Open up the file XSB1402_unit.bp with a text editor located in the folder:
C:\Users\*User Name*\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Mods\EXMEX\units\xsb1402
Go to line 145 (if your text editor displays that, I recommend Notepad++) or look for the line
UpgradesFrom = 'xsb1202',
It should be
UpgradesFrom = 'xsb1302',
as that is the T3 mex unit id.
Now this can be an opportunity for faction diversity as the the mod lists the T2 mex that it upgrades from. I have not run the mod but from a Seraphim's T2 mex, can you upgrade to the T4?
Damn there is another error in the blueprints in file XSB1302_unit.bp located in the folder
C:\Users\*User Name*\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Mods\EXMEX\hook\xsb1302
Line 155
UpgradesTo = 'ueb1402',
it should be
UpgradesTo = 'xsb1402',
He is trying to upgrade the T3 Seraphim Mex to the T4 UEF Mex.
Small errors; such a bitch to catch them all if you do not test everything.
Hopefully the author will see this and make the corrections.Statistics: Posted by The Mak — 10 Nov 2013, 07:01