Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-08-17T03:23:38+02:00 /feed.php?f=45&t=8371 2014-08-17T03:23:38+02:00 2014-08-17T03:23:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8371&p=78933#p78933 <![CDATA[Proposal: Satellite Fix]]>
#**  File     :  /cdimage/units/XEB2402/XEB2402_script.lua
#**  Author(s):  Dru Staltman
#**  Summary  :  UEF Sub Orbital Laser
#**  Copyright © 2005 Gas Powered Games, Inc.  All rights reserved.
local TStructureUnit = import('/lua/terranunits.lua').TStructureUnit

XEB2402 = Class(TStructureUnit) {   
    DeathThreadDestructionWaitTime = 8,
    OnStopBeingBuilt = function(self)
        ChangeState( self, self.OpenState )
    OpenState = State() {

        Main = function(self)           
            local newSat = not self.Satellite
            --># Play open animations.  Currently both play after unit finished, but will change
            --># to play one while being built and one when finished
            --># Can't use PermOpenAnimation because of the satellite
            local bp = self:GetBlueprint()
            self.AnimManip = CreateAnimator(self)
            self.AnimManip:PlayAnim( '/units/XEB2402/' )
            WaitFor( self.AnimManip )

...So they must have originally planned for the satellite hq to be a factory that builds more satellites! Also, we can shoot down satellites in real life with modern (but more specialized) SAM technology, so it stands to reason that in supcom they could do the same.

To implement this, the satellite would have to be modded to not set itself as the child of the hq and vice versa, so that if you shot down the satellite the hq wouldn't ctrl-K.

EDIT!: I just realized this probably should have gone in the "Suggestions" forum. Oops!
Please move this post if appropriate!

Statistics: Posted by A_vehicle — 17 Aug 2014, 03:23
