Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-04-28T21:26:36+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=19143 2020-04-28T21:26:36+02:00 2020-04-28T21:26:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19143&p=183653#p183653 <![CDATA[Re: Wich mods should I install?? (help plz)]]>
DDDX wrote:
depends what you want? UI (user interface mods, unit mods? Gameplay mods? For unit mods, i would highly recommend Blackops:Unleashed, as well as Blackops:ACus. They have relatively few units, but of very high quality.
Total mayhem has a TON of units, some superb, some not so much, and after you work your way around what is what - it becomes VERY fun to play.

Mods that helps you in the game like the Strategic Icon mod... dont know if this working right now... im having a little trouble with the mods with the new client.

I read somewhere here that there is a mod that can help you id the ACU vs. SACU and stuff like that.

Statistics: Posted by alfmas — 28 Apr 2020, 21:26

2020-04-27T15:05:45+02:00 2020-04-27T15:05:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19143&p=183629#p183629 <![CDATA[Re: Wich mods should I install?? (help plz)]]> Total mayhem has a TON of units, some superb, some not so much, and after you work your way around what is what - it becomes VERY fun to play.

Statistics: Posted by DDDX — 27 Apr 2020, 15:05

2020-04-26T15:37:50+02:00 2020-04-26T15:37:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19143&p=183608#p183608 <![CDATA[Re: Wich mods should I install?? (help plz)]]>
Rowey wrote:
Notify is Built in the to game now. and Strategic icons is built in to the game options somwhere under larger Stratigic Ions

Okay thanks, i´ll look for strategic icons.

Another mod that i should have?

Statistics: Posted by alfmas — 26 Apr 2020, 15:37

2020-04-26T13:18:47+02:00 2020-04-26T13:18:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19143&p=183606#p183606 <![CDATA[Re: Wich mods should I install?? (help plz)]]> Statistics: Posted by Rowey — 26 Apr 2020, 13:18

2020-04-26T06:17:57+02:00 2020-04-26T06:17:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=19143&p=183601#p183601 <![CDATA[Wich mods should I install?? (help plz)]]>
I just downloaded the new client and im a little lost about wich mods should I install... and where to find them (vault or post here?)

I used to have strategic icon (but doesnt seem to work all that well now) and notify (when ACU upgraded)...

So, can anyone recommend me some mods??

much appreciate!!

Statistics: Posted by alfmas — 26 Apr 2020, 06:17
