Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-03-27T19:13:40+02:00 /feed.php?f=45&t=3179 2013-03-27T19:13:40+02:00 2013-03-27T19:13:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35914#p35914 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]>
Rienzilla wrote:
- Does watching a live replay result in some sort of signal to which the mumbleconnector can connect? (it would be sweet to talk together about a live game that is going on with other watchers)

This would be ace.

Statistics: Posted by ZaphodX — 27 Mar 2013, 19:13

2013-03-27T18:18:26+02:00 2013-03-27T18:18:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35901#p35901 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]>
- Does watching a live replay result in some sort of signal to which the mumbleconnector can connect? (it would be sweet to talk together about a live game that is going on with other watchers)

- Is there a possibility for a button/indicator in an easily reachable place (for example bottom right, outlined right next to the tabs)? It would be used to toggle auto channel-switching, so you can easily disable auto switching when you don't want it (for example when you're talking to somebody). I'd make it myself, just wanted to check if that would be an acceptable thing.


Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 27 Mar 2013, 18:18

2013-03-25T00:07:46+02:00 2013-03-25T00:07:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35462#p35462 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 25 Mar 2013, 00:07

2013-03-24T22:36:41+02:00 2013-03-24T22:36:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35435#p35435 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 24 Mar 2013, 22:36

2013-03-24T22:34:06+02:00 2013-03-24T22:34:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35434#p35434 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> ).

Can we put the voice connector enable checkbox into a somewhat more prominent place in the next version? It's used by approximately 2% of the players now, so I'm guessing most people don't know it's there.

Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 24 Mar 2013, 22:34

2013-03-24T17:07:51+02:00 2013-03-24T17:07:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35361#p35361 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]>
UID is in a private repository. The code doesn't need it to launch (like FA), so I don't have to include it.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 24 Mar 2013, 17:07

2013-03-24T13:14:25+02:00 2013-03-24T13:14:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35331#p35331 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]>
I added the modifications to my fork. Didn't test them yet, but will do that tonight and create a pull request when done.

I noticed you removed binaries because of licensing issues, I didn't think of that before putting them in. For reference, the source for the mumble_link library is here: Where do the other two come from?

Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 24 Mar 2013, 13:14

2013-03-23T18:12:34+02:00 2013-03-23T18:12:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35227#p35227 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 23 Mar 2013, 18:12

2013-03-23T17:21:36+02:00 2013-03-23T17:21:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=35222#p35222 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]>
Is it possible to set the following registry keys in the next version of faf installer:

HKCU\Software\Mumble\Mumble\audio\postransmit = true
HKCU\Software\Mumble\Mumble\audio\positional = true

That way the users won't need to deal with the mumble positional audio configuration required to make the connector work.

Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 23 Mar 2013, 17:21

2013-03-05T01:08:02+02:00 2013-03-05T01:08:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=32926#p32926 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> ...

Go test it out. The sooner we get this to release quality, the sooner it can be integrated in upstream.

PS. Zep: dict.copy didn't do the trick regarding the false gameinfo messages. Copy.deepcopy(message) did.

Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 05 Mar 2013, 01:08

2013-03-04T19:31:52+02:00 2013-03-04T19:31:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=32884#p32884 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3200

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 04 Mar 2013, 19:31

2013-03-04T19:30:05+02:00 2013-03-04T19:30:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=32883#p32883 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> i would recommed using it, when it is not too late for that.
when you do not want or can use teamspeak 3, i recommend to close the faf teamspeak 3 server and start a faf mumble server!

there has been a discussion like that already. look here: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=2789&hilit=+teamspeak
please read at least the comments from discoverer2k4. he identified a lot of possible problems and some solutions...

the most important thing is to make it run before improvements can be added.

Statistics: Posted by eXcalibur — 04 Mar 2013, 19:30

2013-03-03T16:02:11+02:00 2013-03-03T16:02:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=32722#p32722 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
So you need to parse all the teams to check if the player (self.client.login) is in it.

When I'm just hanging in the lobby, I seem to regularly get gameInfo signals with state open, where my login name is in the gameInfo['team'] list, but with which I have nothing to do. (for example, game 685254 685264 685278 685289).

Example logs (last line is the full dictionary):

2013-03-04 11:15:48,566 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
2013-03-04 11:15:48,566 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Rienzilla
2013-03-04 11:15:48,566 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'1': [u'alexanderberlin', u'Double-K-4ever'], u'2': [u'SB_Vak', u'Rienzilla'], u'-1': [u'HighLander-TX']}
2013-03-04 11:15:48,566 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 688329
2013-03-04 11:15:48,566 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 688329
2013-03-04 11:15:48,566 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'num_players': 4, u'access': u'public', u'uid': 688329, u'title': u'1300-1650 have fun', u'game_time': 1362391706.547529, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'open', u'teams': {u'1': [u'alexanderberlin', u'Double-K-4ever'], u'2': [u'SB_Vak', u'Rienzilla'], u'-1': [u'HighLander-TX']}, u'mapname': u'scmp_031', u'host': u'alexanderberlin', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 4, u'options': []}

Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 03 Mar 2013, 16:02

2013-02-28T18:34:09+02:00 2013-02-28T18:34:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=32457#p32457 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]> Statistics: Posted by Veta — 28 Feb 2013, 18:34

2013-02-28T14:05:02+02:00 2013-02-28T14:05:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3179&p=32434#p32434 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Voice plugin]]>
However, it seems that the build is missing the mumble_link library (or at least, that it's packaged in a place where it isnt found), so it crashes if you enable the setting.

(Zep: I put mumble_link.pyd in src/mumbleconnector/. Where should I move it so it can be found when the lobby is packaged into exe/lib?)

pyd is here: ... at=default

Statistics: Posted by Rienzilla — 28 Feb 2013, 14:05
