Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-01-06T04:14:58+02:00 /feed.php?f=50&t=2594 2013-01-06T04:14:58+02:00 2013-01-06T04:14:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2594&p=26537#p26537 <![CDATA[Re: saving some of Zep's time]]>
Most of the work will have to be on FA mods to make the game interesting and various. So yes, LUA.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 06 Jan 2013, 04:14

2013-01-06T02:42:57+02:00 2013-01-06T02:42:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2594&p=26533#p26533 <![CDATA[Re: saving some of Zep's time]]>
Or am i on completely the wrong track and that this galactic war will have the same time-scale as a normal battle (perhaps an 1-2hours max) and not the same as that community driven example game (where everyone plays on the same map) that is shown?

What im asking is, i would like to help out with this project, but if it is going to be written in LUA i cannot offer my help as i have no knowledge of it currently and unlikely to have enough time to learn LUA in preparation. Any definite answer?

Statistics: Posted by Cutter — 06 Jan 2013, 02:42

2012-12-29T13:12:58+02:00 2012-12-29T13:12:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2594&p=25858#p25858 <![CDATA[Re: saving some of Zep's time]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 29 Dec 2012, 13:12

2012-12-29T12:56:59+02:00 2012-12-29T12:56:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2594&p=25857#p25857 <![CDATA[Re: saving some of Zep's time]]>

the game supreme commander (and ofc forged alliance) is coded in Lua, the lobby FAF is coded in Python

every change you want to make for the game, like adding units, changing alliances, giving the player a task to do with a limited time, or anything else what's related to the game has to be coded in Lua

the FAF lobby doesn't influence the games directly.
when hosting a new game, the lobby executes a windows command which will start FA with a parameter, this parameter tells FA to load a gamemode like phantomx or nomads.
the game is peer to peer, that means the connection is not running from you to the server anymore, once the game started (while you're in the lobby, the server helps players joining your game).

as you see, the is no way to write the code for galactic war games in anything else than Lua, but it doesn't really matter what language is used for the lobby
thus, every feature GW will bring to the gameplay needs some (working) Lua code, for example forcing faction alliances or prespawn units (like i've submitted), or not yet coded stuff like a survival with a player controlling the streams, or some of the 'crazy ideas' zep mentioned

p.s. in case you worry that you have to set the lobby options every time before playing a GW game, it's not true. don't forget, there's also a way FAF starts ladder games with always the same options (unit limit, civs are enemies, normal gamespeed, ...)

Statistics: Posted by Myxir — 29 Dec 2012, 12:56

2012-12-28T17:34:22+02:00 2012-12-28T17:34:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2594&p=25776#p25776 <![CDATA[Re: saving some of Zep's time]]> Statistics: Posted by Cutter — 28 Dec 2012, 17:34

2012-12-22T11:17:36+02:00 2012-12-22T11:17:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2594&p=25471#p25471 <![CDATA[saving some of Zep's time]]>
post your code and a description here (and for what it's useful, if it's not obvious)

> settings affect all commanders of a faction
> the starting condition of the factions can be different
> prebuilt units have to be enabled

- add engys to your spawning acu
own and uef
own and cybran
own and aeon
own and seraphim

- add buildings to your spawning acu
t1 AA
pgn, radar
t1 AA, pgn, radar
landfac, t1 AA
landfac, pgn, radar
landfac, t1 AA, pgn, radar

- force faction alliances
( allies you to all commanders of the same faction and makes every other faction your enemy )

- change civ alliances
( allies civs with all players of the selected faction, ressource sharing is disabled, does not disturb alliance/neutral behaviour towards other factions)

why is it useful?
i thought it's helpful for setting up games in the galactic war
( faction/civ alliances, prespawn buildings )
and the master-slave system
( engy of a foreign faction )

this is the extension of the first download, it should work with Nomads aswell
(i can't say for sure, FA didn't let me initialize nomads and this at the same time)

Statistics: Posted by Myxir — 22 Dec 2012, 11:17
