Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-09-19T18:43:32+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=1823 2013-09-19T18:43:32+02:00 2013-09-19T18:43:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=54148#p54148 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]> it would be of big help

Statistics: Posted by rxnnxs — 19 Sep 2013, 18:43

2013-08-29T10:00:47+02:00 2013-08-29T10:00:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=52078#p52078 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]> Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 29 Aug 2013, 10:00

2013-08-29T01:00:34+02:00 2013-08-29T01:00:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=52035#p52035 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>
If you have downloaded the game from steam then you will not have the Mods folder.

go to:

Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance

and make a new folder called "Mods"

then extract the files into your new mods folder and all should work.

Statistics: Posted by micro2 — 29 Aug 2013, 01:00

2013-08-25T15:19:51+02:00 2013-08-25T15:19:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=51685#p51685 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>
Krash wrote:
I don't think this works with GAZ_UI - either that or I'm doing something wrong.

Does it need to be configured anywhere?

Hmm, I remember using *some* form of massfab management with my mod.
Ah, here it is:
Hopefully there's an archive of the vault somewhere?

It's probably not as advanced as the mod mentioned here, but at least it's tested and working with GAZUI.

Statistics: Posted by AdmiralZeech — 25 Aug 2013, 15:19

2013-08-22T18:25:35+02:00 2013-08-22T18:25:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=51473#p51473 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>
Firewall wrote:
Oh, I thought it did. When I place a T2 Pgen next to an Omni, I get double the bonus of T1 Pgen, and double again if it is T3. Perhaps it is to do with size then?

Adjacency bonuses do go up with tech, but they're relatively arbitrary values assigned to specific units, (the pgen one is 25%, 50%, 75%, but the fab/mex ones are not) it's not as if moving a unit to a higher tech category will affect its adjacency values.

I downloaded the fab manager that Bamboocha linked to, but how do I use it? The last time I used this mod it installed itself, and I don't see a 'mods' folder in my like the readme mentions. (Plus I fail at computers :( ) I'm just using the regular interface, so it should work, right?

Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 22 Aug 2013, 18:25

2013-08-14T17:54:07+02:00 2013-08-14T17:54:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=50738#p50738 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>
Does it need to be configured anywhere?

Statistics: Posted by Krash — 14 Aug 2013, 17:54

2013-08-02T03:06:36+02:00 2013-08-02T03:06:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=50048#p50048 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>

The download on the posted link seems to have been removed. Can someone who already has this mod post a new one pls?

The download worked for me just now. Haven't tested if it works with GAZ or hotbuild yet

Statistics: Posted by cogwun — 02 Aug 2013, 03:06

2013-07-03T01:23:22+02:00 2013-07-03T01:23:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=47434#p47434 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>
Edit: Found a version in the gpgnet vault:, but it doesn't seem to work with either GAZ or hotbuild...

Statistics: Posted by Bamboocha — 03 Jul 2013, 01:23

2013-07-02T05:16:13+02:00 2013-07-02T05:16:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=47374#p47374 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>
Zock wrote:
Futhermore, you will note that in FA and FAF, Mass Fabricators are T2. That means they will give twice the adjacency bonus to land factories, as they had in Vanilla Sup Com. You may find this bonus is greater then the actual mass generated from fabrication - and is awarded even if the fabricator is turned off.

The tech has nothing to do with the bonus.

Oh, I thought it did. When I place a T2 Pgen next to an Omni, I get double the bonus of T1 Pgen, and double again if it is T3. Perhaps it is to do with size then?

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 02 Jul 2013, 05:16

2013-07-01T16:34:21+02:00 2013-07-01T16:34:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=47325#p47325 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>

Futhermore, you will note that in FA and FAF, Mass Fabricators are T2. That means they will give twice the adjacency bonus to land factories, as they had in Vanilla Sup Com. You may find this bonus is greater then the actual mass generated from fabrication - and is awarded even if the fabricator is turned off.

The tech has nothing to do with the bonus.

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 01 Jul 2013, 16:34

2013-07-01T08:46:22+02:00 2013-07-01T08:46:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=47299#p47299 <![CDATA[Re: UI mass fab manager]]>
It is also handy when your allies are running power surplus. Because they will bleed power into your eco. So you can even turn your allies surplus E into mass :)

Futhermore, you will note that in FA and FAF, Mass Fabricators are T2. That means they will give twice the adjacency bonus to land factories, as they had in Vanilla Sup Com. You may find this bonus is greater then the actual mass generated from fabrication - and is awarded even if the fabricator is turned off.

If only people knew. :)

Statistics: Posted by Hawkei — 01 Jul 2013, 08:46

2012-08-31T00:03:14+02:00 2012-08-31T00:03:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1823&p=19181#p19181 <![CDATA[UI mass fab manager]]>
link to mod ... 18138.html

Statistics: Posted by noobymcnoobcake — 31 Aug 2012, 00:03
