QuestionMarkNoob wrote:
I have noticed that with smaller ships like frigates the unit will firstly turn its head into the naval factory and then turn again in order to move out. This whole process sometimes takes up to 5 seconds and seems to be related to this move order.
For some factions this sometimes isn’t the case, while it is particularly bad for Cybran frigates for some reason. If you try it in a sandbox it is its clearly visible and reproducible most of the time.
When I tested it with UEF factories however the issue wasn’t really present, or at least not to the same extent as with Cybran. Also, it might be related to where the factory is facing.
Actually, now that I am testing it more thoroughly, it seems like battleships are also affected pretty severely sometimes. They don’t smash their head into the naval factory, but they sometimes just randomly make 360 degree turns instead of rolling out. It only happens sometimes, and it also depends on how many engies are assisting the fac. Overall it seems to happen randomly.
We can consider not microing engies into the right position when assisting the factory as lack of skill -_-
But on a serious note, the issue mainly shows with T3 navy units that roll off southwards, interestingly T3 Aoen and Seraphim boats have much less problems getting out of the entangling factories as uef and cybran do when rolling out northwards...Statistics: Posted by Evildrew — 02 Apr 2019, 14:00