Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2019-08-12T20:32:16+02:00 /feed.php?f=42&t=12931 2019-08-12T20:32:16+02:00 2019-08-12T20:32:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=177304#p177304 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>

Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 12 Aug 2019, 20:32

2019-08-12T17:06:00+02:00 2019-08-12T17:06:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=177299#p177299 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>
I haven't tested this myself but I am looking forward to trying it out soon. It predates the question by quite a bit so I'm surprised no on has mentioned it before.

Statistics: Posted by BetterWhenDrunk — 12 Aug 2019, 17:06

2016-08-19T01:43:06+02:00 2016-08-19T01:43:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=133074#p133074 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>
Only things that will be lost are players camera position and selected units and stuff like that :D

This would also solve alot of arguments when people tell that "if I would do something else I would survive"
With resuming game from replay they would be able to try.
Or maybe even play for opponents side to show him what he supposed to do to win.

Edit: ofc all this will probably never happen cause it need somebody to go and code all that shit.

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 19 Aug 2016, 01:43

2016-08-18T22:52:31+02:00 2016-08-18T22:52:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=133065#p133065 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>
During a game you can copy all the currently selected units (ctrl-shift-c) and paste the information in a text file.
This text file will contain the information regarding the relative location of all the units and the kind of units they are.

Then if you have cheating on you can paste these units back into the game (ctrl-shift-v). Their location is dependend on the mouse location so if you repeatedly delete (alt-delete) and paste them, you can roughly get their original locations back.

So if all players know this trick, each player can copy all their current units and save them in a text file.
When you want to play again, you can copy the units from the text file and paste them back on the map.
So you can recreate a similar situation as like the one you ended with.

Doing it this way is obviously very crude and lots of information is lost: reclaim, hp, projectiles, mass/energy storage, orders, units under construction will become build if copied along with the other units, etc.

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 18 Aug 2016, 22:52

2016-08-18T18:38:53+02:00 2016-08-18T18:38:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=133037#p133037 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]> Statistics: Posted by --- — 18 Aug 2016, 18:38

2016-08-18T18:16:42+02:00 2016-08-18T18:16:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=133035#p133035 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>
piratep2r wrote:
ZLO_RD wrote:Saving is available in singleplayer skirmish.
Would be really cool to be able to save game in multiplayer as well

Thank you ZLO; it is good to know that others see at least some benefit as well. I feel like I explained why it would be beneficial for at least some multiplayer games in some circumstances, but I also recognize that it should not be a priority and might not be possible at all.

Also obvius bwnefit is to be able to resume game after connection loss or when someone has to go

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 18 Aug 2016, 18:16

2016-08-18T17:32:58+02:00 2016-08-18T17:32:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=133033#p133033 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>
Morax wrote:
3) Realize this is dumb
4) Place large nail on desk with the tip facing upward
5) Raise hand .25 meters above nail, with the center of palm in line with the point of the nail
6) With a quick motion, press hand down on nail, ensuring that full penetration is made, else repeat
7) Let pain and suffering be a reminder to not make stupid requests

Hello Morax. Given that I explained why saving a multiplayer game might be a good thing for some groups of players in some circumstances, would you please explain why you think it is dumb for all players and all circumstances? You sort of forgot to do this.

And then could you explain why you think that people who make suggestions that you personally think are stupid should hurt themselves? As you can see, I don't have a long post history on the forum, so you seem to be attacking a stranger and a (relative) noob, which is, you know, not very welcoming.

ZLO_RD wrote:
Saving is available in singleplayer skirmish.
Would be really cool to be able to save game in multiplayer as well

Thank you ZLO; it is good to know that others see at least some benefit as well. I feel like I explained why it would be beneficial for at least some multiplayer games in some circumstances, but I also recognize that it should not be a priority and might not be possible at all.

Statistics: Posted by piratep2r — 18 Aug 2016, 17:32

2016-08-18T17:24:29+02:00 2016-08-18T17:24:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=133032#p133032 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]> I used to use that feature to create "missions".
For example on 40 km you start against some ai. But ai has radars all over the map and mavor and some pgens for mavor. Meanwhile you start with t2 gen and some stealth fields. xD have not really played that myself cause I now realise that if you get scouted then you are dead xD.
Or can imprison players acu so it can't move, make it being shot by some t2 trans so it puts timer on player. And there also ton of sams, and objective to kill trans before ACU dies (killing rest is just a matter of time)

Would be really cool to be able to save game in multiplayer as well

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 18 Aug 2016, 17:24

2016-08-18T16:16:14+02:00 2016-08-18T16:16:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=133025#p133025 <![CDATA[Re: Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>
1) Open FAF
2) Play game until point where you and opponents agree to stop and save
3) Realize this is dumb
4) Place large nail on desk with the tip facing upward
5) Raise hand .25 meters above nail, with the center of palm in line with the point of the nail
6) With a quick motion, press hand down on nail, ensuring that full penetration is made, else repeat
7) Let pain and suffering be a reminder to not make stupid requests

Statistics: Posted by Morax — 18 Aug 2016, 16:16

2016-08-15T17:44:40+02:00 2016-08-15T17:44:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12931&p=132842#p132842 <![CDATA[Save an (unranked) multiplayer game to rejoin later?]]>
2012: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=965
2013: /viewtopic.php?f=42&t=4275

(Note, I apologize if my google-fu was inadequate; I know it is annoying to reread the same topics over and over).

So 2012-2013; it has been a while. But the 2013 discussion seems to indicate that at least a messy version is possible (accepting loss of in-flight projectiles, etc... which is a big deal I admit).

The reason why it would be nice is (as I see it):
1. FAF games can have unpredictable lengths, especially larger maps and team games... and sometimes people just can not commit to an indefinite length of time. This has been a problem for me as I have gotten older and my responsibilities have multiplied, and my gaming group often has a set time window... we either can play a game in that window or we simply do not play that game. Finally, slowdown in larger games makes predicting game length even more difficult.
2. Sometimes life happens, and people need to leave a game quickly and in an unanticipated way. For me, this is often due to intense summer weather, but for other people it could children emergencies, etc. This is more likely to happen with more people involved.
3. There are quite a few PVE games up whenever I look at FAF. These sorts of games would probably have the least hurt feelings or implications of unfairness associated with loss of projectile information between games.

Anyone know anything about this as a possibility? Anyone think it is interesting or useful... or stupid and unnecessary?

Statistics: Posted by piratep2r — 15 Aug 2016, 17:44
