Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-10-09T11:08:38+02:00 /feed.php?f=45&t=3645 2013-10-09T11:08:38+02:00 2013-10-09T11:08:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=55466#p55466 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> I am not sure it's possible (or it would be very complicated) to solve it without adjusting the spawn positions case by case, for each map. GPG mostly had a system where positions alternate in the lobby : position 1 and position 2 = opposite = enemy, position 3 = on the side of position 1 and 4 = on the side of position 2, and so on. So it could be the default layout, and maps that don't follow this system can be updated to follow it: it's really an easy change.
For a 2v2 ladder system, it's very easy and quick (20 maps to check, most of them already follow the default spawning system). For GW, it would take (much) more time, but it's so trivial a change, that it's not hard to do, and since all maps need to be checked at some point anyway, this can be changed during the checking, each time a map has spawn points incongruencies compared to the default layout.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 09 Oct 2013, 11:08

2013-10-09T10:14:50+02:00 2013-10-09T10:14:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=55464#p55464 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> Just with the new campaign coop I've been able to trick back friends to play again. They like the game but too scared to play competetive.. When playing World of Warcraft they only at the end experienced how fun the PvP part was (2v2, 3v3, 4v4), being afraid of all PVP to begin with. At the end PVP was the only thing they played. But to get them hooked they needed a safe way to start PVP, like having a team with a more experienced player, getting matched with equal rated teams. After some matches they will hopefully look at ways to improve their ranking by improving their ladder playstyle, hopefully moving away from their customary SIM CITY playstyle that is safe and well for slowly killin and AI opponent.

As mentioned the coop campaing, already awesome and hope it will bring more players inn. Think we 2v2 ladder also will help in the same direction, as well as being fun for teams of experienced players fighting for the top spots of the ladder :)
Keep up the good work! FAF is indeed keeping Forged Alliance alive!

Statistics: Posted by Pus007 — 09 Oct 2013, 10:14

2013-07-31T20:30:39+02:00 2013-07-31T20:30:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=49926#p49926 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]>
Golol wrote:
ok. i really hope well get it because it would be great for playing with friends.

"playing with friends" ? i dont get it

Statistics: Posted by TheConqueror — 31 Jul 2013, 20:30

2013-07-30T16:45:16+02:00 2013-07-30T16:45:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=49781#p49781 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> Statistics: Posted by Golol — 30 Jul 2013, 16:45

2013-07-30T16:15:30+02:00 2013-07-30T16:15:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=49773#p49773 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 30 Jul 2013, 16:15

2013-07-30T16:14:09+02:00 2013-07-30T16:14:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=49771#p49771 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> Statistics: Posted by Golol — 30 Jul 2013, 16:14

2013-05-05T15:42:40+02:00 2013-05-05T15:42:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=40660#p40660 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> Statistics: Posted by FireMessiah — 05 May 2013, 15:42

2013-05-05T14:16:40+02:00 2013-05-05T14:16:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=40651#p40651 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]>
I can't integrate now because it require some additional work :

- For the server.
- For FA itself. GPG half-assed it, that's why the teams are positioned randomly.
I have to solve it for GW, so it can be integrated once it's done for GW.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 05 May 2013, 14:16

2013-04-25T16:58:50+02:00 2013-04-25T16:58:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=39763#p39763 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> )

Statistics: Posted by ZaphodX — 25 Apr 2013, 16:58

2013-04-25T15:57:16+02:00 2013-04-25T15:57:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=39758#p39758 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]>
(lol @ "TAG" -500)

Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 25 Apr 2013, 15:57

2013-04-25T15:05:21+02:00 2013-04-25T15:05:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=39746#p39746 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]>
Suggestions? Questions? Death threats?

Statistics: Posted by johnie102 — 25 Apr 2013, 15:05

2013-04-24T23:23:58+02:00 2013-04-24T23:23:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=39688#p39688 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> I will be leaving for a week soon, I'll try to get it a bit more pretty and show some screenshots before then.
Btw, still haven't solved the problem in my previous post. It's not critical, but it means it will not look as good as it can.

Statistics: Posted by johnie102 — 24 Apr 2013, 23:23

2013-04-24T16:57:57+02:00 2013-04-24T16:57:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=39656#p39656 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]>
- register a unique 2v2 team (5 players are able to participate, and you are allowed to be in as many teams as you want and allowed to register as much as you want, they get deleted (set to inactive) automatically after 2 months inactivity)
- add 2 checkboxes under the "matchmaker" that defines that you are available for 1v1 and/or 2v2 team games
- optional a box, as you proposed, where a team can be chosen, in case other teams of you search as well
- optional a box, where you can define a prio-A player of your team who you wants to be matched with
- after that you click on the automatchmaker (same like now) and it will find a game for you
- if you checked both boxes "1v1 and 2v2" the system will find for you at first a 2v2, after 2 minutes it's not able to find some teamgame for you, it will look for another team or a 1v1
- 2v2 ladder would show two types: "All teams" (seperated in tech1,2,3,4) and "your teams" (last one filtered, so it shows only the teams you are in and which rank you have) - search function let you look for other players and shows how their teams perform...

benefits: not much to change on graphical interface of the find games page - only add the checkboxes and the dropbox

optional: green color for teammates in the chatlobby. teammates searching will be highlighted in aeolus.
just in case players are not using voice communication...

If you need help train me in programming in python :p

Statistics: Posted by discoverer2k4 — 24 Apr 2013, 16:57

2013-04-20T23:21:34+02:00 2013-04-20T23:21:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=39294#p39294 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> I want to have a QListView that can have elements that each have a different background/hover/selected color. I tried doing this via setBackground in the items, but that didn't work. Then I tried subclassing the ListWidgetItem classes and setting their properties in the CSS file, but this didn't work either. ListWidgetItem objects don't have a setStylesheet function so I can't set it directly as well.
The only way I know to do this, is to draw the background color manually in the delegate painter function, but this doesn't seem right.
Is there an easier way?

Statistics: Posted by johnie102 — 20 Apr 2013, 23:21

2013-04-14T20:11:13+02:00 2013-04-14T20:11:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3645&p=38322#p38322 <![CDATA[Re: 2v2 lobby]]> So if a clan has 6 members or less (or some other number) then it is available as a group and you can select it in a dropdown menu. Then the procedure would be as I described. As far as I know all the clan information will be available from the FAF lobby so this should work, right?
Then it is the groups responsibility that everyone is roughly of the same skill level or else the matching will probably fail (if there is one member of the team that sucks he will get matched to players that are too good).
I'll try to create the UI side of this then :D

Statistics: Posted by johnie102 — 14 Apr 2013, 20:11
