Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2019-01-25T07:10:33+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=16986 2019-01-25T07:10:33+02:00 2019-01-25T07:10:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16986&p=171352#p171352 <![CDATA[Re: Mod for water wrecks?]]>
OldManDan wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm a bit new here so sorry if I missed this info somwhere.
I am looking for the mod that allows units destroyed in water to leave husks for reclaim (ships, aircraft that crash in water etc.)

I heard it's an integrated mod, but I cant find it on the integrated mod list on the wiki, and I cant find it in the mod vault.

Anyone know what it's called?
The reason I ask is I wanna do a campaign playthrough with this mod and possibly other faf improvements so I am trying to move them over to my separate non-steam install.

If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be much appreciated!

hi man
i think Rks explosion mod is just right for you
if you are using FAF then that mod is good for you
however if u play without FAF and just campaign and skirmish and u playing 3599 or 3603 the old patch, u need ship wreckage mod..

Statistics: Posted by yarkoojar — 25 Jan 2019, 07:10

2018-12-19T18:20:19+02:00 2018-12-19T18:20:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16986&p=170270#p170270 <![CDATA[Re: Mod for water wrecks?]]>
did you solved the problem with your ships or do you need more help ?

In case you need help, please write the unitID of the ship or the exact name.

Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 19 Dec 2018, 18:20

2018-12-13T02:18:17+02:00 2018-12-13T02:18:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16986&p=170168#p170168 <![CDATA[Re: Mod for water wrecks?]]>

On a quick view i found 2 functions related to (ship) wrecks.


function CreateWreckage: ... .lua#L1614

and function CreateWreckageProp: ... .lua#L1622

If you make a mod and hook both functions then your game should create sea-wreckages.

Thanks for this, I actually have this somewhat implemented, however 1 small issue:

It looks like the Aeon T1 frigate has multiple death animations, and in one of them, the ship doesn't actually sink, just blows up. This leaves the wreckage on the water surface. I'm hoping to disable just this death animation, been looking around in the lua files for a while now, any idea on where to start?

Also the cybran destroy leaves no wreckage but i guess that's something to do with how the animation breaks it in multiple pieces when sinking. Maybe it doesn't actually have a wreckage model.

I do know you can start FAF offline, however I been having some performance related problems, FAF games are significantly choppier then vanilla FA is. I still have to figure this one out. Still great multiplayer tho.

Statistics: Posted by OldManDan — 13 Dec 2018, 02:18

2018-12-11T00:03:59+02:00 2018-12-11T00:03:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16986&p=170152#p170152 <![CDATA[Re: Mod for water wrecks?]]>
welcome to FAForever!

On a quick view i found 2 functions related to (ship) wrecks.


function CreateWreckage: ... .lua#L1614

and function CreateWreckageProp: ... .lua#L1622

If you make a mod and hook both functions then your game should create sea-wreckages.

But i strongly suggest you play the FAF game version.
(faster, less bugs, more functions, more missions)

Some ppl think FAF is only online, but it's not.
After hosting a single game on faf (this will download all needed files)
you can start the faf game version also offline with a desktopshortcut directly.


In-house advertising:
If you play FAF then you could also test my new Skirmish AI.
It's better then GPG or Sorian AI and can handle water maps way better then the old AI's.

FAF can load new AI's as normal mod. So you just have to copy the AI files like every other mod to your mod directory.
(you can also download it via FAF client from the mod vault)

PS: Only call me young man, if you are older then 48 :mrgreen:

Statistics: Posted by Uveso — 11 Dec 2018, 00:03

2018-12-10T22:24:15+02:00 2018-12-10T22:24:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16986&p=170151#p170151 <![CDATA[Re: Mod for water wrecks?]]> if you play the faf patched game you will have it

if you wanna play the campaign via steam instead of faf (yes you can just play the campaign mission in faf) then you can probably dig out the code you need from the fa repo on github

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 10 Dec 2018, 22:24

2018-12-10T22:05:00+02:00 2018-12-10T22:05:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16986&p=170150#p170150 <![CDATA[Mod for water wrecks?]]>
I'm a bit new here so sorry if I missed this info somwhere.
I am looking for the mod that allows units destroyed in water to leave husks for reclaim (ships, aircraft that crash in water etc.)

I heard it's an integrated mod, but I cant find it on the integrated mod list on the wiki, and I cant find it in the mod vault.

Anyone know what it's called?
The reason I ask is I wanna do a campaign playthrough with this mod and possibly other faf improvements so I am trying to move them over to my separate non-steam install.

If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be much appreciated!

Statistics: Posted by OldManDan — 10 Dec 2018, 22:05
