Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-12-03T21:19:48+02:00 /feed.php?f=45&t=8296 2015-12-03T21:19:48+02:00 2015-12-03T21:19:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115136#p115136 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
ajkayforty7 wrote:
Resin_Smoker wrote:
ajkayforty7 wrote:Very nice mod, it looks very cool, but i can see one problem. How is this system going to handle the EMP stun of loyalists if it fires them off again? Will other units get stunned or still the GC?

When the Loyalist is thrown, the EMP will impact those units near it. Hence if the GC throws the Loyalist, it can stun enemies with it as you'd expect.


But one of the nice features of loyalists vs GC's is that it gets stunned by sucking them in. So this is sort off a big nerf to the loya vs GC's, in stead of stunning it, it suddenly becomes a weapon for it. Still very nice work.

Well consider that with the original GC, the Loyalist is killed at the point it comes into contact with the tractor-arms. Now with my changes, it allows the Loyalist to live until it's thrown and impacts the ground. The basic idea being that the Loyalist can still fire its weapons and the death event doesn't come into play until it actually dies. If you think about it this makes a hell of allot more sense by allowing to units being tractor-ed to continue to fight.

Now keep in mind that if a unit isn't "allowed" to fire from the Air layer, then being tractored would prevent it from firing as soon as it left the ground. This however wouldn't prevent a Death-Event from triggering.


Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 03 Dec 2015, 21:19

2015-12-03T18:14:50+02:00 2015-12-03T18:14:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115128#p115128 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
Resin_Smoker wrote:
ajkayforty7 wrote:Very nice mod, it looks very cool, but i can see one problem. How is this system going to handle the EMP stun of loyalists if it fires them off again? Will other units get stunned or still the GC?

When the Loyalist is thrown, the EMP will impact those units near it. Hence if the GC throws the Loyalist, it can stun enemies with it as you'd expect.


But one of the nice features of loyalists vs GC's is that it gets stunned by sucking them in. So this is sort off a big nerf to the loya vs GC's, in stead of stunning it, it suddenly becomes a weapon for it. Still very nice work.

Statistics: Posted by wasdf — 03 Dec 2015, 18:14

2015-12-03T16:15:09+02:00 2015-12-03T16:15:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115121#p115121 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
Resin_Smoker wrote:
Krapougnak wrote:1. Make a minimod on the vault

2. Make a video of ingame actual play (not test) 3-5 minute long that is nice to watch and showcast this mod

3. Post a new thread on "general discussion" forum with said video

4. Keep making some buzz on that forum with new videos/replays of the mod. Try hosting games with the mod activated. The objective is to garner support and interest for the mod in the community.

5. Make all this just before the release of a patch for faf, so that this change could be added shortly to it before people loose interest and move on.

Another solution is to try to convince the mods (Icedreamer, Sheeo etc...) so they put it directly in a patch to be tested by the community, but that hasn't worked it seems... .

That is all that comes to mind, other than that I have no idea.

Good luck, your change could really add not only to faction diversity but also to the originality, the fluff and pleasantness of the game, without breaking balance. A game is not only a shitload of stats and numbers, it needs also to spark wonder and surprise the players.

I did most of what you've suggested but it seams that most are not open to the idea.


Too bad... :( But keep trying making the buzz is the solution.

From my perspective, I get to play with your fantastic mod and I'm very happy about it ! So thanks again ! 8-)

Statistics: Posted by Krapougnak — 03 Dec 2015, 16:15

2015-12-03T11:35:16+02:00 2015-12-03T11:35:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115115#p115115 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
ajkayforty7 wrote:
Very nice mod, it looks very cool, but i can see one problem. How is this system going to handle the EMP stun of loyalists if it fires them off again? Will other units get stunned or still the GC?

When the Loyalist is thrown, the EMP will impact those units near it. Hence if the GC throws the Loyalist, it can stun enemies with it as you'd expect.


Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 03 Dec 2015, 11:35

2015-12-03T11:33:27+02:00 2015-12-03T11:33:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115114#p115114 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
Krapougnak wrote:
1. Make a minimod on the vault

2. Make a video of ingame actual play (not test) 3-5 minute long that is nice to watch and showcast this mod

3. Post a new thread on "general discussion" forum with said video

4. Keep making some buzz on that forum with new videos/replays of the mod. Try hosting games with the mod activated. The objective is to garner support and interest for the mod in the community.

5. Make all this just before the release of a patch for faf, so that this change could be added shortly to it before people loose interest and move on.

Another solution is to try to convince the mods (Icedreamer, Sheeo etc...) so they put it directly in a patch to be tested by the community, but that hasn't worked it seems... .

That is all that comes to mind, other than that I have no idea.

Good luck, your change could really add not only to faction diversity but also to the originality, the fluff and pleasantness of the game, without breaking balance. A game is not only a shitload of stats and numbers, it needs also to spark wonder and surprise the players.

I did most of what you've suggested but it seams that most are not open to the idea.


Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 03 Dec 2015, 11:33

2015-12-02T11:34:05+02:00 2015-12-02T11:34:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115085#p115085 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]> Statistics: Posted by wasdf — 02 Dec 2015, 11:34

2015-12-02T11:24:48+02:00 2015-12-02T11:24:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115084#p115084 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
2. Make a video of ingame actual play (not test) 3-5 minute long that is nice to watch and showcast this mod

3. Post a new thread on "general discussion" forum with said video

4. Keep making some buzz on that forum with new videos/replays of the mod. Try hosting games with the mod activated. The objective is to garner support and interest for the mod in the community.

5. Make all this just before the release of a patch for faf, so that this change could be added shortly to it before people loose interest and move on.

Another solution is to try to convince the mods (Icedreamer, Sheeo etc...) so they put it directly in a patch to be tested by the community, but that hasn't worked it seems... .

That is all that comes to mind, other than that I have no idea.

Good luck, your change could really add not only to faction diversity but also to the originality, the fluff and pleasantness of the game, without breaking balance. A game is not only a shitload of stats and numbers, it needs also to spark wonder and surprise the players.

Statistics: Posted by Krapougnak — 02 Dec 2015, 11:24

2015-12-02T05:07:49+02:00 2015-12-02T05:07:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115080#p115080 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]> Statistics: Posted by nine2 — 02 Dec 2015, 05:07

2015-12-02T02:01:55+02:00 2015-12-02T02:01:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=115079#p115079 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>

Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 02 Dec 2015, 02:01

2015-11-20T17:02:10+02:00 2015-11-20T17:02:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=114445#p114445 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>

Statistics: Posted by Krapougnak — 20 Nov 2015, 17:02

2015-11-18T19:31:36+02:00 2015-11-18T19:31:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=114284#p114284 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
IceDreamer wrote:
Resin_Smoker wrote:Any chance of this making it into FAF as a unit enhancement?


Very unlikely, you'd need a huge community request, though the adjustments that you pointed out to the claw targeting parameters are in my fix, so thanks for those tips :p If you checkout that branch on git you'll see the Colossus is finally working as intended.

So any takers / support? This mod would allow the GC to become what GPG should of released in the first place!

Last video I made: ...


Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 18 Nov 2015, 19:31

2015-01-22T19:00:53+02:00 2015-01-22T19:00:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=91904#p91904 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>

Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 22 Jan 2015, 19:00

2015-01-22T18:52:18+02:00 2015-01-22T18:52:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=91903#p91903 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
Resin_Smoker wrote:
Any chance of this making it into FAF as a unit enhancement?


Very unlikely, you'd need a huge community request, though the adjustments that you pointed out to the claw targeting parameters are in my fix, so thanks for those tips :p If you checkout that branch on git you'll see the Colossus is finally working as intended.

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 22 Jan 2015, 18:52

2015-01-22T07:39:11+02:00 2015-01-22T07:39:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=91881#p91881 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>

Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 22 Jan 2015, 07:39

2015-01-04T19:32:08+02:00 2015-01-04T19:32:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8296&p=90301#p90301 <![CDATA[Re: Galactic Colossus can throw units W/ Download (v0.6)]]>
IceDreamer wrote:
The claws simply have to be redone, and I think a projectile would be better as long as the homing is good enough. It needs to be overhauled A: To get rid of errors when the unit tries to claw too many things at once, B: To stop the claws flinging units behind themselves, and C: To get rid of the attack-move order spam exploit which causes a much higher ROF than intended (Sucks up two units each tick).

A homing projectile would look ridiculous cork-screwing towards the GC with a unit attached. As for the exploit I don't think thus is possible with my last build but please have at it and let me know if anything needs to be corrected.


Statistics: Posted by Resin_Smoker — 04 Jan 2015, 19:32
