Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-06-02T02:24:17+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=6813 2020-06-02T02:24:17+02:00 2020-06-02T02:24:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=184592#p184592 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]> Statistics: Posted by Calas Typhon — 02 Jun 2020, 02:24

2020-05-08T15:39:56+02:00 2020-05-08T15:39:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183943#p183943 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]> Statistics: Posted by BlackYps — 08 May 2020, 15:39

2020-05-05T20:37:38+02:00 2020-05-05T20:37:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183848#p183848 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]> Because, everyone knows how good it is. At the very least it should have it's own custom game option in the side bar under the automatch.

Statistics: Posted by Kalvirox — 05 May 2020, 20:37

2020-04-27T19:44:36+02:00 2020-04-27T19:44:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183631#p183631 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>
But yes, unfortunately every version after V9 is only accessible on downlord's client, and not the python client you are probably currently using. This means you can only download the current up-to-date V12 version of the mod from the vault if you are using downlord's client.

But, as it seems that many people (myself included) still like to use the old client, I have added an alternate manual download link for the mod to the first page of this thread.

Statistics: Posted by RK4000 — 27 Apr 2020, 19:44

2020-04-24T22:42:10+02:00 2020-04-24T22:42:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183562#p183562 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>
RK4000 wrote:
Quick hotfix: Uploaded Version 12, which fixes a bug in V11; somehow an emitter file was missing, which caused the fatboy to not be reclaimable, as it's script couldn't run.

Old version is now hidden from the vault, and the new one is now RK's Explosions V12.

Hey, i think im in the "old version"

I have a new icon that sais "Downlords FAF Client" but when i try to join it sais: "Unfortunately, you must currently link your account to Steam in order to play Forged Alliance Forever. You can do so on

This is the new version? or where i can find it??

Statistics: Posted by alfmas — 24 Apr 2020, 22:42

2020-04-21T16:57:24+02:00 2020-04-21T16:57:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183506#p183506 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>
RK4000 wrote:
SoHuje wrote:This mod sounds really cool but am noobie here where is the vault ? :( looked and just cant find

If you are using the main client, it's here:


You have to search for "RK's Explosions" or just "Explosions", and it will find it.

If you are using the old client, you unfortunately won't be able to find the mod in the vault, as sadly only the new client supports recently uploaded mods from what I understand. The old client doesn't show them.

Thxs that explains it I have not grapped the cleint and was just looking via forum :)

Statistics: Posted by SoHuje — 21 Apr 2020, 16:57

2020-04-20T06:03:09+02:00 2020-04-20T06:03:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183482#p183482 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>
Old version is now hidden from the vault, and the new one is now RK's Explosions V12.

Statistics: Posted by RK4000 — 20 Apr 2020, 06:03

2020-04-19T11:21:54+02:00 2020-04-19T11:21:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183469#p183469 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]> Version 11 is live! :D

-Added Nomads support! The mod is now fully compatible with Nomads, all of their units will now use a factionally-varied explosion, based on their lore and general faction aesthetic.
-Reworked structure explosions (they now explode faster and with more variety in the effects)
-Reworked navy explosions
-Fixed Tempest and Atlantis explosions not working properly
-Added plane debris for T1 and T2
-Improved many textures
-Fixed some weird nuke effects from V10

Can be found in the vault under RK's Explosions (V11).

... And many more small changes which you will have to see out for yourself! :) Enjoy!

Statistics: Posted by RK4000 — 19 Apr 2020, 11:21

2020-04-18T04:44:48+02:00 2020-04-18T04:44:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183446#p183446 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>

Statistics: Posted by RK4000 — 18 Apr 2020, 04:44

2020-04-17T22:02:39+02:00 2020-04-17T22:02:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183439#p183439 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]> Thanks for the detailed response on my Suggestions.
Really appreciate this. :)

I agree with you about the Design Philosophies in general.
Each Mod, which has been developed over the years has its own Design Philosophie in several things like Units, Effects, Features and many more.
This makes a lot of Variety for Players and Room for new Ideas, Creativity and of course new Mods from Creators.
Personally I'm working on my own Modproject for this Game, which has it's own Design Philosophie.
So I can directly understand and agree your arguments in this point.

All in all:
Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward for more. :)
Best regards

Statistics: Posted by CDRMV — 17 Apr 2020, 22:02

2020-04-16T13:12:33+02:00 2020-04-16T13:12:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183419#p183419 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]> Statistics: Posted by Rowey — 16 Apr 2020, 13:12

2020-04-16T12:48:05+02:00 2020-04-16T12:48:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183416#p183416 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>

Statistics: Posted by ADAMSTRANGE — 16 Apr 2020, 12:48

2020-04-16T06:10:39+02:00 2020-04-16T06:10:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183406#p183406 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>
Unfortunately, the design philosophies of these mods differ too much compared to my mod, and it would look out of place if i used similar effects. My mod was always meant to be added eye candy, without being too over the top and without impacting performance or gameplay in any way.

The problem with those two mods is, for example, that many emitters last a very very very long time. I simply don't want to do that as it distracts too much from gameplay.

My mod has always been designed such that when you are playing, you aren't supposed to notice it that much (except for the experimental stuff), but when casting, you can really notice it. Neither firey explosions nor battlefeel are made like this.

For example battlefeel's tac missile trails are absurdly high-particle and they stand out too much. While it may look kind of cool, it just wouldn't fit with my mod. Fiery explosion's air deaths are cool, and I've also been planning something similar since V7, but they're too over the top and distracting in that mod. I want to make them way less obvious and optimized in terms of particle count.

That brings us to our second point: because many of those mods' effects are high particle, they would impact performance too much for my liking. I've always tried to optimize where I can, and I can assure you in big games battlefeel and fiery explosions hit the particle cap a lot. I use way less particles in my effects than either of those mods, and I still used to have trouble with hitting the particle cap in older versions (V2, V3 and V4 were notable examples of this). It may not be an issue for the creators of those mods, but I want to stay away from that.

In short, I actually think some effects are pretty cool in both of those mods, however, they don't fit the design philosophy of my mod, (as they would distract too much), and they use too many particles.

And to finish off, even if the effects would fit my mod and have no negative impact on performance, it would also be quite a d*** move to just copy the effects from those mods and add it to my own. I simply don't want to do that. :)

I'll add a FAQ for this because I've been asked about this a few times already, even once before in this topic. See here: viewtopic.php?f=41&t=6813&start=80#p72146

But still, thanks for your input. Glad you enjoy it.

Statistics: Posted by RK4000 — 16 Apr 2020, 06:10

2020-04-15T00:51:19+02:00 2020-04-15T00:51:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183375#p183375 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]> wow good work on the new Effects and Explosions.
They look really fantastic and I 'm looking forward to the new Release.

However I have two suggestions:
Did you know the Firey Explosion Mod too?
You can find it here on Moddb:
There are several nice Effects in this Mod like Air Explosions and so on.
Maybe you can use it as an reference to create your own Effects for each Faction as well.

An another Mod, which reworks some of the Textures of several existing Explosions, Effects and many more is:

An another Suggestion is:
If you check out the Firey Explosion Mod or the Supreme Battlefeel Mod, you will see several new Water Splash Effects or Explosions for Naval Units.
Those Water Splash Effects could be replace the Vanilla ones for Impact Effects on Water and for Death Animations on Naval Units too.

In my opinion this could improve you Mod in several additional Effects. :)
All in all
Keep up the good work.
Best regards

Statistics: Posted by CDRMV — 15 Apr 2020, 00:51

2020-04-13T11:41:54+02:00 2020-04-13T11:41:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6813&p=183335#p183335 <![CDATA[Re: New explosion FXs (RK's Explosions)]]>
Here are his (WIP) explosions for each land tech level:

obviously they look a lot better in the game than on screen, so stay tuned, presumably :>

if all goes well ill pull another fast one and just integrate them into the nomads mod once rk-babe is done with them.

Statistics: Posted by Exotic_Retard — 13 Apr 2020, 11:41
