As you can see, it features 3 main land clutches, I plan on placing the central wreckage with 2 frontal players needing to go for it.
This is the center piece I'm talking about, you can also see the level of detail I'm trying to include in the water, using coral reefs and muddy beaches with extra rockage and reclaim...
This is the kind of skycube I want, you can also see the scale of the terrain.
The yellow dots here show the current spawn points for my "EP" Version (Omni's Clutch EP) which has 12 players. Same as River of Martyrdom as they have the exact same heightmap. Varying slightly with the addition of 2 extra bridges.
However I wanted to do a 4 v 4 originally, but I'm struggling with where to place the 4 blank markers for the 4 v 4. I'd appreciate it if anyone reading this, and is interested, to copy the first image and edit it to show me where you'd stick them.
Cos this is early phase work I can also take any criticism on the heightmap if you had any. I will say that the mesa point at the starts of the central bridge I thought would be interesting in terms of strategy.
Thanks!Statistics: Posted by Omnipotent — 27 Aug 2014, 16:25