And even if there still isn't enough planets, feel free to include more star systems, like the planet Seton in star system-whatever. If you gated onto it, it would be Seton's Clutch or a variant of Seton's clutch. Planet graphics would be relevant to their actual type. Orionis is an Aeon Holy planet that is scarred in dark red stone and lava. Obviously it would look different from other planets. I would recommend resetting territories again, and also I wouldn't use forged alliance era galaxy. OlpZuCE.jpg Yellow in this map could be Seraphim, which would allow for fairer expanse than the seraphim having hold over 70% of the galaxy
Anyway's that's that. I got this idea from just looking at galatic war and thought about how I could fix it.
(Fixed pictures)Statistics: Posted by PrivateFatass — 07 Apr 2014, 07:59