Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-12-23T15:48:25+02:00 /feed.php?f=42&t=15455 2017-12-23T15:48:25+02:00 2017-12-23T15:48:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=158500#p158500 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]> Statistics: Posted by Exotic_Retard — 23 Dec 2017, 15:48

2017-12-23T13:18:59+02:00 2017-12-23T13:18:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=158491#p158491 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>
ZLO_RD wrote:
on 1rst video nuke reacts with aeon TMD.
Edit: afaik all nukes not just can collide with TMD thingy that aeon TMD spits out, but also get attacted to it, even t4 nuke does

Yeah I was thinking about tmd but couldn't belive that nuke collision model is so big. But probably you are right, as there are no other objects near the missile.:

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ZLO_RD wrote:
i don't know what the point of testing collisions with air in supcom 1. afaik if nuke collides with unit it will explode no matter what, that will only help against projectiles that can damage nuke.

Yep I knew that fact. Just misunderstood your post about supcom 1 and hp values. Thought you meant that nuke started hitting planes in Sc:fa and you don't have same problem in sc1 because air has different hp values or smth. Nvm then.

Statistics: Posted by Strogo — 23 Dec 2017, 13:18

2017-12-23T11:49:51+02:00 2017-12-23T11:49:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=158488#p158488 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>
Strogo wrote:
What was that?

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on 1rst video nuke reacts with aeon TMD.
Edit: afaik all nukes not just can collide with TMD thingy that aeon TMD spits out, but also get attacted to it, even t4 nuke does

i don't know what the point of testing collisions with air in supcom 1. afaik if nuke collides with unit it will explode no matter what, that will only help against projectiles that can damage nuke.
so this does not happen anymore :

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 23 Dec 2017, 11:49

2017-12-23T04:06:46+02:00 2017-12-23T04:06:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=158483#p158483 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>
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Statistics: Posted by Strogo — 23 Dec 2017, 04:06

2017-12-01T19:18:00+02:00 2017-12-01T19:18:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=157352#p157352 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]> Statistics: Posted by JoonasTo — 01 Dec 2017, 19:18

2017-12-01T18:25:35+02:00 2017-12-01T18:25:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=157346#p157346 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>
JoonasTo wrote:
There have been some epic strats seen on setons when people fire a nuke and then hover their 300+ asf between the nuke and the enemy anti-nukes blocking the antis from killing it. Those are pretty epic when they get 3 or more. :lol:

Holy crap, that's amazing. Any chance you know of a replay with that?

Statistics: Posted by Deribus — 01 Dec 2017, 18:25

2017-11-25T11:26:18+02:00 2017-11-25T11:26:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156984#p156984 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>
ax0lotl wrote:
If it really becomes a problem and something has to be done about it, don't forget to do the same update to SMD missile then (since also those can be blocked by air).

There have been some epic strats seen on setons when people fire a nuke and then hover their 300+ asf between the nuke and the enemy anti-nukes blocking the antis from killing it. Those are pretty epic when they get 3 or more. :lol:

Statistics: Posted by JoonasTo — 25 Nov 2017, 11:26

2017-11-24T18:14:16+02:00 2017-11-24T18:14:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156976#p156976 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>
ax0lotl wrote:
If it really becomes a problem and something has to be done about it, don't forget to do the same update to SMD missile then (since also those can be blocked by air).

The cancer level reaches infinity

Statistics: Posted by Masyaka — 24 Nov 2017, 18:14

2017-11-18T13:11:53+02:00 2017-11-18T13:11:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156692#p156692 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]> Statistics: Posted by ax0lotl — 18 Nov 2017, 13:11

2017-11-15T13:02:36+02:00 2017-11-15T13:02:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156557#p156557 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]> Nuke has 30 HP, and antinuke has 30 damage and Sera Yolonna Oss has 60 hp so it takes 2 antinukes to shut down.
These values actually look ok if you consider Supreme Commander enviroment when air unis HPs were about 5-10 times lower than now (can't find any supcom database lol)
so i would guess that originally nuke hp values were close to air units HP, but when there was transition from SC to FA it was forgotten.

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 15 Nov 2017, 13:02

2017-11-15T11:24:09+02:00 2017-11-15T11:24:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156550#p156550 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]> Using planes to protect your base from a nuke on descend is a known tactic with people I play. This is nothing new.

How to catch a nuke by Zxiicci

If you argue real world nukes, they don't explode upon impact with anything, they only trigger when reaching desired detonation point. So nukes colliding with anything wouldn't explode. They'd work like they do with TMD and AA currently where they just disappear.
Obviously gameplay wise this is a very bad idea since you'd just always hover all your air to catch a nuke for free. Currently you're at least making a judgement call if it's worth all that air. Not to mention nuking air units would become a really risky affair since you might just get cancelled.

I like the HP idea from ZLO, this way we get rid of most of the problems. Sure, panic T1 air scout spam is a great and fun way to counter a nuke if you've got no defense but sure does suck for the other guy who had the game won when you do that. This way the odd scout flying above your nuke(sub) also won't eradicate your base(subs.)

Statistics: Posted by JoonasTo — 15 Nov 2017, 11:24

2017-11-15T09:01:08+02:00 2017-11-15T09:01:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156543#p156543 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]> 1) make nuke have more than few hp, so antiair can't kill it as easy as now.
2) not sure if possible but can make it so when colliding with units nuke will lose HP instead of exploding? so 1 t1 plane is not enought to kill a nuke or antinuke, plane will die instead, but if you manage to bring multiple t1 planes then you probably deserved shuting down a nuke xD
3) it certanly should explode when shot down by aa or beam or anything
4) maybe it should only explode when going from up to down so the guy who sends nukes in never in danger.

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 15 Nov 2017, 09:01

2017-11-15T08:41:24+02:00 2017-11-15T08:41:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156542#p156542 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>

Statistics: Posted by ZeRenCZ — 15 Nov 2017, 08:41

2017-11-14T23:54:03+02:00 2017-11-14T23:54:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156532#p156532 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>

I know at least 2 players who can with +- 50% succed rate do this as intended aniti nuke defence.
And insted of building tmd build experimental t1 anti nuke plane defence.

it is problem, and it should be solved, similar as novax who was used as anti nuke... its same principle

Statistics: Posted by Ithilis_Quo — 14 Nov 2017, 23:54

2017-11-14T23:35:36+02:00 2017-11-14T23:35:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15455&p=156531#p156531 <![CDATA[Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?]]>
I said it will be less SupCom.

Yes... Part of that means that some things are just... luck. Coincidences of stuff flying around in real space. I don't know where the line is between making the game better by removing chance elements, and it no longer being SupCom, but I do feel that this one is rare enough, spectacular enough, and... special enough that it should stay.

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 14 Nov 2017, 23:35
