Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-05-18T14:20:09+02:00 /feed.php?f=53&t=14440 2017-05-18T14:20:09+02:00 2017-05-18T14:20:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=149107#p149107 <![CDATA[Re: Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]> Statistics: Posted by TheKoopa — 18 May 2017, 14:20

2017-05-18T05:54:00+02:00 2017-05-18T05:54:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=149085#p149085 <![CDATA[Re: Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]>
lion maps (that often don't have markers) might fall out of criteria
don't know about gap markers but its vs ai, the gameplay is the same no matter the map

Statistics: Posted by biass — 18 May 2017, 05:54

2017-05-18T04:52:44+02:00 2017-05-18T04:52:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=149081#p149081 <![CDATA[Re: Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]>
necxelos wrote:
Gap of Rohan

This should not be a choice of yours unless you like long stalemates, firebase wars, game enders, etc. Gap of rohan is nothing but that.

Statistics: Posted by Lieutenant Lich — 18 May 2017, 04:52

2017-05-17T16:44:32+02:00 2017-05-17T16:44:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=148989#p148989 <![CDATA[Re: Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]> Statistics: Posted by Krapougnak — 17 May 2017, 16:44

2017-04-30T14:15:07+02:00 2017-04-30T14:15:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=147581#p147581 <![CDATA[Re: Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]> - Gap of Rohan,
- Mezmerizing Paradise,
- Forbidden Pass,
- Pamnal,
- Desert Oasis.

Also so far most of the maps get "red card" from me for: low quality texture work (for example bland green texture that even on closest zoom looks "just green"), terrible object placement (for example copy-pasting exactly same group of trees all over the map) and zero map modelling (hills and mountains that are just "blobs" without any detailed sculpting). Those just look bad and sadly there are hundreds of those. It's like people create maps barely for functionality, not caring how it looks at all :(

Statistics: Posted by necxelos — 30 Apr 2017, 14:15

2017-04-29T07:07:31+02:00 2017-04-29T07:07:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=147542#p147542 <![CDATA[Re: Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]> However; a lad called AwarE made a series of maps focused on providing an ai only experience

Find these maps by searching for "Teamplay_AI" in the vault

Statistics: Posted by biass — 29 Apr 2017, 07:07

2017-04-29T05:33:55+02:00 2017-04-29T05:33:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=147539#p147539 <![CDATA[Re: Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]> Statistics: Posted by Lieutenant Lich — 29 Apr 2017, 05:33

2017-04-28T16:12:52+02:00 2017-04-28T16:12:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14440&p=147518#p147518 <![CDATA[Help: Looking for beautiful maps!]]>
I'm looking for very specific maps. I'll be glad for good recommendations. My cryteria are:
- They need to work well with any AI as this is the main game mode I'm currently playing,
- They need to look naturally, no perfectly flat spaces, no perfect geometrical shapes,
- They need to be detailed (trees, rocks, decorations, not only functionality),
- They just need to look beautiful :)

Thanks in advance for Your suggestions. I tried to look maps in FAF Vault 1 by 1 but it's a mess. Testing every map would take million years, not to mention most maps are in 999 versions named in some crazy way so there's no way for me to know which one is newest/updated version and which one is just old but played because people got used to that.

[EDIT] So far (using my own blind search) I only got:
- Mezmerizing Paradise,
- Forbidden Pass,
- Gap of Rohan.
Not really much but they indeed are of highest quality.

Statistics: Posted by necxelos — 28 Apr 2017, 16:12
