Apparantly you need to have new keybinds set in your game.prefs since keybinds gets loaded before any mods come into play.
So the game gives an error that it doesn't know what action "Specialkey" is. But it knows what it is when you go into keybinding menu since the mod is loaded then.
To add the key to game.prefs you need to have something like this somewhere in your mod (i've seen it put in gamemain.lua ):
- Code:
KeyMapper.SetUserKeyAction('SpecialKey', {action = "UI_Lua import('/lua/keymap/hotbuild.lua').buildAction('PgenNoStorage')", category = 'hotbuilding', order = 1101})
This will add it to your game.prefs and in the next game it'll be work.
2) Looks like hotkey labels can't handle multiple groups containing the same unit. So it just takes whichever comes last in the code.
And tries to get a hotkey for that. But i assume you unbound it and used that key for your new hotbuild group.
So now it tries to show it for the original one but because its not bound it stays empty.
Since you'll probably not want to use the original one anyway, you could try to remove "Pgen" unitkeygroup by setting it to nil.Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 19 May 2017, 17:31