Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-04-14T05:16:11+02:00 /feed.php?f=53&t=14377 2017-04-14T05:16:11+02:00 2017-04-14T05:16:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14377&p=146870#p146870 <![CDATA[Re: Need help with AI on maps with more than 8 startpoints!]]>

Statistics: Posted by Hanzimann — 14 Apr 2017, 05:16

2017-04-14T00:26:59+02:00 2017-04-14T00:26:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14377&p=146852#p146852 <![CDATA[Re: Need help with AI on maps with more than 8 startpoints!]]>
Did you figure it out?

If not, I can help as well.

Statistics: Posted by aaxlleex — 14 Apr 2017, 00:26

2017-04-13T22:54:24+02:00 2017-04-13T22:54:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14377&p=146846#p146846 <![CDATA[Re: Need help with AI on maps with more than 8 startpoints!]]>
Here is the summary of what you must do.

You'll need a text editor (Notepad++).

Every map has 4 files associated with it.

The map itself (.SCMAP) - the geography itself
The save (_save) - holds all the markers
The scenario (_scenario) - control information for the map
The script (_script) - special code that runs on this map

Since Hazard will not edit any map with more than 8 starts on it - you need to fool it into thinking there are only eight. You'll need to edit the scenario file.

You'll notice a line in your scenario file that looks like this;

armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8', 'ARMY_9', 'ARMY_10', 'ARMY_11'},

comment this line out by putting two dashes at the front of that line.

Secondly, you'll need to add a line that looks exactly the same BUT has only the first 8 armies, like this;

armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8''},

This one should NOT have the two dashes at the start of the line.

When finished, what you should have will look much like this;

--armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8', 'ARMY_9', 'ARMY_10', 'ARMY_11'},
armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8'},

Save these changes.

Open the Hazard marker editor - Voila ! - You may now edit the markers. You'll notice that Hazard shows the additional armies with '?' instead of the usual start position marker. They can be moved around just like the others, they just 'look different'.

When editing is finished, simply remove the two dashes from the original armies list and put them in front of the shorter armies list. Your original number of armies is re-enabled for game play.

Statistics: Posted by Sprouto — 13 Apr 2017, 22:54

2017-04-13T19:55:37+02:00 2017-04-13T19:55:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14377&p=146834#p146834 <![CDATA[Need help with AI on maps with more than 8 startpoints!]]> ---
['AirPN01'] = {
['hint'] = BOOLEAN( true ),
['type'] = STRING( 'Air Path Node' ),
['adjacentTo'] = STRING( 'AirPN02 AirPN03 AirPN07 AirPN08 AirPN10 AirPN13 AirPN16' ),
['color'] = STRING( 'ffffffff' ),
['graph'] = STRING( 'DefaultAir' ),
['prop'] = STRING( '/env/common/props/markers/M_Path_prop.bp' ) ['orientation'] = VECTOR3( 0, -0, 0 ),
['position'] = VECTOR3( 100.5, 30, 120.5 ),
Maybe another markereditor or there is another way to program it. Want all my maps to show "yes" to AI markers in the map info.
Hope somebody can help :?: !!!

Statistics: Posted by Hanzimann — 13 Apr 2017, 19:55
