Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-05-31T09:42:05+02:00 /feed.php?f=42&t=1883 2013-05-31T09:42:05+02:00 2013-05-31T09:42:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=44210#p44210 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> Statistics: Posted by ZaphodX — 31 May 2013, 09:42

2013-05-31T08:50:42+02:00 2013-05-31T08:50:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=44205#p44205 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 31 May 2013, 08:50

2012-10-18T16:56:00+02:00 2012-10-18T16:56:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=21912#p21912 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]>
I've now redone the mod:
  • The bugs posted by eXcalibur are now fixed.
  • The original game camera shaking is kept.
Maybe the explosions for the smaller units are still too large - I couldn't find an easy way to change this. For medium sized and large units the explosions should be fitting.

Try it out! Download from the same link:

Statistics: Posted by Ayerelve — 18 Oct 2012, 16:56

2012-09-18T17:52:17+02:00 2012-09-18T17:52:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20349#p20349 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> This is the first time I've gone into modding so I might need to test this a bit more thoroughly before posting.
I'll let you know when I've fixed this (might not be until 2 weeks time since I'm going on vacation soon).

Statistics: Posted by Ayerelve — 18 Sep 2012, 17:52

2012-09-18T15:46:56+02:00 2012-09-18T15:46:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20340#p20340 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> viewtopic.php?f=32&t=882

maybe ask in the chat or ask aother mod moderators about it?
maybe somebody, who knows what to do now reads this and can help?


this is strange. i just played a little with your mod and found strange things. the gc and chicken do not explode and do not become wrecks:
ForgedAlliance 2012-09-18 15-21-01-688.jpg

there are no flames on exploding ships, but rather strange graphics effects:
ForgedAlliance 2012-09-18 15-22-06-274.jpg

when a ship sinks and hits the ground, there is another exposion (with "flames" on top of the water). this does not really make sense:
ForgedAlliance 2012-09-18 15-23-38-940.jpg

other things, like a nuke launcher explode with the correct flame effects. no error there.

finally i want to say that when the mavor (t4 uef arty) explodes, the camera does not shake. but without the mod (i think) that the camera shakes for all exploding experimentals. but it only shakes, when you are watching it directly. this behaviour should be kept.

Statistics: Posted by eXcalibur — 18 Sep 2012, 15:46

2012-09-18T14:00:57+02:00 2012-09-18T14:00:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20333#p20333 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> The explosions in Firey are oversaturated.. the ship explosions were good though!

There's a comparison here:

I can absolutely make an .scd file out of the 4D explosions. AFAIK you just zip the mod and rename it to scd?

Statistics: Posted by Ayerelve — 18 Sep 2012, 14:00

2012-09-17T21:21:09+02:00 2012-09-17T21:21:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20295#p20295 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> i am not sure, but i think all featured mods are .scd files. please talk to zep for this.

i am not 100% sure, but i think i have found an alternative, which seems to an UI only mod. at least i have tried it in a game (only i had that mod activated) and we did not get any desync. but strangely enough, it did show any effects in multiplayer as in all singleplayer matches i have played before. please tell me which mod you like more.

Firey Explosion Mod 2:

i just found one bug: when playing with navy, it does not leave any wreckage. sometimes exploding factories leave no wreckage as well. this could be a serious disadvantage and would need fixing.

Statistics: Posted by eXcalibur — 17 Sep 2012, 21:21

2012-09-17T21:43:49+02:00 2012-09-17T21:21:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20294#p20294 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]>
i am not 100% sure, but i think i have found an alternative, which seems to an UI only mod. at least i have tried it in a game (only i had that mod activated) and we did not get any desync. but strangely enough, it did show any effects in multiplayer as in all singleplayer matches i have played before.

i like it, although i cannot decide, whether i would rather like 4D explosions 2.2 or Firey Explosion Mod 2. according to my tests, Firey Explosion Mod needs a little less graphics power to run. with 4D explosions i like the explosions (many parts flying in all directions). in Firey Explosion Mod i like especially the effects with navy.

please tell me which mod you like more.

Firey Explosion Mod 2:

i just found one bug: when playing with navy, it does not leave T3 wreckage. this could be a serious disadvantage and would need fixing.

Statistics: Posted by eXcalibur — 17 Sep 2012, 21:21

2012-09-17T17:55:57+02:00 2012-09-17T17:55:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20283#p20283 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]>
I've now modified the original 4D explosions:
  • No camera shaking
  • Explosion size tuned down slightly
  • Some duplicate explosions removed
  • Minor code cleanup
Download from:


Statistics: Posted by Ayerelve — 17 Sep 2012, 17:55

2012-09-16T19:47:38+02:00 2012-09-16T19:47:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20233#p20233 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]>

Even a scout make the screen shaking more than a nuke.

With a little tuning down it would be okay to integrate in FAF.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 16 Sep 2012, 19:47

2012-09-13T13:24:24+02:00 2012-09-13T13:24:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=20014#p20014 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]>
eXcalibur wrote:
Do you notice a lag in the 5 seconds you ctrl-k 100 of your own units on your machine as well (with/without 4D explosions mod)?

I get slightly less FPS with the mod, but I think the graphics are worth it (it's not as expensive as the graphicenhancements mod in terms of FPS).

noobymcnoobcake wrote: lag does not affect other people in the game. Sim speed does but the only thing that affects that is the processor

You're right and sim speed is usually the problem in big games, not graphics rendering. Neither 4D explosions nor graphicenhancements affect the sim speed.

noobymcnoobcake wrote:
I would like to see this put into the game as a featured mod.

I agree. Maybe start out that way and if it's popular it could be made a standard part of FAF (included in ranked games etc.).

Statistics: Posted by Ayerelve — 13 Sep 2012, 13:24

2012-09-12T15:43:02+02:00 2012-09-12T15:43:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=19983#p19983 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> Statistics: Posted by noobymcnoobcake — 12 Sep 2012, 15:43

2012-09-12T04:11:40+02:00 2012-09-12T04:11:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=19950#p19950 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]>
eXcalibur wrote:
Thanks for your effort!

I have tried the 4D explosions and really like them. But I had the impression that the variety of different explosions gets diminished by the mod and was therefore a little disappointed.
When I deactivated the mod again, I was disappointed by the standard explosions, though.

I noticed one disadvantage of the 4D explosions: When killing 50 or more of your own units (with ctrl-k), the lag is much more noticeable than with standard explosions (this lag is noticeable as well, though). At least on my weak machine.
Do you notice a lag in the 5 seconds you ctrl-k 100 of your own units on your machine as well (with/without 4D explosions mod)?

Therefore the minimum hardware requirements for playing the game should be increased with this mod.
This would be a problem, since people with bad graphics cards could not fight big battles anymore due to the increased lag . It is a pity that this mod cannot be made into a UI (standalone) mod.

Supcom is not an easy game to run already, so very few people actually use hardware which cannot run the game >30FPS in big battles anyway. Also, planning on Ctrl-King 100 of your units any time soon??? ;)

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 12 Sep 2012, 04:11

2012-09-11T22:45:47+02:00 2012-09-11T22:45:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=19931#p19931 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]>
I have tried the 4D explosions and really like them. But I had the impression that the variety of different explosions gets diminished by the mod and was therefore a little disappointed.
When I deactivated the mod again, I was disappointed by the standard explosions, though.

I noticed one disadvantage of the 4D explosions: When killing 50 or more of your own units (with ctrl-k), the lag is much more noticeable than with standard explosions (this lag is noticeable as well, though). At least on my weak machine.
Do you notice a lag in the 5 seconds you ctrl-k 100 of your own units on your machine as well (with/without 4D explosions mod)?

Therefore the minimum hardware requirements for playing the game should be increased with this mod.
This would be a problem, since people with bad graphics cards could not fight big battles anymore due to the increased lag . It is a pity that this mod cannot be made into a UI (standalone) mod.

Statistics: Posted by eXcalibur — 11 Sep 2012, 22:45

2012-09-11T12:50:38+02:00 2012-09-11T12:50:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1883&p=19887#p19887 <![CDATA[Re: Including 4th Dimension Explosions in FAF]]> viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1385

No extra modding or isolation is required since 4D explosions already is a separate mod. I have made a link available for download of 4D explosions (only) here:
In 4DC the explosions are not separated and maybe not even included?

It would be nice seeing the graphicenhancements as a standard part of FAF, but since it's UI only you should be able to use it even though it's not included with FAF?
4D explosions on the other hand is not UI and needs to be enabled on all machines to work..

Statistics: Posted by Ayerelve — 11 Sep 2012, 12:50
