ZLO_RD wrote:
Ok, lets assume that everyone uses templates of 5 storages or 4 storage + mass extractor.
Worst scenario in that case would be:
1) select engineer
2) move mouse to the menu at the bottom of screen
3) click on template section (it is a small button)
4) click on your storage template
5) move mouse to mass extractor ( if you forget to hold shift as i alwais do, you will have to move mose to menu again, click template and then move to mex again)
6) click on mex
Better scenario, assuming that storage is your 1rst template :
1) select engineer
2) click on your temlate hotkey, while moveing your mouse to your mass extractor
3) click on mex
If you forget to hold shift, you can just click template hotkey again.
Note: all that stuff with forgetting shift is just an assumption that you want to queue storages around multiple mexes.
So the hard part without useing hotbuild is to select/choose a template.
Also when i play i want to save mouse movement time and do everything fast with my mouse, and that causes missclicks for me.
So if you want to queue storages around many mass extractors manual way of choosing templates is not so bad.
But that would mean that you put your attansion for this task for pretty long time and if you will have to interrupt your actions in order to micro something else, you will have to go trought all that selecting template part again.
Also use of hotkey allows for easyer use of multiple groups of engineers to build storages - that saves movement time of engineers...
Well, that is just from my experience.
This hotkey is extremely usefull if yoy want to eco efficiently.
keyser wrote:
yes i use the hotkey too, but i need to zoom in really closely and take my time to put the storage at the good spot.
if it was something like mexx (not ground marker, but something that make easier to put on right spot), i would be able to do it un-zoom / less zoomed in.
= less time taken, and more map awareness
Well, i'd say then just what would be a hotkey/quickkey for mass points would be the interest, yes??
Given hotkey, buildkey, template key, are in, yes?
If I had read correctly, anyways..(for the assumption though)..sorry..
Thx..Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 02 Jul 2015, 22:15