Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-02-18T15:46:59+02:00 /feed.php?f=52&t=3066 2013-02-18T15:46:59+02:00 2013-02-18T15:46:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31178#p31178 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 18 Feb 2013, 15:46

2013-02-18T15:42:33+02:00 2013-02-18T15:42:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31176#p31176 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]> DONT CHANGE ANYTHING
Cybran is ok as it is (well, maybe if the scathis would be patched back as promised by Mr. Pilot)... It`s just a matter of playstyle. You just have to play different with them.
There has been enough stuff in FAF that made the game much worse than it was back in the GPG times. Leave something playable pls.

@all noobs who think Mantis are too strong:

than you, much appreciated

Statistics: Posted by CokeySmurf — 18 Feb 2013, 15:42

2013-02-18T14:54:11+02:00 2013-02-18T14:54:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31174#p31174 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>

Statistics: Posted by Eukanuba — 18 Feb 2013, 14:54

2013-02-18T13:41:33+02:00 2013-02-18T13:41:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31168#p31168 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
HyperNova wrote:Just remember you started this up again, JeeVes. If you beat me (and you won't), you can gloat and rub it in my face.

This is a forum about the patch, not about your little ego and your hate of a faction (show me where the cybran ACU touched you ?).

Don't make me exclude you from the patch forum.

Not that I really care, they'll just imba even the game even worse for 3 more months. Your own words said if Cybran's acu gets a buff, You'll may nerf the mantis. The mantis is the problem you constantly ignore. I'll take an ACU buff for a mantis speed nerf any day. A lot of mantis touched me. You'll never fix that ever. Nothing but more buffs. (Also it's BIG EGO*. Not a little at all.)

Page 1:
Ze_PilOt wrote:
I'm not against a little regen buff, but what make cybran balanced in 1v1 is the ACU. Without that, the mantis will probably need a nerf.

^^^^^^ What makes cybran imbalanced 1vs1 is the mantis. You just won't say it, but you know it. The acu will never be the problem-- even with UEF's health. I don't need any people I've defeated before bringing up old crap because I said "nerf the mantis if ACU gets a buff" too. I've already beat IridiumBlows anyway. Multiple times, he wont say that tho. He's not even the same person in that pic. I just assumed it was him. If I would have known I've already kicked his ass, I wouldn't have wasted my time typing all of that. Anyway, I don't hate Cybran I just hate people who uses them, and defends their T1 imbalances. I'm pretty sure you'll do like 3 months ago, and just add about 2 un-controversial changes to the game anyway.

Spoiler: show
I just wish you stop being so "Pro Cybran." And YES YOU ARE...

You know fixing their weaknesses. Medusa was shitty cause mantis was so good. You buffed the Medusa. Cybran's shields are crappy. You made everyone's shields crappy. Indirect Cybran buff. Buffed their T2 PD. Buffed their Rhino, "It was too weak." Okay fine. Look at the scathis, OMG Chris Taylor would have never done something like that. I'm just on this 3rd party joyride until CoH2, and few new RTS's come out later this year.

Overlooked: Look how big fatboy is, No massive ability. Look how much UEF's Cyclone misses, no correction. Sera T2 bot get's stuck in the mountains a lot, no fix. Look how crappy Sera's Hover tank is, no buff. Aeon's tech 2 land is horrid, gets ignored, but Cybran gets their stuff fixed the all the darn time don't they? Makes me wanna spit.

+100000. Buff Cybran's ACU HP.Nerf mantis.

Statistics: Posted by HyperNova — 18 Feb 2013, 13:41

2013-02-18T13:10:22+02:00 2013-02-18T13:10:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31165#p31165 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]> Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 18 Feb 2013, 13:10

2013-02-18T10:30:03+02:00 2013-02-18T10:30:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31136#p31136 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
as cybran facing an t2+gun sera/uef acu is always hard to counter. whatever you chose you lose - go for gun, the opponent has more hp and will eat you like breakfast - go for t2, the opponent has better pds shields and could rush you because of larger range of his gun he just oc ur pds and their t1 arties are best in game. any way leads to defeat. so with pure strenght of the acu you wont win - like uef/sera could do vs cybran. you really need to outplay an uef/sera player as cybran. (mantis lose 1v1 vs striker and the benefit of speed is not as important as a strong acu - at least on 5x5 maps).

a little more regen would help to have a little chance to survive by going gun as well.

Statistics: Posted by Batmansrueckkehr — 18 Feb 2013, 10:30

2013-02-18T10:02:31+02:00 2013-02-18T10:02:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31133#p31133 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
That said health is only one way of going about it. Cybran units tend to favor high DPS at the cost of health, so bigger fangs is also a possibility, so is a larger intel area. Both of those concepts fit squarely into the faction preferences of Cybran, while also making the ACU just a little bit more survivable.

Statistics: Posted by Quarian — 18 Feb 2013, 10:02

2013-02-18T09:40:34+02:00 2013-02-18T09:40:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31131#p31131 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
HyperNova wrote:
Just remember you started this up again, JeeVes. If you beat me (and you won't), you can gloat and rub it in my face.

This is a forum about the patch, not about your little ego and your hate of a faction (show me where the cybran ACU touched you ?).

Don't make me exclude you from the patch forum.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 18 Feb 2013, 09:40

2013-02-18T08:05:24+02:00 2013-02-18T08:05:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31126#p31126 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]> oh oh JeeVes.. i guess somebody forget to read your FAF name :D

Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 18 Feb 2013, 08:05

2013-02-18T07:10:12+02:00 2013-02-18T07:10:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31123#p31123 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
HyperNova wrote:
how about fight me now with cybran. I swear to god I'll flat out Destroy you... I'm fearless. You seen my rank. I'm better than you in every way. Either fight me, prove me wrong, or STFU and never bring up my name again. Thank you.

Just remember you started this up again, JeeVes. If you beat me (and you won't), you can gloat and rub it in my face.

This is just too easy... from 5 minutes ago:

Statistics: Posted by JeeVeS — 18 Feb 2013, 07:10

2013-02-18T06:29:17+02:00 2013-02-18T06:29:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31121#p31121 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>

Many of the top pick cybran because they view them as weaker and enjoy the challenge.

For those that don't know, Hypernova = Cybrankiller. He is by far the most unmannered person I've encountered on FAF and has easily the most unwarranted ego. I'm sure many can attest to how virtually everything he says comes off as a troll in some regard.

Yes that's right attack me on these forums, because I'll Kill you in FAF you scared little coward. Whine whine whine. I don't post stupid shit about people on forums-- I just battle them in FAF. Clearly you're the troll. You fluked me 2 years ago. congrats... Also no one really cares but you.

Truth be told, cybrankiller, you have absolutely no concept of balance and the only way for you to comprehend cybran constantly (and ironically) wiping the floor with you is to label them as OP. You are a shining example of clear-cut bias and anyone agreeing with you should probably reevaluate their argument.

Complete Bullshit. Try reading my other posts on Cybran units.

JeeVes. At least I'm not afraid to fight someone FAF. Strangely your so afraid of me, you'll never battle me again. It's because you know I'll kick your ass next time, and forever after that. Take your fluke and the one stupid pic you keep posting, and shove it. You keep bringing up stuff from 2 years ago, how about fight me now with cybran. I swear to god I'll flat out Destroy you... I'm fearless. You seen my rank. I'm better than you in every way. Either fight me, prove me wrong, or STFU and never bring up my name again. Thank you.

Just remember you started this up again, JeeVes. If you beat me (and you won't), you can gloat and rub it in my face.

Statistics: Posted by HyperNova — 18 Feb 2013, 06:29

2013-02-18T06:01:53+02:00 2013-02-18T06:01:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31120#p31120 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
Of course the Cybran ACU needs an overhaul. It's shit for everything but risky endgame snipes which only noobs are vulnerable to.


It does look bad ass though.

Statistics: Posted by gnatinator — 18 Feb 2013, 06:01

2013-02-18T02:53:30+02:00 2013-02-18T02:53:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31094#p31094 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
All ACUs get additional boni (hp) with veterancy, only cybran gets nothing. I'd understand that if the cybran ACU would be already strong without veterancy, but as its there the weakest one aswell, this makes just no sense.

Cybran on 5x5 maps got a serious disadvantage because of that. (And no, i wouldn't agree that the mantis makes up for that in any way..)

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 18 Feb 2013, 02:53

2013-02-18T00:52:52+02:00 2013-02-18T00:52:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31064#p31064 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
HyperNova wrote:
Okay fine. Slow down the mantis speed by 1, and lower it's HP by 25 then buff the Cybran's ACU. I'm 100% okay with that. ACU buff = mantis nerf. Cybran's tech one is the strongest in the game yet it gets buffed constantly. I really can't stand "Pro's" agreeing to buffing them, and the faction diversity excuse to OP them.

People even trying to buff monkey lord. You can't take away all the weaknesses to Cybran. I don't think you guys get it. Soon I'll be hosting 2v2 or 1vs1 No Cybran.

Many of the top pick cybran because they view them as weaker and enjoy the challenge.

For those that don't know, Hypernova = Cybrankiller. He is by far the most unmannered person I've encountered on FAF and has easily the most unwarranted ego. I'm sure many can attest to how virtually everything he says comes off as a troll in some regard. Example:


Truth be told, cybrankiller, you have absolutely no concept of balance and the only way for you to comprehend cybran constantly (and ironically) wiping the floor with you is to label them as OP. You are a shining example of clear-cut bias and anyone agreeing with you should probably reevaluate their argument.

Statistics: Posted by JeeVeS — 18 Feb 2013, 00:52

2013-02-17T21:30:48+02:00 2013-02-17T21:30:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3066&p=31035#p31035 <![CDATA[Re: Buffing the cybran ACU.]]>
People even trying to buff monkey lord. You can't take away all the weaknesses to Cybran. I don't think you guys get it. Soon I'll be hosting 2v2 or 1vs1 No Cybran.

Statistics: Posted by HyperNova — 17 Feb 2013, 21:30
