Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-02-20T13:44:34+02:00 /feed.php?f=42&t=9135 2015-02-20T13:44:34+02:00 2015-02-20T13:44:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=94307#p94307 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]> That's exactly what I had in mind.

@Poch: A message and/or self-only ping (is that even possible?), would be great, configurable of course.

Or maybe even a regular ping, most people ping anyway when they gift you something.

But auto-selecting is a terrible idea, I think. It would come in the most disruptive times. Imagine you want to dodge a tac missile with your ACU, and just before you click to move, someone gifts an engi to you. The engi moves, the ACU explodes.

Also, think of the grieving that can be done. Scouts are cheap, and if I want to gift one a second to you, I can do it without problems. That would be annoying as hell, and make playing almost impossible.

I think that may merit a thread of its own.

Statistics: Posted by Phlegm — 20 Feb 2015, 13:44

2015-02-03T13:28:55+02:00 2015-02-03T13:28:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=92794#p92794 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
Interesting topic, i dont know about the autopause, since in the ideal scenario where you play with good teammates, if one gives you a hive it probably is because you should be assisting something ASAP. I don't mind either.

But i have an extra proposition : Make that everytime someone gives a unit to another player, a message is displayed (or you receive a private chat message), to tell you that player X gave you Y amount of units.

I think it would't be too hard to do, and it would improve the game a little bit. That kind of information is rare and important enough to think about it i think. Especially if you don't want to make a decision about autopause-after-give but yet help detecting those "give exploits". Extra kudos if you can add a button to auto-select the unit that have been given to you.

Statistics: Posted by Poch — 03 Feb 2015, 13:28

2015-01-16T21:30:18+02:00 2015-01-16T21:30:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=91362#p91362 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>

If people want it, the code's ready to roll. Any more input in that small debate in the comments would be great too :)

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 16 Jan 2015, 21:30

2015-01-16T04:35:27+02:00 2015-01-16T04:35:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=91289#p91289 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
Aurion wrote:
Also, if you feel that you need a certain faction (which is in most cases, complete nonsense), then choose it goddamnit.

^^ This.

If you can have tech from every faction, why have factions at all? Why not play one of those stupid voodoo maps where you start with two of every ACU? Because that's not how the game works. That's why we have constant discussions about balance, because the factions are balanced against each other. You never NEED one particular faction's tech to win. To hold up Rohan as an example of such is pretty hilarious, considering that everyone who's ever watched or played Rohan games has seen plenty that don't end with a Scathis, or even feature a Scathis.

Plus, look at your attitude:

BrickedKeyboard wrote:
Sometimes your only cybran player is too n00b to be trusted with a scathis, or dies from strat bombers because he left his acu undefended in an easily sniped location.

Think about what it means to work with someone. Maybe your teammates are doing something besides going for a Scathis and you should be supporting them.

Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 16 Jan 2015, 04:35

2015-01-15T21:59:19+02:00 2015-01-15T21:59:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=91264#p91264 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
BrickedKeyboard wrote:
E8400-CV wrote:
SC-Account wrote:Why don't you just.. talk to them? Also if you don't notice that I guess you would not use your resources well anyway :D
Also, why not post replays?

Oh and also if you want to screw your own team there is an infinity of ways, it is impossible to prevent that other than by.. working on having a team that does not try to defeat itself.

Too many people ignore chat

Exactly the reason why we need "convert ally unit".

This. Being able to capture units from your team does have potential for abuse - but you've always been able to tac missile your teammates all day without them being able to defend against it as it is.

So it doesn't harm anything, and I can't count how many games where I asked for a t1 engineer and got no response, or even worse, a "why do you need my tech, n00b" (despite me outranking them by a lot). For certain strategies on certain maps, this can lose you the game. On certain maps, you need specific factions or you're dead - a good example is you need cybran on gap of Rohan or you can't build a scathis. Sometimes your only cybran player is too n00b to be trusted with a scathis, or dies from strat bombers because he left his acu undefended in an easily sniped location.

Oh come on. You don't need a scathis if you just end it before, which is often very possible, even on Gap of Rohan. You are not entitled to using tech of the other player hence why they have to give it to you. If they don't want it they might not be the best team players, but that doesn't give anyone the right to just take it. It's just ridiculous. Also, if you feel that you need a certain faction (which is in most cases, complete nonsense), then choose it goddamnit.

Statistics: Posted by Aurion — 15 Jan 2015, 21:59

2015-01-15T19:43:51+02:00 2015-01-15T19:43:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=91253#p91253 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
E8400-CV wrote:
SC-Account wrote:Why don't you just.. talk to them? Also if you don't notice that I guess you would not use your resources well anyway :D
Also, why not post replays?

Oh and also if you want to screw your own team there is an infinity of ways, it is impossible to prevent that other than by.. working on having a team that does not try to defeat itself.

Too many people ignore chat

Exactly the reason why we need "convert ally unit".

This. Being able to capture units from your team does have potential for abuse - but you've always been able to tac missile your teammates all day without them being able to defend against it as it is.

So it doesn't harm anything, and I can't count how many games where I asked for a t1 engineer and got no response, or even worse, a "why do you need my tech, n00b" (despite me outranking them by a lot). For certain strategies on certain maps, this can lose you the game. On certain maps, you need specific factions or you're dead - a good example is you need cybran on gap of Rohan or you can't build a scathis. Sometimes your only cybran player is too n00b to be trusted with a scathis, or dies from strat bombers because he left his acu undefended in an easily sniped location.

Statistics: Posted by BrickedKeyboard — 15 Jan 2015, 19:43

2015-01-09T17:53:33+02:00 2015-01-09T17:53:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90753#p90753 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
SC-Account wrote:
Why don't you just.. talk to them? Also if you don't notice that I guess you would not use your resources well anyway :D
Also, why not post replays?

Oh and also if you want to screw your own team there is an infinity of ways, it is impossible to prevent that other than by.. working on having a team that does not try to defeat itself.

Too many people ignore chat

Exactly the reason why we need "convert ally unit".

Statistics: Posted by E8400-CV — 09 Jan 2015, 17:53

2015-01-09T15:43:04+02:00 2015-01-09T15:43:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90747#p90747 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]> Seemed unregenerate, because we did win that way, so what's the matter.

Just because I cant sum up all my mass and energy expenses and see that I'm coming up short does not mean I'm not using it.
I rarely have mass overflow, so yes, I am using them. Very arrogant of you to say that, and about the same answer I'd expect of someone to justify the res stealing.

Question is, why do I have to keep my teammates from screwing with me for their own gain if there's a simple fix?
I'm not keen on trying to convert people who are inconsiderate enough to do this "tactics".
I want to play the game, not lead a holy war against egotists.

If you really want the replays, I can send them to you, but I'd rather not single out a few players because everybody is doing it anyway, and I'd rather see this behaviour gone completely than a few single players denounced.

Statistics: Posted by Phlegm — 09 Jan 2015, 15:43

2015-01-09T04:47:51+02:00 2015-01-09T04:47:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90716#p90716 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
Also, why not post replays?

Oh and also if you want to screw your own team there is an infinity of ways, it is impossible to prevent that other than by.. working on having a team that does not try to defeat itself.

Statistics: Posted by SC-Account — 09 Jan 2015, 04:47

2015-01-07T06:33:09+02:00 2015-01-07T06:33:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90566#p90566 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]> Statistics: Posted by E8400-CV — 07 Jan 2015, 06:33

2015-01-07T03:11:41+02:00 2015-01-07T03:11:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90557#p90557 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]> Statistics: Posted by Tremarl — 07 Jan 2015, 03:11

2015-01-05T20:36:40+02:00 2015-01-05T20:36:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90382#p90382 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Eningeering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
Hawkei wrote:
Me wrote:Why not just use the station they gave you to reclaim some of their units and base structures? Just reclaim their T1 Pgens and engies. The'd hardly have any right to complain. ;)

Why is this not an acceptable solution?

Not that it's not acceptable, but it's not ideal. Even if you end up getting your mass back when all's said and done, you lost all of the time required to do that. Also, if you energy stall unexpectedly and your shields go down at the wrong moment, getting back mass from your teammate isn't going to make that up.

Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 05 Jan 2015, 20:36

2015-01-04T22:34:45+02:00 2015-01-04T22:34:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90315#p90315 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>

One more reason for fullshare :lol:

Statistics: Posted by E8400-CV — 04 Jan 2015, 22:34

2015-01-04T19:32:48+02:00 2015-01-04T19:32:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90302#p90302 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
I would say that being given a hive in their base is an open invitation to "reclaim" some of the mass that they stole from you ;)

Statistics: Posted by BRNKoINSANITY — 04 Jan 2015, 19:32

2015-01-04T21:31:05+02:00 2015-01-04T18:45:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9135&p=90298#p90298 <![CDATA[Re: Gifted Engineering Stations/Hives disabled by default]]>
Gorton wrote:
I suggested this in another thread maybe a year ago.
It's a good idea. I don't know if it's feasible though, since I don't know how to code.

Somehow shields that are given are disabled, so I guess it's possible.

Statistics: Posted by E8400-CV — 04 Jan 2015, 18:45
