Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-08-17T17:19:55+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=8174 2014-08-17T17:19:55+02:00 2014-08-17T17:19:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8174&p=78965#p78965 <![CDATA[Re: Are these Mods possible?]]>
Edit: maybe even the cost only takes into account other defenses within its own attack range. There by allowing multiple outposts to be constructed, but reduces the amount in one location

Statistics: Posted by rockoe10 — 17 Aug 2014, 17:19

2014-08-17T09:35:05+02:00 2014-08-17T09:35:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8174&p=78941#p78941 <![CDATA[Re: Are these Mods possible?]]>
setting up and making/using new resources is actually quite easy. Its something i always wanted to do, add Black matter for Exp units, where by you need black matter to build and power the exp units.

Statistics: Posted by Domino — 17 Aug 2014, 09:35

2014-07-13T23:10:32+02:00 2014-07-13T23:10:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8174&p=77134#p77134 <![CDATA[Re: Are these Mods possible?]]> 2: Yes, but it would be inelegant
3: No

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 13 Jul 2014, 23:10

2014-07-13T22:50:57+02:00 2014-07-13T22:50:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8174&p=77133#p77133 <![CDATA[Re: Are these Mods possible?]]>
But on gameplay :

1. hmmm hard to say, would be wery hard to rebalance all what price can get up after time, and what not... When you take inflation on fabric then ppl would build only one fabric, when it would be link on units cap, it is better but styll we would see only experimentals and not others units. that is not a solution. Make it link with mass income As average mass income in this time on this game is 100 player X have 150 = get price of units by with inflation rise +50% easy and simply. But on my opinion it doesnt help gameplay, but as a mod it would be funny, some swift winds.

2. when you mean it as isolate total reasourc sourse and get it individual for all fabric As on thi fabric is building -8 mass - 60e you must be linked for this source. If yes then allow them build when dont have enought only sllow proces of building by same % as fabric dont have.
What would be nice on normal game would be if this pipe would exist on normal game too, and get adjustency discount on building = posible link more building as is on map (but then get back adjustency discoutn number as was in deep past)

3. this is bad solutuion, and it would not work, supcom is very fast game, and imagin what happends when you would not have one from 7 reasurse and cant build units what you need on that time..

GL and hope you will have sukces i would like to try that mode.

Statistics: Posted by Ithilis_Quo — 13 Jul 2014, 22:50

2014-07-11T03:21:17+02:00 2014-07-11T03:21:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8174&p=77028#p77028 <![CDATA[Are these Mods possible?]]>
1. I want to give factories and some capital units (like T4 and some heavy T3 navy) an inflation cost. That is to say after the first factory, each new factory will have an inflation cost. This inflation rate could be quite high say 100% (doubling) or more. The reason for this is to push the game growth model from exponential back to linear. I have my theoretical reasons for doing this. I will explain them if anyone wonders about the theory of it. Ordinary T1 to T3 mobile units will not inflate in cost. PD might inflate in cost.

2. I want to make it necessary for mass and energy to be piped to factories. That is to say factories must be connected directly to resource production, or by "pipes" of connected mass extractors or energy makers or by actual "pipes" or "conduits". Conduits will be a new above-ground fixed structure which can pipe mass and energy to factories. The ACU, SACU and engies will be considered special cases and will build, as now, without conduits.

3. I want to create more resource categories for the game. Stadard Mexes will produce "base metals" and "rare metals". However, different mex types and upgrades will allow mexes to speciliase in one or the other or even in fission materials. So a home base might have 3 mexes producing base metals and one producing rare metals. Units, whether basic or advanced will need differinf proportions. Hydrocarbons and vegetation will provide carbon compounds ( a third resource) mainly for fuels. Energy makers will provide energy but they will be solar, wind, tidal fission and fusion. Rocks will provide only rock for berms etc. not metal or mass.

So I envisage a resource system of;

(a) base metals;
(b) rare metals;
(c) fissile metals;
(d) carbon compounds;
(e) rock for berms, concrete and dragons teeth;
(e) energy;
(g) Hydrogen for fusion from water (via electrolysis).

Thus a much more complex resource and cost system but it might work more on a stock than a flow model.

Is this possible or could the engine not account for more resources? That is to say, would scripts alone be unable to implement this?

Statistics: Posted by Crazy Cossack — 11 Jul 2014, 03:21
