]]>2015-11-03T22:52:40+02:002015-11-03T22:52:40+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11061&p=113531#p113531Statistics: Posted by yeager — 03 Nov 2015, 22:52
]]>2015-11-03T20:23:43+02:002015-11-03T20:23:43+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11061&p=113525#p113525 I mentioned some media that came out years after Monty Python and the Holy Grail and people were clueless...
]]>2015-11-02T03:44:03+02:002015-11-02T03:44:03+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11061&p=113475#p113475Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!! Tis but a flesh wound The brave brave sir robin, he bravely ran away I fart in your general direction! now leave! Before I taunt you a second time. Mind your own Business! Tis only a little bit of peril
Could you imagine these as taunts? I could, and it would be awesome