version = 3
ScenarioInfo = {
name = 'UEF-Cities V4',
description = '<LOC UEF-Cities_Description>4v4 - Take control of the cities in the UEF territory. Going with FA markers. This is still a testmap, this time with two map preview PNG images in the map folder, a small one on 100 pixels and a large on 256. Didnt know about that before yesterday. I am still new in map making. Hope it will work now. Please let me know. Map by Hanzimann',
type = 'skirmish',
starts = true,
preview = '',
size = {2048, 1024},
map = '/maps/UEF-Cities.v0004/UEF-Cities.scmap',
map_version = 4,
save = '/maps/UEF-Cities.v0004/UEF-Cities_save.lua',
script = '/maps/UEF-Cities.v0004/UEF-Cities_script.lua',
norushradius = 83,
Configurations = {
['standard'] = {
teams = {
name = 'FFA',
armies = {'ARMY_1', 'ARMY_2', 'ARMY_3', 'ARMY_4', 'ARMY_5', 'ARMY_6', 'ARMY_7', 'ARMY_8'},
customprops = {},
norushoffsetX_ARMY_1 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_1 = 0,
norushoffsetX_ARMY_2 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_2 = 0,
norushoffsetX_ARMY_3 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_3 = 0,
norushoffsetX_ARMY_4 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_4 = 0,
norushoffsetX_ARMY_5 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_5 = 0,
norushoffsetX_ARMY_6 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_6 = 0,
norushoffsetX_ARMY_7 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_7 = 0,
norushoffsetX_ARMY_8 = 0,
norushoffsetY_ARMY_8 = 0,
I made two png images, one on 100 pixels and one on 256pixels and put in the map folder.
The dds file and the small png file are coming by itself or what?
Please help me !!! Wanna play my maps with my friends and hope others also think they are funny.
Thanks !
Hanzimann Statistics: Posted by Hanzimann — 22 Mar 2017, 18:28