Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-04-12T10:45:15+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=16643 2020-04-12T10:45:15+02:00 2020-04-12T10:45:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16643&p=183315#p183315 <![CDATA[Re: Idle Engineers Reloaded]]> the mod is buggy, you might get a black overlay over an unit, only solution is to kill the unit.
the development of the mod was halted, since the base mod that it was started on was hooking the wrong functions
there was a graphical remodeling, here is how it looks:

some changes.png

if you want to make changes to the mod, feel free to do so.

Statistics: Posted by edmundopt — 12 Apr 2020, 10:45

2018-08-31T14:14:29+02:00 2018-08-31T14:14:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=16643&p=167147#p167147 <![CDATA[Idle Engineers Reloaded]]> I had a custom version of UI-party mod, unfortunately I lost it during an HDD terminal issue, so I decided to replicate the mod again
Instead of using UI-party as a base, I decided to use idle engineers from camelCase, so thanks to him for all his work

Its a very simple mod, it creates overlays for :
- idle tech1 engineers
- idle and not idle tech2 engineers
- idle and not idle tech3 engineers

- idle factories
- upgrading factories
- tech1 mass extractors
- upgrading tech 1 mass extractors
- tech2 mass extractors with and without adjacency
- tech3 mass extractors with and without adjacency

- tactical missile silos
- nuke silos

And that's it

Note: The way the overlays are selected for tech2/tech3 mass extractors is a bit rubbish, its even worse for upgrading factories, so fell free to tell me a simpler way(without using any other mod)

You can edit file engineers.lua, its very easy to read, textures are also very easy to edit, to go ahead

Statistics: Posted by edmundopt — 31 Aug 2018, 14:14
