Where do i find em? Mods vault in client doesnt seem to find anything (noshake v2, for example, a must have).
And how to know which ones are compatible? Trial/Error?
The Mods Vault in game seems to need a clean-up from crap/old versions no one will ever use.
My list of must haves so far seems to be: NoShake v2, Supreme Score Board v1.2.
And none of those can be found in client mod vault (downloaded em a long time ago).
Edit: If it wouldnt be too much, couldnt someone write-up a stickied post of UI mods that are superb and very useful/handy with download links and description what it adds.
Another question would be if UI mods that reduce UI lag really reduces UI lag? Or is it just a hoax. If this is true that it does reduce UI lag, wouldnt it be bundled into FAF client? Just a thought.Statistics: Posted by MeSaber — 06 Jun 2018, 13:38