Anyways, been playing for an hour with Uveso AI only 4v1 skermish & I've noticed something as soon as the no rush timer has expired. Its like playing on 5fps. Jittery, its fast if I speed things up as in production & so on. But the units & moving structures don't move smoothly, they jitter.
Edit.. 4 AI v me. I only have the mod your linked to enabled & for the first 20 minutes, the timer at the top right ticks away at the correct speed. But after 20 minutes, it starts to slow down & the timer seconds tick 2.5x slower per second than normal time. I checked this without the mod enabled & I can play up to around 40-50 minutes before I start to see a slowdown. So something is slowing down the game.
Just to specify, it definitely ain't my system. Running sa Ryzen 1600x, 16G DDR4 on a GTX 1060 3gb.
Edit..OK I've just ran the game in vanilla with FAF & it does exactly the same. So I ran the game without FAF no mods & it runs smoothly up until the slowdown after about an hour. But no stuttering, so FAF is causing it for me.Statistics: Posted by VsUK — 17 Jun 2019, 14:20