is good.

- Sera t3 sub : small adjustments = AA dps = 200, hp = 4000 (from 4500). 4000 HP is a good value for important counters : Aeon Solace, Aeon Tempest, UEF Atlantis.

- Tempest : torpedoes changed to depth charges, damages = 350, AOE = 1.5, muzzle velocity = 20, rate of fire = 0.2 for 420 DPS (from 495 in last patch) ; anti torp weapon rate of fire reverted to 1 (was 2 in last patch but it seems to be wonky and doesn't seem to work reliably depending on the situation, sometimes it was fine, sometimes way too strong, for no clear reason).

Statistics: Posted by pip — 01 Dec 2013, 17:29

2013-11-16T16:41:26+02:00 2013-11-16T16:41:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5681&p=58158#p58158 <![CDATA[Re: Changelogs and general rules]]> Version 3629.4 changelog:

Bugfixes and small tweaks:
- Rover buildradius = 8 to fix issue where it would not finish the buildings it started to build
- ASF : target check interval = 1 (from 0.3), Aeon and Sera ASF now shoot only one projectile dealing 405 damages instead of 3 dealing 135.
These changes are meant to reduce lag caused by high numbers of ASF
- Brick : small veterancy adjustment : threshold = 18 instead of 20

Balance changes:
- T4 land Experimentals: HP and DPS reverted, +20% mass and energy cost, buildtime x3
This will prevent Experimentals to be built too early while allowing them to penetrate defenses as well as usual. With nerfed t3 land, they will also feel more powerful. Other intended side effect : give more room for SCU fights.
- SAMs adjustments : 60 muzzle velocity for UEF, Cybran and Aeon ones (from 45), +75% costs: 1400 mass, 14000 energy, 2000 buildtime (from 800 / 8000 / 1195).
This is because t3 bombers are nerfed heavily.
- Seraphim ACU:
1) Restoration Field 1 : adds 1000 HP to ACU health
2) Rapid Restoration field ; name changed to Advanced Restoration Field, can repair buildings on top of units, adds 1500 more HP to ACU health, mass cost = 1200 (from 1500), energy cost = 42000 (from 31250), buildtime = 1400 (from 1750). Tooltip updated accordingly

Statistics: Posted by pip — 16 Nov 2013, 16:41
