Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-06-04T23:02:27+02:00 /feed.php?f=57&t=4102 2013-06-04T23:02:27+02:00 2013-06-04T23:02:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=45100#p45100 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]>
Zock wrote:
The range nerf for percy/brick was removed without any testing of it. I think this was a better idea then the buildtime increase, because it will not reduce the number of units on the field, but it will allow the counters (snipers mob arty) for percy/bricks to deal with them easier and also decrese the gap beteween percys/bricks and all other t3/t4 units aswell as t2 pds. With just a buildtime increase, percys would still steamroll everything once you have enough. It would shift the problem to a later point, but not solve it.

The range nerf should be as big as possible while ensuring that percys still beat all other t3/t4 units, and bricks are decent at it.

If there still should be a buildtime increase, i'd suggest to lower it to 6000 buildtime (4800 original, 7200 current value).

For the range nerf i'd start with 30 range (from currently 35) and see if thats too harsh. Eventually 32 will be good, but you never know if you dont try.

I feel like maybe you could start with 32, especially given the sniper buffs etc. Then, wait a little and see what people come up with. Let people have some time to try the sniper bots etc. If it still doesn't work, bump it down again to 30. Making bigger changes off the bat is more likely to lead to unintended side effects, no?

Edit: Zock, now that I don't lose every game I play I'm not scared to post publicly about such things. Exciting, eh?

Statistics: Posted by sasin — 04 Jun 2013, 23:02

2013-06-02T22:10:03+02:00 2013-06-02T22:10:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=44645#p44645 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]>
The range nerf should be as big as possible while ensuring that percys still beat all other t3/t4 units, and bricks are decent at it.

If there still should be a buildtime increase, i'd suggest to lower it to 6000 buildtime (4800 original, 7200 current value).

For the range nerf i'd start with 30 range (from currently 35) and see if thats too harsh. Eventually 32 will be good, but you never know if you dont try.

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 02 Jun 2013, 22:10

2013-05-30T14:38:56+02:00 2013-05-30T14:38:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=44048#p44048 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]> Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 30 May 2013, 14:38

2013-05-29T23:03:43+02:00 2013-05-29T23:03:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43890#p43890 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 29 May 2013, 23:03

2013-05-29T23:00:24+02:00 2013-05-29T23:00:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43889#p43889 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]>
pip wrote:
FunkOff wrote:I see this as a huge buff to aeon. The seraphim sniper didn't have to deploy before, so it's no buff to sera, a buff to aeon... and a nerf to uef/cyb.

The sera sniper can now turn its turret , it's a huge buff to them too.

I'm interested in how this turns out but I presume that if there's no need to deploy and turret can turn, these things will be able to kite like gods, they even get 4 speed. It sounds like they'll decimate anything slower than them, if given air support.

Statistics: Posted by zolikk — 29 May 2013, 23:00

2013-05-29T22:09:37+02:00 2013-05-29T22:09:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43880#p43880 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]> 125 energy vs 300 energy
3800 shield vs 10000 shield
although it might either be better to have several shields or worse. you can protect more area with 2 shields but when they overlap they get less effective

Statistics: Posted by Golol — 29 May 2013, 22:09

2013-05-29T22:02:32+02:00 2013-05-29T22:02:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43877#p43877 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]> Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 29 May 2013, 22:02

2013-05-29T21:56:58+02:00 2013-05-29T21:56:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43875#p43875 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]> if snipers would have been useful from the beginning on there would have been 1000 complains how much better the sera sniper is compared to the other one.
i think bith should have about the same strengh. the sera already has a second cannon!

Statistics: Posted by Golol — 29 May 2013, 21:56

2013-05-29T21:28:57+02:00 2013-05-29T21:28:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43867#p43867 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]>
FunkOff wrote:
I see this as a huge buff to aeon. The seraphim sniper didn't have to deploy before, so it's no buff to sera, a buff to aeon... and a nerf to uef/cyb.

The sera sniper can now turn its turret , it's a huge buff to them too.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 29 May 2013, 21:28

2013-05-29T21:15:02+02:00 2013-05-29T21:15:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43864#p43864 <![CDATA[Re: T3 Armored Assault.]]> Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 29 May 2013, 21:15

2013-05-29T13:37:09+02:00 2013-05-29T13:37:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4102&p=43773#p43773 <![CDATA[T3 Armored Assault.]]>
The veteran levels of the units have been modified so they don't gain health so easily against T2/T3.

The buildtime has been increased to 7200 so it's less easy to "spam" them. (you can now have a sniper + an harbinger for the same price & time as a percival).

An other discussed change was the range of the bots. Please test the changes, and we will see if they need further nerfing.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 29 May 2013, 13:37
