Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-08-25T14:18:43+02:00 /feed.php?f=45&t=10647 2020-08-25T14:18:43+02:00 2020-08-25T14:18:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=186370#p186370 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.606] FA Forever Map Editor]]> Statistics: Posted by yogimoninc — 25 Aug 2020, 14:18

2020-07-12T09:14:06+02:00 2020-07-12T09:14:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=185566#p185566 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.605] FA Forever Map Editor]]> v0.606
- Map: Updated AdaptiveMap script
- Map: Added optional credits fields for scenario.lua: Author, Credit, Changelog, Tools, Url
- Heightmap: Added option in preferences for clamping heightmap brush to never exceed 50 distance between lowest and highest point
- Heightmap: When importing heightmap and when distance between lowest and highest point is greater than 50 editor will ask if you want to clamp bottom or top of heightmap
- Heightmap: Improvements in updating markers, props, decals and units when heightmap changed
- Heightmap: Fixed getting brush Min and Max from the terrain
- Water: Added clear button for water waves
- Stratum: On load editor will assign missing normal maps for lowest and 1-8 layers and remove normal map from top stratum
- Stratum: For new maps lower stratum and all 8 layers will have default normal map assigned
- Stratum: Fixed crash when performing undo on textures
- Stratum: Small bugfixes in loading stratum textures
- Stratum: Changed algorithm of clamp between lowest & highest point
- Lighting: Added missing values to undo register
- Markers: Editor now saves layer settings
- Markers: Editor will now display all marker chains when we are inside Chains tab
- Markers: Changed color and width of selected marker chain
- Markers: Implemented Copy/Paste
- Markers, Units, Decals, Props - Fixed update thread taking much longer than it should
- Decals: Fixed sorting of Albedo and NormalMap decals
- Decals: Implemented Copy/Paste
- Decals: Rewritten rendering for better order sorting
- Decals: Fixed bug in rendering preview placing decals
- Decals: Fixed some bugs in allocating memory for decals
- Decals: Copy/Paste now also copies CutOffLOD, NearCutOffLOD and OwnerArmy
- Props: Implemented Copy/Paste
- Props: Removing selected props now works
- Props: Fixed bug when performing undo/redo few times removes all props from map
- Props: Fixed bug when leaving props menu still allows for selecting props
- Props: Moved props will now snap to ground
- Units: Fixed tarmac decals not being displayed and saved as decals
- Units: Increased max vertex count for loaded unit from 32767 to 65535
- Units: Fixed crash when unit can't be found in gamedata
- Units: Double-click on UnitGroup (not on its title) will now select all units inside that group
- Units: In Units tab added Select group that will select group of first selected unit
- Units: Moved transform controls outside Units tab to be also available from Groups tab
- Units: Unit type is now saved lowercase in save.lua
- UI: Fixed error about tilled background on higher resolutions
- UI: Fixed crash in preload when game path is incorrect
- Files: Corrected path to the log file
- Files: Fixed crash when faf gamedata path exist but there are no *.nx2 files there

Editor now fully support copy & paste



Statistics: Posted by ozonex — 12 Jul 2020, 09:14

2020-05-01T14:06:05+02:00 2020-05-01T14:06:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=183713#p183713 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.605] FA Forever Map Editor]]> It was tons of fun to create your own maps, however 1 tiny detail are missing but dead important:

My problem is that teams doesn´t work. When creating game players can choose teams, but once launched, everyone starts as enemies. What am I missing? The wiki doesn´t help me, those instructions dont seem to be up to date.

Statistics: Posted by Boundless_ — 01 May 2020, 14:06

2019-12-13T12:17:08+02:00 2019-12-13T12:17:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=180365#p180365 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.605] FA Forever Map Editor]]> Statistics: Posted by keyser — 13 Dec 2019, 12:17

2019-12-13T12:13:02+02:00 2019-12-13T12:13:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=180364#p180364 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]> v0.605
- Map: Mass and energy reclaim are now saved into lua file
- Armies: New created armies will now have Initial unit group
- Terrain: Fixed issue with lost of precision when saving map
- Terrain: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Textures: Fixed missing MipMaps for default normal map texture
- Textures: Editor will now not throw error when texture is no longer in RAM
- Textures: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Lighting: Fog is now clamped when updating light
- Decals: Improved rendering performance
- Decals: Fixed bug where when placing decals they were not rendered
- Props: Pros can now be selected and translated
- Props: Fixed painting props
- Props: Fixed wrong displayed number of reclaim after painting
- Props: Fixed memory leak and crash at adding props from resource browser
- Markers: Fixed crash when adding/removing markers when in other tab than Markers/Markers
- Markers: Added "All" toggle for marker layers, that allow to disable or enable all layers
- Markers: Changed default names for NavalArea, ExpansionArea, LargeExpansionArea, CombatZone and DefensivePoint
- Markers: Added button that allows to automatically fix AI marker names
- Units: Fixed crash on rendering termacs when placing units
- Units: Fixed rendering issues when switching units between groups
- Units: Added Import and Export of units
- Units: Editor will now display minimum and maximum weapon range for selected units
- Units: Added basic information about selected unit in Units tab
- Units: Added Copy/Paste
- Units: Fixed units wrong reclaim values
- Assets: Reduced memory usage from loaded models and textures
- Files: Added to editor version information if its a WIP release
- Resource browser: Fixed memory leak at loading decals in resource browser
- Resource browser: Fixed error when switching from Props tab
- Resource browser: Browser will now unload unused assets from memory, that should help with huge memory usage
- Resource browser: Browser now loads new FAF env resources
- Resource browser: Fixed crash at removing empty textures when switching category
- Render: Rendering map now works
- Debug: Added Ruler tool under Tools/Ruler
- Undo: Fixed desynch after performing redo and undo few times and then recording new undo
- General: Updated source code to Unity 2019.2
- General: Fixed unity bugs with UI toggles
- General: Some improvements in restoring last window settings

Props selection
Props can now be selected and translated like markers or units.

In this build I started working on copy/paste feature. Right now its implemented in Units, so you can copy/paste them between groups/armies.



Statistics: Posted by ozonex — 13 Dec 2019, 12:13

2019-08-08T11:14:38+02:00 2019-08-08T11:14:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=177210#p177210 <![CDATA[Re: [阿尔法 0.604] FA 永远地图编辑器]]> Statistics: Posted by CAF312 — 08 Aug 2019, 11:14

2019-05-25T12:45:25+02:00 2019-05-25T12:45:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=175058#p175058 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]> See links for screens on the Team, Armies and armiesdetails


Statistics: Posted by spannow — 25 May 2019, 12:45

2019-01-07T16:26:55+02:00 2019-01-07T16:26:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=170937#p170937 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]>
EntropyWins wrote:
Feature request: map editor leaving _scenario.lua alone when it has no changes to save there. Or perhaps have an option to always leave it alone. Every time I save the map via the editor I end up with a broken _scenario.lua and have to undo the change via my IDEs local history or via git.

What exactly is it missing in scenario.lua after saving? I think editor should support your values. What map is it? I can take a look and maybe add support for them.

EntropyWins wrote:
I can't open map survival_horde_ee.v0019. Error and log attached

That map has strange unsupported marker types like "BlankMarker2". For now there is no way to load such map, marker types need to be changed to standard ones, or i will need to write support for custom marker types.

Generaldodger wrote:
When i load up my map i get this error.

When i go into Props tab and open Resource Browser it just freezes up. I guess it cant find the files?

Looks like you used work in progress build of v0.605, that had lot of changes in rendering and props. There was that error about terrain shader that was caused by upgrading sourcecode to Unity 2018.3. Props are also broken, because i'm working on them.
Download latest (v0.604) stable build ... ses/latest

In build v0.605 there will be improvements in memory usage and props selection, but i'm still working on it. In the last days I did not have much free time to sit with him for longer.

Statistics: Posted by ozonex — 07 Jan 2019, 16:26

2018-12-15T00:06:11+02:00 2018-12-15T00:06:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=170207#p170207 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]>
When i load up my map i get this error.

When i go into Props tab and open Resource Browser it just freezes up. I guess it cant find the files?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have the Steam version of SupCom FA.

Log included also below.

Thank you to anyone who can help!

- Win 10, intel 4790k, Gtx 780 Dx11.0

Statistics: Posted by Generaldodger — 15 Dec 2018, 00:06

2018-11-04T01:10:49+02:00 2018-11-04T01:10:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=169218#p169218 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]>

It happens when you cross a certain border value of the height difference between highest on lowest point of the map.

In simple terms, your elevations from the lowest point on your map to the highest, are simply too great.

Statistics: Posted by Sprouto — 04 Nov 2018, 01:10

2018-11-03T16:51:36+02:00 2018-11-03T16:51:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=169200#p169200 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]>
keyser wrote:
i also advice you to read the wiki : ... Map_Editor
it give you tons of explanation, like how to deal with this issue

there's nothing that will help me.

Statistics: Posted by Coshina — 03 Nov 2018, 16:51

2018-11-03T16:09:22+02:00 2018-11-03T16:09:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=169198#p169198 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]> viewtopic.php?f=53&t=8439
i also advice you to read the wiki : ... Map_Editor
it give you tons of explanation, like how to deal with this issue

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 03 Nov 2018, 16:09

2018-11-03T15:59:55+02:00 2018-11-03T15:59:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=169197#p169197 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]> When you get close to the ground then everything is fine
Вот сама карта ... QyIU-qbO9P

Statistics: Posted by Coshina — 03 Nov 2018, 15:59

2018-09-15T18:32:05+02:00 2018-09-15T18:32:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=167554#p167554 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]>
Feature request: map editor leaving _scenario.lua alone when it has no changes to save there. Or perhaps have an option to always leave it alone. Every time I save the map via the editor I end up with a broken _scenario.lua and have to undo the change via my IDEs local history or via git.

BTW, I really appreciate having a working map editor. Thanks so much for creating it!

Statistics: Posted by EntropyWins — 15 Sep 2018, 18:32

2018-09-15T18:22:56+02:00 2018-09-15T18:22:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10647&p=167553#p167553 <![CDATA[Re: [Alpha 0.604] FA Forever Map Editor]]> Statistics: Posted by EntropyWins — 15 Sep 2018, 18:22
