Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-02-02T20:05:18+02:00 /feed.php?f=53&t=18691 2020-02-02T19:45:55+02:00 2020-02-02T19:45:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18691&p=181681#p181681 <![CDATA[SOLVED Re: Spawn ID:s not in sync with ARMY markers]]> Statistics: Posted by seero — 02 Feb 2020, 19:45

2020-01-26T08:20:50+02:00 2020-01-26T08:20:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18691&p=181509#p181509 <![CDATA[Re: Spawn ID:s not in sync with ARMY markers]]>
The issue was in the scenario.lua where it lists the armies and civs etc: despite it being correct in the editor, the armies were not listed in order in the code.

I fixed that issue and the spawns were fixed despite no editor changes.

Worth checking?

Statistics: Posted by biass — 26 Jan 2020, 08:20

2020-02-02T20:05:18+02:00 2020-01-25T23:22:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18691&p=181506#p181506 <![CDATA[[solved] Spawn ID:s not in sync with ARMY markers]]>
But got one problem too, for some reason some Spawn ID:s are not in sync with ARMY markers. Most are fine, but some of them are mixed and i can't fix that. Some marker might be named as ARMY 16, but if I take look at the spawn ID map that marker is shown as ARMY 8. Also if I try to link adaptive mexes for example, they are messed up in same way. Also that causes random spawn to make complete mess.

Has anyone seen that before and is there some known solution? I have tried to delete all markers and remake them but problem exists. Map is made previously with that vanilla map maker.

Statistics: Posted by seero — 25 Jan 2020, 23:22
