1. Download the client installer from: --- not in use currently ---
- ALWAYS make sure you got the newest version before joining a test game
- The file you need is the *.msi one
2. Install the client from the file you downloaded
- This will create a new client installation called Forged Alliance Forever Beta which will be completely seperate from your normal installation.
3. Launch the client
- There is probably a new shortcut on your desktop.
- This client will connect to the test server
- The games you play here DO NOT AFFECT THE PRODUCTION SERVER DATABASE, it will not count towards your game count or rating
4. Login using your FAF username and leave the password field empty
- If your account was just created pretty recently, it won't be yet contained in the database
- In this case contact the test organizer about how to proceed, there are ice test accounts
5. Join the game in the Play tab
- If asked, you can view the connectivity status by right clicking the FAF icon in the top left corner
6. Observe
- If anything unexpected happens, do immediately inform the organizer
- provide screenshots / additional information when possible
7. Upload logs
- If asked by the organizer to do so please upload logs of the test game
- DO NOT send the log without being asked, we don't have time to read through 10k+ lines of log each game
- Windows users: you can find the log files in C:\ProgramData\FAForeverDevelop\logs
- The one needed is the ice adapter log and the forever.log