Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-01-30T04:53:54+02:00 /feed.php?f=50&t=4857 2014-01-30T04:53:54+02:00 2014-01-30T04:53:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4857&p=63645#p63645 <![CDATA[Re: Idea: decommissioned Supreme Commander]]>
Hawkei wrote:
Ato0theJ wrote:How about a lower cost rank up to 8 once you achieve it the first time ? Otherwise I imagine people would swap who is leader all the time and use their final weapon constantly with many characters.

Or have a cool down timer (of say 24hrs) before the server allows the position to be filled again.

That could work too, probably better than my idea; the objective to make sure people don't constantly swap- it doesn't matter as much how that is achieved in the long run.

Statistics: Posted by Ato0theJ — 30 Jan 2014, 04:53

2014-01-30T02:44:10+02:00 2014-01-30T02:44:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4857&p=63642#p63642 <![CDATA[Re: Idea: decommissioned Supreme Commander]]>
Ato0theJ wrote:
How about a lower cost rank up to 8 once you achieve it the first time ? Otherwise I imagine people would swap who is leader all the time and use their final weapon constantly with many characters.

Or have a cool down timer (of say 24hrs) before the server allows the position to be filled again.

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 30 Jan 2014, 02:44

2014-01-29T22:49:04+02:00 2014-01-29T22:49:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4857&p=63633#p63633 <![CDATA[Re: Idea: decommissioned Supreme Commander]]>
Hawkei wrote:
Allow Players at level 8 the option to demote themselves to level 7. Also have an automatic function where this is done by the server. No refund of level rank up cost, but, it should be noted that they were a level 8. So that if the level 8 position becomes vacant, they could rank up again for 0cr.

How about a lower cost rank up to 8 once you achieve it the first time ? Otherwise I imagine people would swap who is leader all the time and use their final weapon constantly with many characters.

Statistics: Posted by Ato0theJ — 29 Jan 2014, 22:49

2014-01-29T08:34:27+02:00 2014-01-29T08:34:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4857&p=63581#p63581 <![CDATA[Re: Idea: decommissioned Supreme Commander]]> Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 29 Jan 2014, 08:34

2013-09-02T15:14:34+02:00 2013-09-02T15:14:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4857&p=52706#p52706 <![CDATA[Re: Idea: decommissioned Supreme Commander]]> Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 02 Sep 2013, 15:14

2013-08-23T13:46:25+02:00 2013-08-23T13:46:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4857&p=51527#p51527 <![CDATA[Idea: decommissioned Supreme Commander]]> The SupCom can level "down" to another Rank (might Rank 7,5 or even Rank 9) called something like "decommissioned Supreme Commander" (might need to be shortened a bit) where is no number-restriction.

This way the Supreme Commander can free the spot for someone new if he expects to be a bit inactive - without having to get killed and lose everything. This might also be done automaticly if the SupCom was inactive (need to be defined if inactive is not playing games/not attacking on GW or not gating into GW) for a certain time.
Might should be possible to go back to the SupCom spot if its free - not sure about.
In difference to the SupCom, a decommissioned Supreme Commander is not able to use use the "final weapon" (which was annonced if I'm right). Not sure if anything else should be cut.

Any thoughts?

Statistics: Posted by Koecher — 23 Aug 2013, 13:46
