Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2019-01-19T21:59:17+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=17034 2019-01-19T21:59:17+02:00 2019-01-19T21:59:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=17034&p=171238#p171238 <![CDATA[Re: mod proposal]]> just too bad unit doesn't lose his lock when the unit targeted gets killed. (order gets done)

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 19 Jan 2019, 21:59

2019-01-19T19:50:58+02:00 2019-01-19T19:50:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=17034&p=171235#p171235 <![CDATA[Re: mod proposal]]>
the UI party mod integrated the "selection lock" mod, but instead of having it automated you need to press an hotkey to confirm the non-selectable character of the unit.
I'm having tons of issue with the hotkey "select all air fighters"; this hotkey is super useful to allow player to gather all his inte for air fight (usually it's super important to not split your air force in order to win air battle); but the side effect is that even if you want to gather maximum air fighter for a fight, you might not want to cancel the attack orders of a few of your fighters against some bombers spread out among the map.

the idea would be to be able to lock this attack order (kinda the same way ui party lock the assist order), so i can press the hotkey without fucking the order of these units. Potentially allow an hotkey (eg : ctrl + select all aircraft hotkey) to by-pass that if needs be.
last thing would be to still allow players to manually select those fighters without the hotkey freely.

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 19 Jan 2019, 19:50

2018-12-27T20:10:03+02:00 2018-12-27T20:10:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=17034&p=170525#p170525 <![CDATA[mod proposal]]>
without any unit, i run the game at 60 fps (i5-4200H 2.8GHz and GTX 950M on laptop).
I've radar and countermeasure enable all the time.

with rings on :
when i zoom into 100 janus, it goes to 12 fps
when i select the janus and zoom in, it goes to 4 fps

without rings on :
when i zoom into 100 janus, it stays at 60 fps
when i select the janus and zoom in, it goes to 6 fps

1st mod : it could be interesting to have a mod that disable the rings after reaching a % of zoomed in, since rings helps a lot zoomed out and less when zoomed in. (maybe leave the ring for some units like ACU/EXP....)

2nd mod : disable range signature for some unit, when it's not worth it. In this example, nobody cares about the radar range on the janus. If you disable radar rings for bombers (at least without the selection but i think it's worth it also with the selection) it will help a lot the fps issue.

those are UI mods for Quality of life, especially toward player with not-so-good computer.

Statistics: Posted by keyser — 27 Dec 2018, 20:10
