Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-08-07T18:14:19+02:00 /feed.php?f=53&t=4959 2015-08-07T18:14:19+02:00 2015-08-07T18:14:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=106939#p106939 <![CDATA[Re: Regor VI Highlands]]> This is probably one of my most played maps, if not the most played map. I use it for teaching people how to play 1v1's and it's one of the first maps I think of when I come to create a custom 1v1.

Statistics: Posted by Kalvirox — 07 Aug 2015, 18:14

2015-08-07T17:22:56+02:00 2015-08-07T17:22:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=106936#p106936 <![CDATA[Re: Regor VI Highlands]]>

Statistics: Posted by TheRedViper — 07 Aug 2015, 17:22

2014-08-23T13:16:56+02:00 2014-08-23T13:16:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=79297#p79297 <![CDATA[Re: Regor VI Highlands]]>
The map is a 1v1 map first and foremost. How it plays in 2v2s is of little concern. The wrecks are placed accordingly. Moving them would imo reduce the 1v1 quality in favor of the 2v2 one. I only made the map 2v2 capable because some people asked me to do it back then.
As for the hydros: True, but honestly nobody who knows what they are doing builds energy storages all 'round their hydro anyway. But I can move it a few squares inward.
About the desert rocks: Yea... I was never really sure about them myself. But there are so few evergreen rocks...

And the decals flickering problem... I almost lost my mind combating it.

Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 23 Aug 2014, 13:16

2014-08-23T10:52:39+02:00 2014-08-23T10:52:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=79290#p79290 <![CDATA[Re: Regor VI Highlands]]>
Having said that, like my "Genesis" maps the clifs' decals sometimes flicker. I suspect this is because you have used too many or copied and pasted too many of the same kind of cliff decal. I think there is a limit for every map but I don't know how the official maps get away with putting so many... Maybe it's the v60 thing all over again... Anyways...

I cannot suggest a fix and you've taken appropriate measures to adjust the fadeout to compensate which I like.
The heightmap is excellent.
Mass points seem balanced, thought I would be inclined to move the T2 Transport wrecks just a little closer to the centre. Like on the clover looking parts. Otherwise it just means that the side players will get the mass with little input.
Lonely Hydrocarbons? Only air, hover and amphib units can go after it? Not to mention that if someone wants to build adjacent energy storage to the hydrocarbons (to the right and left) they can't as they are too close to the borders of the map. So the sides facing away from the centre cannot be built.
Desert rock props look like peanuts on this map.

This map is a very good map whatever the case. The only immediate fix necessary is the Hydrocarbons.

Kind regards.

Statistics: Posted by Omnipotent — 23 Aug 2014, 10:52

2014-02-23T06:51:32+02:00 2014-02-23T06:51:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=66552#p66552 <![CDATA[Re: Regor VI Highlands]]> Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 23 Feb 2014, 06:51

2014-02-23T06:48:51+02:00 2014-02-23T06:48:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=66551#p66551 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]> Regor VI Highlands (mapname)

Statistics: Posted by Dragonfire — 23 Feb 2014, 06:48

2014-02-23T05:57:08+02:00 2014-02-23T05:57:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=66548#p66548 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]> Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 23 Feb 2014, 05:57

2014-02-08T19:04:37+02:00 2014-02-08T19:04:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64618#p64618 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]>
- Still fiddling with the decals to get rid of the horrible glitches. Really time consuming because I have to delete them one by one and rearrange the remaining ones to more efficiently cover the same area and give the same amount of prettiness. The glitches should stop once a certain number of max. decals displayed the the same tiem is reached... Hope I will get to that number soon.

- Trying to get the skybox working. Would be glad if somebody could help me out here. Whatever skybox I select, ingame it stays the default one.

- Fixing last flying props.

- I have not removed the 2 extra spawns yet. I would really appreciate it of some more people could help and share their views on whether they would like the 2 extra spawns or not.

Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 08 Feb 2014, 19:04

2014-02-06T15:36:16+02:00 2014-02-06T15:36:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64319#p64319 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]> Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 06 Feb 2014, 15:36

2014-02-06T15:32:00+02:00 2014-02-06T15:32:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64317#p64317 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]>
Plasma_Wolf wrote:
In that case, I'd recommend removing the two other spawn points. Regardless of how you put it, if you can only make the map really good for 1v1 or 2v2, and have the other of the two a bit crappy, then it's best to have it good for 1v1 and no 2v2 option. The map is (as you pretty much said yourself) too good looking for a weak option.

I agree with you on having a weaker and a stronger player in terms of starting positions to make a bit of interesting team play, but it's a tad too much here :)

Yo Plasma long time no see,

Ive played the map 1v1 its very good but the map itself and how its all done its perfect for 2v2 without any changes been made to it baring this in mind im not really the best 1v1 player or map tester either but its good and i do like how its played.

Lion when i tested it is this 2 separate maps for 1v1 & 2v2?

Statistics: Posted by Reddev32 — 06 Feb 2014, 15:32

2014-02-06T10:46:29+02:00 2014-02-06T10:46:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64298#p64298 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]>
I agree with you on having a weaker and a stronger player in terms of starting positions to make a bit of interesting team play, but it's a tad too much here :)

Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 06 Feb 2014, 10:46

2014-02-06T00:08:16+02:00 2014-02-06T00:08:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64257#p64257 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]>
Aside from that the teams as a whole are balanced no matter what. If one of the players has a disadvantage against his direct opponent - well it's a 2v2 - your mate should help you out. In fact, in principle I prefer scenarios such as these, as it gives teams an advantage that actually play together in a synergistic fashion, rather than just playing 2 parallel 1v1s. I do understand though, that you say the imbalance is to big and would cause the 2v2 to tip over to quickly, as 2 of the 4 players would most likely collapse very quickly under the pressure of their direct opponents advantage. And I agree on that - but only because people tend to not play in a truly cooperative fashion. Well, I guess this map layout makes for a challenge in terms of team play then. And if it does not play well in 2v2, so be it. As long as the 1v1 capability is as good as it can be, everything is fine.

Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 06 Feb 2014, 00:08

2014-02-05T23:46:58+02:00 2014-02-05T23:46:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64252#p64252 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]>
I'm looking at a Left+Upper vs Right+Lower scenario here, mostly because of the small lake in between the Left and the Lower player, that separates the two, allowing for a battlefield in the middle in between the four players more, than if you were to put Left+Lower vs Right+Upper.

If you look at the multiple spots, the spot of three is a bit closer to the left player than to the lower player (The distance is almost the same but there is water to cross for the lower player, which would limit him to Aeon for full access - you also don't want to remove the water) and the Hydro + 2mex certainly is closer. Lastly, the spot of three in the mountain range is contested by air, but I think that the left player has easier access to that as well.
At the moment, the Left player has easy access to 5 mex spots in the contested area, while the Lower only has access to 1 (I'm not counting the two at the border of the allied players or the one on the mountain Left or the one on the bottom of the map because these are not contested at all, and also not the three between the mountains because these equally hard for both players to get). A better balance (with stil a difference) would be 3 against 2 and one truly in the middle.

All in all, there is a good point letting one player have an advantage in a 2v2, but in this case, there is a glaring imbalance. I would recommend moving some mass spots so that the Lower player has less of a disadvantage than now. Of course, it's going to be really annoying because the aestetical part of the mex placement is absolutely perfect (for the ones in the field and the Left and Right player, the ones for the Lower and Upper player starting location might need some more texturing).

My recommendation would be to remove one of the spots of the three and add that to the one spot just above the rush circle of the Lower player. Additionally, remove one of the spots of the Two+Hydro and put that one more in the middle (the true middle) of the map.

Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 05 Feb 2014, 23:46

2014-02-05T23:35:56+02:00 2014-02-05T23:35:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64251#p64251 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]> Can't wait to play some 1v1 games there :)

Statistics: Posted by Mad`Mozart — 05 Feb 2014, 23:35

2014-02-05T23:25:13+02:00 2014-02-05T23:25:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4959&p=64248#p64248 <![CDATA[Re: Debut-Map WIP]]> Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 05 Feb 2014, 23:25
